#I'm ok btw just felt a bit silly lmao
angelicichor · 1 year
One thing about me I'm insane and it's a problem to everyone
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Guess who's back lmao. I had another idea and you're one of my favourite twdg writers so I came back. First up, take as long as you need on this, attend to any requests that came before mine before feeling the need to write this.
(Twdg season 1)
You know how after the Motel is attacked, Lilly shoots Carley/Doug? (S1) What if there was like a young pre-teen/teen reader (say, somewhere from 11 to 13.) and whoever Lilly aimed for, she either accidentally missed or the reader protected carley/doug, and the bullet hit the reader in the shoulder/arm (so not fatal just a bit like "bruh"). What would the reactions of the motel gang be? taking into consideration Lilly just shot a literal child 🤣
(I'm sorry if this is oddly specific but I had the idea with it and in your rules you asked for as much specification as possible) if any of this doesn't make sense feel free to ask me because I kind of rambled lmao. If you can't do this for any reason or you struggle to, i completely understand. Have a good day!
Ty! And yeh I do really appreciate the specifics and tysm for all of that yer totally so sweet!!! <<<333
Hope this will do, lovely!!!!
TWDG season 1 group reacting to Lily shooting (but not killing!) a preteen!reader
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To say this man was pissed was an understatement
He didn’t care if Lilly meant it for someone else 1. There was no need to shoot an innocent person and 2. You just fucking shot a kid!
Idc what way you played with part wether you let her stay or no there is no was lee would let her come with you guys after that
After kicking Lilly to the curb he’d go back to you and gently carry you back to the RV before finding anything he can to patch you up
He’s so stressed and annoyed!
He wishes he could’ve gone back in time and changed it
He will fully take care of you till you make a full recovery!
He’d go through hell and back to get any medical supplies you need too<3
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He too was so pissed!
Like he’s shouting and screaming at Lilly
It’s by gods mercy that he didn’t shoot her
He tells everyone to help you get inside and find anything to stop the bleeding
I don’t have to say this because it’s obvious but he’s not letting her come with the group
As you all drive away he keeps shouting and cursing
It’s not very helpful but it’s all he can really do
Katjaa keeps telling him to calm down but yk that’s not gonna happen
He keeps a close eye on you while you recover and he gets a little (a fucking lot) over protective of you
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She wasn’t there too see you get shot but as soon as she heard the gun shot she panicked
She put duck down in a chair and told him to stay calm and not too look
Once she saw you she started tearing up
She felt so bad for you!
She’d tell everyone to keep calm as she tried to bandage your wounds
She’d be at your side 100% of the time and would make sure your as comfortable as you can be
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He also didn’t see everything go down but this kid was so upset
You where one of his best friends (mainly because there where only two other kids in the group, one being you) and he was you you bleeding and in so much pain!
He was already bit and seeing you shot made it so much worse :(
He was willing to share any supplies you needed to help you recover btw!
He’d do anything for his amazing best friend!
He couldn’t really help you out at all or even take your mind of it because he was too sick to do anything
But he’d use any energy he did have to ask if your ok or make a silly joke <:)
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She was traumatised oml
She saw her best friend get shot
She screamed and burst out into tears!
Lee told her to closer her eyes and not look at you while they patched you up, but she didn’t want to leave your side
So she stood in a place where you could see her and closed her eyes, every so often taking a peek and giving you a sympathetic smile
After you got bandaged up she’s stay by you and got you whatever you wanted
This one time the group stopped off to get some supplies are they came back to see her routing threw all the cupboards
“What are you doing, clem?” -group member
“I’m trying to find a snack for (name)! They wanted one :(“
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She felt so bad!
She didn’t mean to shoot you!
She totally froze, unable to say or do anything
Before the group forced her to leave and everyone inside she gave you one final look of worry and regret
She knew that leaving the group was the best thing for them and she wishes that you survive the shooting
That always sticks with her, the guilt may of died down after a few years but the memory never leaves
She always stills wonders if you made it
And if you wanna drag this idea to season 4 she will definitely bring it up to clem
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He totally freaked!
He felt so bad!
That bullet was meant for him (and ben) and yet you got shot :(
The guilt he felt was something he was never going to live down.
This man would risk death to get you any supplies you need for your recovery, it’s the least he can do.
It’s so obvious he feels bad like when Katjaa was patching you up he couldn’t look at you for more than a second
After your recovery he tries and shows you how grateful he is!
He’d either tell you that you where one brave kid and he’s very thankful for that
And/or he’d find you some old teddy that he’d think you’d like!
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Like Doug she felt so bad!
She was shocked at first but then anger took over and she started screaming at Lilly
She helped you get inside and find anything to patch you up
All the time ever during your recovery you could hear her angrily shit talking Lilly for what she did to you
Like Doug, she was obviously a little guilty and would tell you that she was grateful of what you did but she wouldn’t let the guilt consume her forever
But she’s always looking out for you now more than ever
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This poor dude was too shocked to do anything!
He just watched in horror
This was all because of him (and Lilly) but he felt so much guilt!
He never stopped feeling guilty
He doesn’t know what to do at all
He does get you anything you need!
But he just can’t look at you :(
It probably takes him a good few months just to be able to look at you
The only thing you can really get out of him is
“…so uh how are you?”
He just don’t know what to do he wishes he could just go back and stop all of this
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teddybeartoji · 7 hours
me and toji me and toji me and tojiiiiiiii...
we started out as neighbors but it took us like three months to even propely meet lmao,, it takes me a while to get used to new places so when i first moved in i just stayed at home like a lot. a lot a lot. i literally only left to go to the grocery store and then to the park down the street and that's it. and toji is a big homebody too, so he didn't go out all that much either, just work and then the bar with a friend every once in a while. we just didn't happen to move at the same time, despite living right next to each other.
after about a month, i found myself a third place and slowly but surely grew more and more comfortable there – the cinema (nobody is surprised). i always liked to go during the day, as early as i could, just to make sure that there wouldn't be too many people. always in the last row, always in the middle seat. this is the mickey way. anyway, after creating a bit of a routine for myself, i felt more free to observe my surrounding some more too. felt more comfortable to start people watching. and that's when i saw him. mostly dressed in darker clothes, hoodies and big jackets. sometimes with a cap on, sometimes without it. it's not like he was always always there at the same time as me but when he was, he always sat in the last row but instead of fighting for the middle seat, he always sat at the very end of the row. obviously i thought he looked very handsome – we had made eye-contact a few times while buying popcorn by accident and let me tell you, that was enough to have my heart racing ok i am very weak. but i'm not bold enough to strike up a conversation like that so stolen glances and shared movie experiences were all we had. we btw have a very similar taste in films so we did end up seeing each other a lot there lmao
aaaanyway i just had a silly little cinema crush but never did anything abt it bc i'm a pussy ok😔😔 (he's literally the same). okay but so, one day i was coming home from whereever, just stepped into the elevator when a hand stopped the doors and HE appeared. i was very confused. he.. looked confused too lmao,, but now........ loookkkk.... no matter how handsome he is..... he's still a stranger, and a man too at that. a man who seems to be where i am multiple times a week and is now suddenly where i live. yes, i freaked the fuck out okay. don't judge me. he didn't press a floor button either yk so i really did start to spiral over the fact that maybe he's stalking me or smth..... and he saw that. he saw me tense up and he isn't stupid – he knows he's a tough big guy and it did seem like he could've been stalking me. so he immediately backed away a bit, trying to make himself smaller bc he obviously didn't want to make me any more uncomfortable. and then he just blurted out with his raspy voice that he lives here. it definitely cracked the tension a bit. he cleared his throat and slowly pointed at the floor buttons, saying that he lives on the same floor (btw i need everybody to know that he has a bit of an accent in my head it's very very important to me he speaks english very well but his accent still shines through and i love it very very much<33333). he even showed me his keys lmao and i did feel way more safe after that buuut we still didn't really introduce each other or anything. i guess the air still felt just a bit weird.. the doors opened and we both walked to out apartments in silence (it wasn't actually awkward or anything though it was just . silence) and then looked at each other with silly faces when we realized we literally live Right next to each other lmao that was funny. i just said that i moved in like two months ago and that was it. we went our seperate ways.
for a day.
bc you have no idea.. how awful i felt abt that elevator thing. oooooooh my god. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT HE'S SO BIG SO IT'S SO MEAN FOR ME TO ASSUME THAT HE'S SOME AXE MURDERED YK well it isn't but i still felt really really bad esp since he tried to immediately make me feel more comfortable and tried to reassure me that he was not, in fact, stalking me lmao but yeah idk it just weighed really heavily on me i couldn't help but keep thinking abt it soooo i ended up baking a batch of brownies the very next day. and i went to his door (still in my hello kitty pyjama pants mind you)(i forgot to change them) aaand then started rambling and STUTTERING BTWW while apologizing and he just stood there like ???? like he didn't even understand why i was apologizing in the first place lmao he felt it was a very understandable for me to have that fear and to think the way i was thinking (he actually felt a bit bad abt the whole thing inside too he just didn't really know how to express it). aaaanyway so he was just there staring at me with like a veeery faint smile bc at a point it got a bit ridiculous bc i really did start just rambling abt the whole thing lmao it was uhhh just a bit embarrassing (the fact that he's hot didn't help either thank you very much). he thought it was cute how i was there trying to apologize for smth that he should've been apologizing for himself lmao he tried to say no to the brownies at first and i shoved them at him so hard they all almost fell.. aaand i think that's exactly where he decided that hm. mickey . yes weird little creature i am intrigued i want to know more yk?
btw we still didn't exchange numbers or anything at that point, that happened later after i came knocking at his door at twelve am bc there was a big spider in my room but i'll talk abt that some other time:33333333 thank you for reading abt the miji lore i love you . and i love him. sooooso much he means the world to me<3333333333333333
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the-one-who-lambs · 9 months
🐑🐑🐑 (3) (for the fic ask thingy in case this confuses u lmao)
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
This is... a long one. TL;DR: It took me a while but I finally, actually internalized that I don't need to set goalposts for myself and consistently move them.
Story's gonna get vulnerable and involve a few other people too. Many of y'all probably saw me go through a whole character arc but I've never really talked about how I felt about this (aside from a couple close friends).
Around July/August, I noticed my readership going down because I had just finished a big writing project and I was moving on to other stuff/trying to figure out what my next big thing was gonna be. I have always always written for myself but ngl, getting lots of consistent engagement and then suddenly not as much anymore made me wonder if I was doing something wrong, if the quality of my works were going down. I vented to a group of friends (including you lmao sorry Juliet) about it and they were like "chill it's the beginning of the semester and people are getting rly busy it's ok" and I was like "yeah makes sense" but nope, I had just plateaued and was dropping off a little for a couple months.
Around the same time, I posted about reaching some sort of milestone and got an anon (maybe well intentioned but it seemed kinda backhanded) that basically said "oh if you ACTUALLY have that many reads that makes you the most popular writer in the cotl fandom. I'm gonna place u above everyone else due to this metric I just kinda invented." And once I noticed my readership had stopped growing and just kinda leveled off/dropped a little bit it made me anxious. Sadly, "keeping others interested" with my writing wasn't really a concern of mine until this started bothering me
I did know that recognition was not the same thing as talent but silly perfectionist brain thought "oough you're the exception btw. you're just not interesting anymore and therefore you're probably not as good anymore lol"
Anyway. October rolls around. I start getting some asks comparing my writing to bamsara's, starting with them mentioning little details that sound very similar but realistically are coincidences because sometimes multiple writers see a theme/motif and we all start chewing it. Anyway, it's obvious that anon is just trying to start shit. Maybe they saw how I'd been kinda beating myself up abt my writing for a little while and tried to make me jealous of them. I don't know. It's probably not worth trying to understand tbh. I just delete the asks. I keep anons on just in case there's a genuine concern.
at this point I'm gonna interrupt to say EVERYTHING TURNS OUT OK I PROMISE and I'm not tagging you in case it's a sore spot but Sara if you're reading this I'm literally so sorry that me learning the lesson I got out of this involved you getting these nasty messages too.
Bam posts something kinda vague about how they get compared to some writers they've never read before. I hope this is a coincidence but alarm bells are going off and I keep this to myself.
Anon keeps doing this every once in a while for a few weeks; at first it looks like anon is accusing bamsara of copying me (???? like i said, we're just exploiting similar themes) and then it starts turning into basically "they're doing everything you're doing but better." Bam obviously hadn't done anything wrong, so I keep supporting them as I do the other writers in the fandom. Eventually the anon gets kinda pissy that I'm not envious or trying to tear someone else down or whatever. I've kept this mostly to myself and they don't like that.
So when they send an ask in mid-November and this had been going on for a few weeks I finally answer an ask to tell them to shut the hell up (gracefully) and then I forget about it and go to sleep. Wake up the next morning and uhhh. See Bam feels like shit because they got a really scathing message. Comments say it happened during a stream and I check it to see if it's the same anon and it is. Fuck on a stick. I literally burn myself out with anger over the next two days until I donate to their kofi as a peace agreement. They reach out and apologize for something they didn't do and it takes me until now to realize that literally nothing I have worried about over the past few months matters at all.
Anyway. It all turns out fine because we become mutuals and hype each other up. Kicker is, whoever it was forgot to turn off anon in Bam's askbox so we got to block them and I'm pretty sure they deactivated too lmao. I reached out to a bunch of writer friends and checked in with them to violently spread positivity and I've been trying to violently spread positivity as much ever since. Yay. Happy ending but sucks that this had to happen for me to crush my anxiety. Bam and I are buddies now and I've also befriended many more writers since, too. cotl writers we are unionizing.
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wrecking · 9 months
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december!! what the fuck do you MEAN it's already been 2 years of doing these monthly charts. uh open for names and stuff yaurrrr
going to add a little description for why a certain thing ends up on here
the volunteers - the volunteers / dash's favorite album!!! super meaningful to me now
maggie rogers - surrender / this has just kinda been a mood all year. like messy and melodramatic and bombastic and honest
lady gaga - the fame monster / got pulled to revisit this, and i'm sorry but she served so fucking hard. this is the deluxe w the fame included btw
ariana grande - dangerous woman / idk i just felt like i needed to revisit it after spending a lot of time away and unfortunately it's still a really good pop album
mitski - the land is inhospitable and so are we / underrated as fuck healing album. easily her best
beabadoobee - beatopia / been revisiting a lot of summer 2022 stuff and this one has held up so well. really good album and great cover
hitsujibungaku - 12 hugs (like butterflies) / i love their previous album and this is their new release! it's not my favorite but it's rly good and i wanna give it more time to grow on me
marina - electra heart / been pulled back to the melodramatic pop of my teen years (see tfm and dw above) and they're all just really good? been humming hypocrates all month
yeule - softscars / been an album for processing shit and letting it go and being unabashedly, cringedly myself
boygenius - the record & the rest / [ tries not to cry ] ok but actually tho just cool about it & afraid of heights. that is all
alvvays - blue rev / dash rly likes after the earthquake and the album is so good :)
charli xcx - crash / missed this album a bit! still rly good imo like it fills the niche of pop to turn your brain off to
food house - food house / my fav hyperpop project still, wanted earnestness and simple tried-and-true tactics rather than gimmicks and frost childrens' hyperpop albums have been on heavy rotation all year so i figured i'd revisit this instead
olivia rodrigo - guts / the stranglehold this has on my teenager arc...
pinkpantheress - heaven knows / REALLY good in a surprising way. thought her debut project was good-but-not-great but this has some BANGERS and a stunning cover. women win
yola - stand for myself / revisiting summer 2022 stuff again, but this is like the most meaningful album of that era to me and i have been just thinking about a lot
lucy dacus - home video / [ starts crying ] top 3 of all time for me. thumbs only hits harder as more time passes unfortunately
courtney barnett - tell me how you really feel / dash really likes it, and i've been in the mood for some courtney anyways. ttttt is also rly good but it's a healing album and i am not exactly healing rn lmao
hayley williams - flower for vases (descansos) / continuing right from where ^ left off, this has been my comfort during rough times for going on 3 years now. such a flawless album
rina sawayama - hold the girl / ok now HERE'S a healing album. this one is still so good idgaf if it's not experimental genre fusions. the girls that get it get it and the ones that don't dont
corinne bailey rae - black rainbows / can i be real i listened to this on a whim this month bc of mic the snare and wow it's so good. been on my mind ever since
sigrid - the hype / honestly a bit of a sleeper hit on this chart? borderline has been slowly becoming one of my all time fav pop songs, and i forgot how good wanted it to be you was
frost children - hearth room / my fav hyperpoppers really went and made an indie record... it's fun tbh it's silly and lighthearted and i love frost park in particular :)
carly rae jepsen - the loneliest time & the loveliest time / both of these are stunningly good but i've been fixating on talking to yourself all month
ethel cain - preacher's daughter / [ continues crying ] girlie is emotionally crafting things to be here specifically for me during my lowest points and we love that for me
ok so real shit i already finished crunching the stats but i am too dissociative to do the fucking stat analysis rn. it'll be in the january post idgaf ok cya in 2024 * vine boom *
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach - Ruin DLC
-For one, huge props to the devs for this DLC; you can definitely tell they looked at community feedback and reception from SB and not only polished the game a lot more, but also added in stuff they knew the players would like (ex. the wet floor sign bots have an actual purpose in the game + lore implications, Glamrock Bonnie official appearance and backstory regarding Monty, the Map Bot callback with the Mask Bot, etc)
-They also returned to their roots with making Ruin feel more horror-based than SB was. SB wasn't bad for not being as horror-based, but I know a lot of FNAF fans felt disappointed with the lack of horror considering FNAF is not only a horror franchise, but was a huge part of the indie horror game scene. They upped the atmosphere and it payed off pretty well
-Cassie was a great character, her sassy attitude felt very natural and fun, and unlike most horror video game protags she actually questioned the weird shit happening around her like a normal person would. Plus her backstory with Gregory was brief but gave us plenty to work with, I feel like the two have great matching personalities and it makes so much sense why they're friends
-Somehow they managed to make the animatronics even greasier than in SB post-pizzaplex fire. Chica having a garbage bag hanging out of her gut when she kills you in the bathroom was haunting, I loved it and I want more (also Monty physically should not be able to function)
-Ok the devs definitely looked at community fan works cause fucking Eclipse was canonized like I can't believe the crazy bastards did it lmao. I'm very curios about those implications cause I don't think Sun and Moon were ever Eclipse before, they would shift around on duty and the virus in SB is what made Moon go haywire, but somehow we made the two merge entirely and that caused the virus to leave them? And become a secret third option called Eclipse?? I'd love to know what that whole thing was about
-SB was completely different from how the previous FNAF games were and some felt like it was following the new indie horror mold and abandoning the iconic FNAF style, so it was nice seeing the camera and puzzle system implementation; though its still a first-person survival game, the new system made it feel more like classic FNAF
-The V.A.N.N.I. system was interesting, from a lore standpoint I think its a bit silly that a pizzaplex would have all this extremely advanced AI technology (SB was kind of a disaster as much as I loved it) but the mechanic was fascinating; I like how they took a little part of SB (Rocky's eyes letting you see through walls) and sort of expanded on that to make it a fun play feature in the DLC (though the potential to miss things when you're on either V.A.N.N.I. or Real World mode does stress me out but that's just me lmao)
-Love how it said "Security Node Breached" when you completed the code breaks. Cause Security Breach. Haha. Anyways.
-That one part where you're going down a ladder and the security bot is dead right in front of you was fantastic and deserves its own spot here
-I can't believe the game made the most difficult and tense enemy in the game the mini-DJs but didn't show us the actual DJMM. This is a crime against me specifically.
-The Security AI was a great character to force the player to be vigilant and put pressure on them when doing the node breaks, makes it so you can't just stay in AI Mode to avoid the animatronics
-Everything with Roxy was 10/10. Her reaction to Cassie not being Gregory and immediately going into human-companion mode, her still being pissed as fuck at Gregory and wanting her eyes back (which was hilarious btw), her remembering Cassie's birthday during that scene and protecting her from the Mimic... it does beg the question though of how exactly Roxy is unaffected by the virus where Monty and Chica weren't, cause even in SB she showed a level of sentience that Chica and Monty didn't. Questions questions...
-Headless stomach-mouth Freddy was not the boss fight I was expecting but damn did it slay, like I said they upped the spookiness and it payed off
-Gregory helping us escape the Mimic underground but then killing us "so they wouldn't get tracked" is confusing, I think that was the Mimic talking to us still and also the one killing us in the elevator, but does that mean we never talked to the real Gregory? Was there a point where we talk to the real one? Does it depend on the ending? God I have so many questions
-I watched one letsplay so this might not be a thing on other people's runs but the enemies (animatronics and the Security AI) didn't really seem like threats. The game AI might've been jank cause it was pretty easy to get past their pathfinding, and it took a long time of being "caught" by the Security AI for you to actually die. The game felt like it had no stakes which decreased the intensity (they needed better pathfinding to chase the player around more consistently, and the Security needed to be more difficult to avoid/quicker to kill the player)
-I know its a DLC so its gonna be shorter but the sections went by way too quickly, I don't know if that was intentional or if the devs were on a time crunch but it felt hard to get immersed in the chase scenes cause of how fast they went by. I think one section had a jumpscare and then a chase scene that lasted 20 seconds before it was over, they needed to give more time dedicated to chase scenes and the jumpscares that start them (the Monty one at the beginning was great for example)
-Cassie's voice didn't always feel suited to the scene, they gave her a bit of a whiner/impatient voice which is fine, but even people with her fed-up attitude will have moments of fear, sadness, anger, and I think Cassie's VA needed more voice direction cause in moments when she should've sounded terrified, it sounded like she hit an annoying inconvenience rather a life threatening situation (she needed more range basically)
-How did Roxy come back when we deactivated her? Cassie essentially just hit the power down button so I know she wasn't dead but how did she push her own power button back on? Someone else would have had to do it for her to save Cassie. If I'm missing something then criticism rescinded but if not, its a loophole
Final Thoughts:
The game was less lore-heavy and character interaction-driven than SB, so the pitfalls of the gameplay were a bit glaring. Regardless, it had many shining moments and the devs really did listen to the community which is always much appreciated and shows care for the audience. Ruin is a solid horror game to play and I recommend it for anyone into FPS games and FNAF.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Or you should only get married once- or that! Ok! Girl YOU help, you're the one there!
This scene made my mom do her resistance band physiotherapy while we were watching lol Oof poor beckett. trauma or smth. Like hamantha except it doesn't actually work that way, right? Mythbusters did that
Oh that's so tragic Is that pattern or blood on him? Pattern. it is the weave of his shirt.
not a good joke XD Beckett looks nice today but also like that shirt is pyjamas. Castle looks normal, good as always, ryan is wearing that suit style he does, love the vest as always. & let's check my laundry to make sure it doesn't flood. Wait I had a dream about chicken stock last night. It was intense. At least, for me, a chef.
When I first watched this I didn't get it but now that it's the second time I can hear the "It’s a common ammunition favored by… ...........long range shooters." LMAO INTERNET EXPLORER do adults actually say "I'm a big girl" in a serious way? I thought it was lighthearted, like it seems here. "haha I'm a big girl now, you don't need to avoid the word, silly you silly me" See after this point it became seamless, shooter sniper whatever. Bro what's so special about "my unit" of special forces. (tho yeah it really is skill to be able to do that) Oof she asked if she felt it Why would you say that castle?
Ok so exit wounds are so so much worse than entrance wounds, but we only get a glimpse of her back so yk maybe we can't see it. But as someone else pointed out, She Had Surgery. She should have not only a Bullet Scar, but also the Surgical Scar.
Ooh now that's a sexy gun. & I'm an anti-gun person. (doesn't mean I can't find guns intriguing.)
The way the shooter was looking made it seem random. I also did not see a flag.
Poor beckett & the car door. Someone needs to write that fanfic at the diner under the table & I think it is going to have to be me. The captions wrote nada THIS time. The what now? I'm not american idk any dc shooter Ooh good scenes, the overwhelm overstim sounds doppler shiny it tickles my neurodivergence (adhd) as it prods at hers (ptsd) yo I LOVE hearing him talk smart like that. Lanie looks soo so cute when she's concerned Nobody's going to offer her a hand up? why was the /siren/ the trigger tho? btw nice jean jacket
wait I was looking on the wrong side of the sign! I went back & I did see the corner of the flag I think.
Ryan has a nice jacket, light grey with a faint square pattern on it, plus a lapel pin as always, blue dhirt, tie, & looks like the pants match the jacket. Esposito has a collared t-shirt, grey/black, only three buttons or so, badge around his neck. Yeah castle shut it Uh gates, you should have identified that you were asking about links first. close to a thousand qualified shooters just from this country tho. You have more than that. Ryan asks if she is ok when she just doesn't respond & like bro of effing course she is not ok but he is expressing concern & I love it
KB: I don’t have PTSD. me: you literally do??? You know, paranoia sucks but sometimes it can be useful. I always try to sit facing so I can see the room or the door but that's mostly paranoia. I NEVER go through a door I don't know I can open again but this one is actually useful & important. Yeah it is a bit paranoid to check the door every time I take a break at work but at school I went to take a break & check the door & I was right that it didn't open. In fact: right after I checked, someone came through a door on the other side & I had to let them in. Mum used to work in an airport. I grew up post 9/11, there are school/mass shooting crises, so the airport would host active shooter training. Heck, I was at a religious event & we got a bomb threat! So yeah, I care about this stuff. Always know the exits & muster points in case of fire or shooter. Always know where the fire extinguishers are. Yeah maybe some anti anxieties would help take the edge off until you deal with the trauma, then you can go off the meds once you've dealt with it. But lots of anti anxieties & SSRIs take a couple weeks to work hun "you don't have to" ugh so so good She's got to be able to do something to take the edge off while she refuses to deal with it for real...
RC: How worried should I be about Beckett? She’s never snapped at me like that before. JE: ... ??/ . RC: And meant it. JE: Hell, it was bad for me when I came back and I never took a bullet. Except then in s5 they retcon that, espt says to his bud that he took a bullet for him & the bud owes him info on this burner laptop. RC: Well, at least she doesn’t remember it. JE: Or she doesn’t want to remember. RC: JE: A thing like that? It’s easier to just keep in a box. [& yk what? Good for her if that was the case.] This case might bust that box open. RC: So, what can we do? KR: Catch the shooter. ["I will be once jerry tyson is in cuffs"] JE: He’s right. Best thing for everyone, Beckett included. In the meantime, just give her space and don’t take it personally. They all love her sm lmao freaking windows media player he is either taunting you, or he is asking for help, same with the little things he leaves at every scene dna? really? ig it is just a figure of speech
cool ass telescope wow I hate the imperial system sm why would a worker's kid be up here with a paper doll? on top of the sandbag/cement bag, castle. That's how you shoot babe. Adjusting for wind is so technical, it's so smart & difficult. Ooh! Another shooting victim? At the same time that espt is explaining it? So cool! hats off to the writer/director/editor/everyone. Or wait, it is not a NEW shooting, it is the one we already saw. Regardless, I love the audio too.
People are GOING Love how castle makes it sound like it's his idea Loud clap of the elevator doors
HOLY CRAP 92 IS A HECK OF A LOT. Seriously, if you want to get into a fight, get two lines of people, & make em hash it out in a good old fashioned brawl, no weapons, & see who wins. woah kate maybe it is time you step off the case. Ask gates to force her off the case. Beckett would hate you even more, gates, but the rest of the team would thank you.
Hun becks is not the one to ask for his help after accusing him like that. kinda wish we got to see more of espt's interview with the fellow
castle coffee is not a good idea, it makes you shakey & anxious. Wait it's decaf. Decaf is just the grossness of the coffee without the caffeine... I think that castle gave her that magnifying glass oh nvm little point viewing espt's interview with marcus
KB: >:( KR, softly: Hey. We’ll figure it out, okay? ugh so soft & caring wait u can get dna from sweat? Also how do you get the sweat dna without the moleskin dna? wow I just noticed beckett has small ears KB: You know he saw her face when he killed her? People always think that snipers are so removed from their targets. But he wasn’t. He was as close as we are right now, looking through that scope. Wow that's something.
mum didn't even recognize becks here bc she looked so out-of-it tbh I thought this was a dream. esp with where her gun was. fun story (with sui tw): mum got into a car accident on the way to school. The car flipped upside down & she had to push herself against the roof of the car to be able to unbuckle herself & get out. When she was ou ttho, she realized she had to go back in & remove the heavy metal music from the CD player so the media couldn't blame it for the accident. As she was going back in, she cut her hands by crawling on the glass. There was blood dripping down her hands onto her wrists. Mum looked at the car & said "my parents are going to kill me." So rumour got around. Nowtransparent had blood on her wrists! Ntp was bleeding from her wrists, she got cut on her wrists! She said her parents would kill her! Ntp cut her wrists! Ntp cut her wrists on purpose! Ntp killed herself because her parents were going to kill her! Ntp's parents were so mad that she killed herself! & then mum showed up to school & everyone was like "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" (reminds me, she apparently cut herself when she was younger maybe 13, to see how much it would hurt if she killed herself, because she was an undiagnosed ADHD girl in the 80s.)
You know what, some ppl complain that alexis should not have been the one to figure it out bc there is a team of cops but seriously? I think it doesn't matter & is better for the story & possibly more accurate in some ways too. Tho it just so happens that alexis knows this painter? that part is far fetched. along with the pronunciation. But heck yeah let her live her life it's fine!
Yeah ppl are going to think it is self inflicted. She should really be wearing a more skintight type of sweater, I know she has them, & she should not have bled thru at least not that far. as a SHer I say she could do so much better ryan's so pretty! I'm not a fan of striped shirts but he wears them so often & this one is so pretty. & he has a tie & vest of course. lmao love how beckett is "new york city street name" but ryan is like "church" it warms my folk-catholic heart why are So Many phones ringing & why is nobody answering...? this is the entire homicide department
Well that was scary she was just there on the stretcher... When she took off her jacket I thought for sure she'd have a vest on. she takes off all the stuff to get out of cop mode! that's it! Like how you are only allowed to play with your service dog after you take of their jacket & they clock out. Where is castle tho? He surely would have followed her
This episode is way more esposito involving than I thought it would be. [21:59, INT. PRECINCT, BULLPEN - DAY] RC: She’s spinning out of control. She’s losing her ability to cope. [Esposito blinks at Castle solemnly. The elevator dings & Castle nods to it. The door opens and Beckett hesitates & then steps out, her hands are deep in her pockets.] RC, lowering his voice & stepping closer to Esposito: She should not be on this case. JE: Well, she’s not just going to walk away. [is this man wearing eyeliner btw? bc if he is I love it] RC: No, she’s going to drive herself into the ground. And you’re the only one [Esposito breaks eyecontact] who has any clue as to what she’s going through. So, what helped you? [Esposito looks over to Beckett. Castle follows. Beckett walks to her desk, seemingly shaken. Esposito looks back at Castle & nods.] I'm sure more of them have been shot at some point or another but ig beckett's experience was probs more intense since she almost died. I mean remember when esposito said that ryan was waiting for the other shoe to drop in 4x4 in reference to 3x6?
[22:28, INT. PRECINCT, EVIDENCE ROOM - DAY] KB, hands still deep in her pockets: Espo, what are we doing back here? [I like the nickname espo just fine but the emphasis is on the sito half of it & most nicknames are the emphasized part.] JE: I want to show you something. [Esposito takes out a sniper rifle from under the table.] KB: What is that? JE: The rifle…that shot you. KB, soft & strained: You are way out of line. JE, lifting his fingers to gesture while he holds it: Just look at it. KB: [backs away a bit] No, what the hell are you doing? JE: I’ve been where you are. I know what you’re going through. KB, looking a bit mad now even tho she's on the verge of tears: Javi, I’m fine. [ooh first names] JE, walking slowly closer to her around the table: You’re not fine. You’re just trying to act like you are. [fake it until you make it?] This is just a tool. [Beckett stands with her arms down & out, most fingers are holding her jacket sleeves down but one on each hand is sort of pointing to her.] It’s a hunk of steel. It has no magical powers and the person that fired it is not some all-powerful god. He’s just a guy with a gun. [Beckett either nods or kind of sobs/shakes I can't tell.] Just like the guy we’re hunting now. And like every other bad guy, ["bad guy"] he’s damaged goods. KB: [Blinks, then swallows.] So am I. JE: [eyes flick down to where she was shot for a split second.] That’s right. [Beckett watches him with hurt in her face.] And that’s okay. You think it’s a weakness? [with a firm, almost angry face] Make it a strength. [some things you can do that with but idk abt this... I do like how he does not argue that she is not damaged tho. he says yes you are, we are, & it is not going to break us, it is not going to hold us back. He also says that somehow one can make it into a strength but yk I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.] It’s a part of you. [Beckett cries a single tear. Esposito holds the rifle out for Beckett to take it.] JE: So use it. [The music is solemn. Beckett slowly approaches Esposito who has the rifle extended & she takes the rifle slowly, hands shaking. She sniffs & is crying. Esposito watches her. Beckett makes eye contact & nods. Esposito nods back. He glances down, probably to make sure she has it, then walks away.] Ok so wtf just happened? is THAT what helped u espt? You're just going to leave her now? I'm kind of confused. It was a great great scene tho. Maybe I'll record it for the internet
The nods between castito Man is definitely flashing the camera that coffee cup on purpose
Oh I thought esposito was covering for her, she's actually out here running down a lead. Or not a lead but she's out here with that gun. She just has it & is walking around with it She pulled something? She has a cell phone...
Man just counting money at the table The faces that caspocketto share when becks comes back in <3 Hey mom said she thought the guy had a limp!
Was there some sort of identity switch? He's still my brother
Yeah people are very good at not noticing homeless people
Oh dang that's not an it. Those are many.
Different lighting. The bullets sound like a pack of pencil crayons. Ryan has not changed, is it the same day?
Castle CARES. He is not just in it for the story, he is more useful helping ryan figure out the victims.
I know I'm anti gun with pronouns but dang that is a nice gun. hold on where did they find his car? Was it near where he is rn, getting into position?
lmao high schoolers. I like how the bus driver just smiles back at them too.
I like how the one pedestrian starts running when they see the cops. Esposito goes the other way... Also he gets the big gun lol. Ryan whispering "Come on, come on." & then yelling "Answer your phone, damn it!"
he is NOT going to be there. Or he is & is going to target beckett on purpose. wait this was ONE open suite? It's huge! he isn't going to be in this room either or nvm there's just a random photo of a schoolbus there or wait no he's not here or ok he is then! Wow that was a lot ooh, you see how he kicked her gun off to the side but he has a prosthetic leg? Love it when they have characters with speech impediments & it is not the butt of a joke Just like Mike Royce said, flash your tits! See? He was leaving those dolls there for a reason u r still the enemy kate... Frame rate. They sell highspeed cameras you know. Tho idk how much one would cost for movies. It might have a better frame rate but it might be more pixelated or the colours might be off idk. THAT'S why esposito went to the other roof. He looks stressed af there, see the way he's breathing out?
RC: Just waiting for my partner. Maybe you’ve seen her. Pretty girl, thinks she can leap tall buildings in a single bound, carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet still manages to laugh at some of my jokes. [xd some of my jokes] well castle did push, but he pushed esposito. always <3
girl back in s1 maybe s2 you said it took a year of therapy to get over the fact that your mom was killed & you spent your life then being normal so why can't you go back to that? CB & me: she's dead, u can't let her down I hope he doesn't turn out to be evil.
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malphantasias · 2 years
Divorce Quartet Headcanons!
Because I might just implode if i do nothing☆
Divorce Quartet consists of Pearl, Scott, Martyn and Cleo btw!
I've never made a headcanon list before either so this is sure to be a time.
--- --- ---
Sometimes when he's in a silly goofy mood, he blows his goat horn for the specific intent of annoying Martyn; consecutively if he knows Martyn is nearby.
He's a glowy dude. His green streak seems to shimmer when it hits the light justtt right.
Though he rejected Pearl, he is still undeniably worried for her safety, and not just as "well I'll die if she dies". Genuine concern. You can't pry their LL smp dynamic even from my cold dead hands...
Living his best cottagecore life with Cleo! They have frequent meetings where they just vibe and hang out and have a great time. And if it's a bad day where they're getting a lot of damage from their soulbounds, they talk it out with each other and they help each other get through the transmitted pain.
Scott is still holding the grudge of the first session of their souldbounds going off on their own, but between him and cleo, with the right words I think he'd be willing to take them back. It would be awkward as hell when they aren't trying to survive, but better this than your soulbound suddenly dying yknow?
It's Scott's chaotic arc guys! Not that he ever left it but it's definitely obvious here this time. He either comes up with either great ideas or bad ideas that metaphorically (and sometimes literally) blow up in your face in a funny way. No in between. He deserves that after everything.
Every now and then, he feels the phantom pain of his life ending from Last Life SMP due to unnatural it was. He worries that Pearl will feel it through their link.
He bounces a lot between groups of other soulmates.
He hates Cleo. Cleo hates him. It's a match made in hell boys. Is still careful about taking damage but sometimes just out of spite he'll make her do all the healing.
He hopes emotional pain can't be felt through the soulbound link. Sure him and cleo hate each other now but... it still stings knowing you got rejected before could even happen.
Martyn feels like an unapologetic person. He only felt a smudge of hesitation before rejecting pearl and going off on his own. Unless it benefits him, i dont know if he'll even want to join up with pearl again, much less scott and cleo.
Ok but like. Totally freeloads off of the other soulmate pairs of the server. Man has become a travelling hobo.
Not sure of what yet but I really want Pearl to girlboss just a bit too close to the sun.
She got herself a small quaint home for herself and tilly.
She starts to actively feel guilty when she takes damage and does make real attempts to try and lessen it.
Holding out a tiny bit of hope for the GGG's to make a reunion, no matter how miniscule.
Ok but also... red life GGG reunion and Pearl is the reason why. I will not elaborate.
Unlike Scott she knows how to hold a grudge. Earning her trust when you've pre-emptively destroyed it is like trying to feed someone suspicious stew that definitely has poisonous properties and they know it.
Since the last life rule of red lives having to isolate themselves is gone, she'll definitely stick together with Scott if one of them goes red first. Why would she ever abandon the soulmate that SHE'S chosen?
She knows Martyn sometimes doesn't heal on purpose to piss her off and my god does it work. Scott has to keep her from going on a rampage and tearing martyn to pieces herself.
Her and scott made their own thing to represent their chosen soulmate thing; an idea she came up with. Maybe they made flower crowns and exchanged it. Maybe it's something much more meaningful because I'm not that big brain. I like the idea that they represented their soulmate thing their own way.
And that's it, I'm done! Just a bunch of food for thought huh lmao
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Ok the "Thanksgivings will be awkward when I steal you from him" was kinda cute, kinda funny u know? But then there he goes AGAIN with the disregarding of what she's actuslly saying. I feel like literally at EVERY chance he gets to be cute and hopeful, he chooses to be so condescending instead. Seriously I can't be the only one that finds Bucky kind of... belittling as fuck when he gets like this lmao why tell her that you'll "wait for her" when you're already convinced that you're such a catch and she'll come running back to you soon enough? It's so patronizing, "yeah I'll play along with this silly little idea you have that you could actually be single lol but really we both know u can't live without me, who are you even trying to fool u silly baby 😉"
what a big fucking ego indeed, and not even in a cute way. Like a little bit of ego and cockiness yeah that's cute and fun, but he takes it to just asshole levels so quickly, I'm so sorry but dudes like this just piss me off so bad lmao
Man, this dude needs a serious reality check soon. I feel like not once has he felt that she's actually not his, and I'm sorryyyyy babes but that ain't cute. A guy that is never truly afraid to lose u bc "she's mine and deep down she knows it😎"... yeah, we don't need that lol.
I think one of the biggest reasons for it -in addition to Bucky being actually pretty spoiled- is that he actually genuinely believes that they belong together so they will end up together 😂
Like, is it a sign of a healthy relationship? NOPE 😂😈 But neither of them can see that 😈
I totally see what you mean btw 😂❤ It's not just a bit of ego, it's a lot of ego and cockiness 😂❤
Thank you so much! ❤❤❤
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astrolopology · 7 years
so like months ago u gave me advice, and rn I just feel like venting so here I come again.. ♈ sun&moon, ♊ Venus, right okok here, so as contrast I'm gonna tell u bout this, I used to have a huuuge crush on my best friend but I never said anything cus I felt I might put her on a very uncomfortable situation and I also to come out was a bit of a struggle since I wasn't sure about telling anyone that I'm bisexual.. lmao (to continue)
(second part) (I feel like I'm being stupid but oh well) so I didn't act up on that matter, I just cried a few times and convinced myself that if it's just a crush it'll go away, made my way out of that and now I'm like getting into a guy and I just can't wait to be around him and stuff but I feel like I'm being silly.. I don't like catching feelings u know? It makes me vunerable and I don't like it)))))): I don't know what to do or say to him sometimes, I just want to be there!!! And be happy:/
Of course, I remember you! You were feeling pretty down a while back, I'm so glad to hear from you again!! It seems like you're feeling better💕💗💕
ok having a crush on a friend is the pits, but having one before you're comfortable being out is the WORST, especially the first time (those feelings linger) -- i sympathize.also, GEMINI VENUS MOOOOD -- having a real crush/catching feelings seems such a RARE phenomenon for us?I'm jealous and also so EXCITED FOR YOU??????!!!!! "NEW LOVE" IS TERRIFYING, BUT EXCITING!!!! GET IT!!!!!!! 👏🏻Try to let yourself be in the moment with him! Be yourself -- even if yourself is happy and excited and goofy!! Isn't it flattering/charming and wonderful to feel that someone likes and is jazzed to even be around YOU?? You're just being that good feeling for someone else!! Consciously try to enjoy it as much as you can and don't worry about too much about what should happen or what's going to happen -- just BE -- and the happiness will come :)
THANK YOU FOR UPDATING AND SHARING YOUR JOY WITH ME ??? I LOVE HEARING IT. Keep me posted on things I really hope they work out for you, friend!!!
this blog is always a VENT APPROVAL ZONE btw -- good or bad, big or small, the inbox is always open to shout into ✨
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