#I'm on medications that all have weight gain as their top side effect
jedi-bird · 1 year
Mother in law called me fat today. I'm literally done helping anyone in this family ever again.
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trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: arthritis, sore joints, comfort, hugging, steroid side effects, body image issues
Summary: Aone hates seeing you in pain...
A/N: My arthritis knowledge comes from family and friends, obviously one size doesn't fit all.
Tagging: @dacidolly
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Coming home from his shift at the construction site, Aone dropped his bag on the floor and removed his shoes. He could hear you humming in the kitchen when he came in and frowned... why were you doing housework? Picking up the hoover and placing it back in the cupboard where it usually went, the noise of the door closing making you jump and turn to him with a bright smile, he walked over and took your hands in his.
"Hi, handsome. How was work?" He nodded. "I made dinner, y'know that dish your mum usually makes? That one."
He frowned again when you pulled your hands away to stir the pot, your knuckles red and swollen, you were wearing a brace on your knee and he could see the heat patch on your back under the cropped t-shirt you were wearing. Clenching his jaw tightly, he reached over to turn the gas off and took the pan off the stove off before carefully picking you up bridal style.
"Wait! Aone- dinner! Hey! Put me- babe, put me down."
You honestly had no clue what had gotten into your husband it wasn't often that he acted like this and you were a little worried since he hadn't eaten dinner yet. Another day off work since your joints were constantly in pain today, working from home made it a little easier and the medication you were on for the inflammation helped a little but you were self conscious about their side effects. The new stretch marks everywhere, the weight gain especially on your face and the stomach, on top of the fact that your boyfriend was built like a Greek god made your thoughts all the more dark.
"Aone, put me down. You'll injure yourself for God's sake, I'm not as small as I was before."
That made him pause, his forehead in a scowl as he looked at you. You could see his eyes tracking down your body, the way his hands held you close to him and he bobbed you up and down as if he was gauging your mass before shaking his head and sitting you both on the sofa. You tried scrambling off his lap but a thick muscular arm banding around you stopped any movements.
"Babe, listen-"
"Look, I know I've put weight on ok? My clothes don't fit, I have these purple gashes where I've got new stretch marks and no matter what I put on them they don't go away. I'm always in pain somewhere, the amount of money we spend on my medication is insane. Sometimes I just wonder why you even married me."
You sighed loudly, while Aone was quiet usually, when he was adamant about something you had no choice but to listen and to be honest, you loved hearing him speak. But at the point, sitting like this exposed, after you had spent all day at home while he worked to provide for you made you upset. The small comments you got from people sometimes hurt too, the assumption that it's all in your head or that you were being over-dramatic with your pain.
His large hands taking yours, thumbs rubbing over your knuckles which were a little inflamed after your impromptu cooking session and his lips kissing them gently before he held your face in his hands. His intense stare as he held you close, he has noticed all the things you were talking about. And while a fickle lesser man may care, he did not. To him you were still as beautiful as you were when he met you and nothing would change that.
"Not heavy." You scoffed, shaking your head to stop the tears that were threatening to fall down. "Being ill doesn't make you less beautiful and I've never cared about what people say, why would I start now?"
"No." His thumbs wiping away the tears that had managed to escape, arms circling you and pulling you close.
"You can't keep saying no to me."
"Watch me."
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I finally remembered to call my neurologist to have my prescription transferred. Less than two weeks of my med left. I left a message with their med department, but not call back. Just received a text informing me my med is ready for pickup.
Um, what?
They not only transferred the prescription but renewed it. Wooooot!!! My risk of death from of a seizure has decreased.
My previous neurologist was an absolute ass and insisted I make the six hour trip to see him, in person, for a 10 minute appointment that he will be late for. He was late, twice, for a first appointment of the day. He was an hour late and gave no apology. When the asshole saw who my previous neurologist was, he went on about how unprofessional the man is (he's one of the top epilepsy specialists in the world), and insisted thr seizure study I was part of isn't accurate and insisted on conducting his own. As for why he was my neurologist from 2014-2022, he was the only neurologist within a 100 mile radius who accepted Medicare.
My new neurologist is cool. When I told him about the edible I take every night, he asked about my seizure count. My tonic-clonic seizures have decreased significantly. He nodded and said a lot of his patients have experienced the same thing with THC+CBD use, and told me to keep using them if they're helping. He sees no point in raising my med dosage seeing as when it was higher all I got were worsening side-effects. He also didn't wanna add meds, but mostly because I had used every med on the list he handed me. 27 different medications from age 12-25. Some lasted a week, others a year. My current? I've been on it since I was 25; now I'm 40. The side-effects are a bitch (especially the weight gain and chronic nausea), but I'm okay with that.
Yay for finding a good doctor! I hope our next appointment won't involve an EEG or seizure study. I will flat out refuse. The seizure study will require I live in the hospital for a week (hello, covid), with over 100 wires stuck to my head, neck, and part of my face (the glue looks and feels like snot and is a pain in the ass to remove), and electrodes on my chest (the adhesive causes me to develop a rash and hives). No. A regular EEG uses something like 25-50 wires glued to my head. The last three all showed I was having a seizure during the strove lights, one even showed a massive seizure. Except I had no outward signs and was conversational. That should give you an idea of how likely it is I'm having even more seizures than we assume. Raising my dosage didn't reduce my seizure count, but it did put 15 lbs on me in the span of a month.
Epilepsy is fun.
My fav neurologist is Dr. Madhavan at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. He saved my life, for which I am eternally grateful.
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Tuesday night/ someone stole our water meter
I must have been in America. I was visiting S, and even though he was happy to see me he had forgotten my name. I was going to stay in their room, they had a bunk bed, one of those ones which was a double on the bottom bunk and a single on the top. I felt the presence of her easy sexuality in the room, it was kind of messy, it was small, I could probably smell some old sweat. S had to go out with their housemates to a party, so gave me a quick hug goodbye and left. I felt a bit shunted, but also hopeful that maybe later that night we’d hookup. But first I had to get ready for a soccer game. I felt a bit shy getting dressed into my old soccer clothes, worried that people would see the wrong parts of my body being accentuated, that I wouldn’t look like a girl. I tied my hair back into a long ponytail, but felt unsure about it. I asked one of the housemates who’d stayed home if they thought my hair looked silly like this. My hair was now short, and in the mirror I looked exactly like the boy I once was with short-back-and-sides, but with a long ponytail as well. The housemate said she thought I looked cool.
So, I have detransition urges probably about once a fortnight. I was talking about them with a friend, and during the conversation I realised that my desires to become a boy again is actually a misdirected desire to be skinny again, a desire to remain desirable to the people from whom I've habituated receiving self worth: the gay guys I used to fuck. The internalised fatphobia of it all is difficult to grapple with, I know how damaging it is to people, to me. But, I grew up with health-nut parents, with a dad who I once saw go up to a fat woman's trolley in Woolies and say "oh good, you've got some healthy food in there!" (he did know her, and tried to pass it off as a joke... but that doesn't really make it any better). That stuff doesn't leave your brain straight away.
I think about 2 out of the 5 or so pills I take every day claim weight gain as a side-effect. And while we could have a little Preciado inspired TED Talk on what it means to claim that weight gain is a side-effect of HRT drugs... Actually fuck it, I will have that TED Talk. How the hell is weight gain considered a side-effect of "feminising" your body? Is breast growth not weight gain? Are a woman's curves not just a sexualised portion of her body fat? The medical community is sooooo scared of fat!
So, maybe I want to become a boy again because I'm also sooo scared of fat. Or, to walk it a step back, I could say I'm scared of the new potentiality of my flesh. When I started presenting as a girl, I lost the ability to dance in public. New body, new muscle-memory. I used to love dancing with people, at the club, parties, wherever. I'm slowly re-learning to let go around people, but for a few years I've just had to stand at the corner of a dance floor and hope nobody can tell how scared I feel. I'd skip on the party but still hope that someone would want to hook up with me, hoping that my historical proximity to gay-man-ness would get me that same attraction I'm used to getting. Feminising myself has unlocked, or tapped into, an overwhelming amount of ancient superstitions about the female body and its sexuality. Even though I can recognise a lot of these cultural norms as sexist and fatphobic, they still exist, and I still have to learn how to navigate them. I still need to learn a new way of being sexy, in this new unknown country of my woman's body. I need to learn a sexuality that isn't dependent on the male gays (sorry), but looks at my body honestly and kindly, that looks at flesh not as something to minimise but instead as something to feel, to run your hands over and squeeze, to bite and grip and slap and cuddle.
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TW: weight talk, no numbers
Can't tell if I'm doing great in recovery, developing an overeating issue slowly, or if it's all just my meds.. I've been eating much more than I did at the beginning of recovery (after I had recovered from my surgery, as there were different nutritional requirements between then and now) but I'm on a medication that makes literally everyone who's ever taken it (basically) gain a ton of weight because it makes you HUNGRY AF ALL THE TIIIIIME.. I feel like I'm literally anorexic again (hunger-wise), just in a weight-restored body. I absolutely HAVE to take it for my nerve damage (compressed nerves in my spine and other bone-on-nerve damage throughout my body) because no one will give me anything else right now-thanks addicts who abuse pain management places so they suspect everyone just wants to get high!🙄-so I've been trying to eat my maintenance calories but every night I'm up in excruciating pain from the permanent damage done to my body from starvation and my exercise addiction, and I have to take this med when I wake up and again like 5 hours before "bed" (when I lay in bed and sit up doom scrolling all night in pain trying to ignore my hunger until I give in and have a snack..or a few😅). The medicine helps enough to make me keep taking it and I never ate so much that I threw up like with actual BED (I have really bad acid reflux so that happens all the time anyway so I couldn't tell even if I did I guess?🤷🏻‍♀️) but I did eat to a state of being uncomfortably full once. Most days it's just a normal amount of food for someone who isn't sedentary like I'm forced to be due to to the permanent physical disabilities I've developed from my ED/exercise addicted past, but for me in particular it's kinda a lot (but tbh I have difficulty knowing what's a "normal" amount of food due to my long-term ED) and I've gained a lot of weight in recovery already (as I needed to), so being sedentary on this type of the med is causing extra weight gain on top of that. (I might even be overweight at this point; not in the plus sized section and my husband blind weighed me a few months ago and I wasn't overweight, but I've gone up yet another size since then so..). Trying not to let it bother me too much. Definitely better off than before!
But today from the start I decided not to measure absolutely everything/go all day without eating so maybe eating all my food later would satisfy the demon that is these meds, and instead had a decent breakfast, I never do lunch so I just had some crackers and cheese midday, and a big dinner with my husband's bit of leftovers- and I'm going to allow myself to have an extra snack later at night because maybe then the medication-side-effect demon will be satisfied while I'm waiting for my sleep meds to knock me out..they don't work as well with the severe pain, so I'm up all night off and on eating and trying to pee (spinal stenosis is one of my symptoms and it makes it really hard to pee all at once so it takes me like an hour to pee completely😡)
So that's all tough to face, but definitely not as tough as anorexia and I'm still more healthy (in the ways that are possible for me now) than I was as an anorexic, even if I'm a bit overweight by now.
I always knew being a bit overweight was definitely better than being an anorexic, so I'm probably living proof at this point 😂
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dear3st-dead-diary · 6 months
Dearest Dead Diary
My dad got in a car accident, he was hit by someone on purpose, he's fine or so he says but he has yet to see a doctor. I hipe ge doesn't have a concussion and... dies.
I'm on day three of Vyvanse And Dolox. It's very effective, in w days I've cleaned my house from top to bottom and built a makeshift desk for my laptop out of left over materials from other shelves I've assembled. I just hope the new setup doesn't kill my creativity.
The first day was fun, I cleaned the bathroom and did the dishes then I went to the mall where my friend with disposable income paid for everything.
Day two was also fun, I did my laundry, cleaned my room and put away all my clothes. My friend came over and and I did her makeup and shapped her eyebrows (she's really pretty) and then we went to a sex shop that was hidden inside of a building through an elaborate set of halls and stairs.
I got some damn good stuff from there for some very good prices I also wore a killer outfit and got many compliments. The guy who runs the place has the sort of beauty to him I can't explain.
He's from a generation of queers I could only imagine the hardships he's faced, but he wears them all with pride and it shows. I hope he gets more business, he's got Hella good stock.
We came back to my place, and I dyed her hair, we cuddled for a few hours before she left around 3 am.
Today, on the third day, I finished the rest of my cleaning, and then got the news about my dad.
Today sucks. Tomorrow I atleast get to go to a house party. I don't think I'll be drinking, I wanna wait more to see how these meds affect me before I try to consume any alcohol. Cannabis om the other hand actually balances out some of the side effects. Weirdly enough, though I haven't smoked alot yet, so I guess tomorrow we'll see how that happens and what happens if I take a dab or something.
Last time I was at this party I had a seizure on the stairs and broke my foot, it's been 3 weeks and it's taking forever to heal.
I was manic but for once, I finally feel like I'm thinking clear, thinking freely, like I can rationalize. That's something I haven't consciously been able to do before. At least not to this extent.
So I'm making the conscious decision to not drink. The last time I drank on antidepressants I got alcohol poisoning, I made the mistake of drinking the amount I normally would have had I not been medicated and.. well that ended horribly.
So it takes me 12 cans to feel drunk, but now that I'm medicated it should only take three, Hopefully. Seriously I'd save so much money if I didn't need so much liquor to feel intoxicated.
But regardless, I'm being responsible. Another side effect is dry mouth and loss of appetite. Which kind of sucks in the sense that I was working uo to building more muscle, but if I end up loosing weight in the process... I don't know how to feel.
I was dangerously skinny due to stress last year and I lost alot of strength, however I looked so good. So obviously I should strive to gain and not lose, but I can't shake the feeling of knowing at that weight no matter the size of clothes I'd always fit.
I purposely gained 20 because I wanted to start building back up a lot of the muscle mass I lost. Maybe there's some way I can find the middle ground of being slim yet lean?
I'm not sure.
I'm going to try and find something healthy to feed myself. Hopefully tomorrow goes great, and if I'm lucky I'll even end up closer to my friends, more romantic or platonic, either of which is fine. I'm the rare type that actually loves people.
My best skill is talking anyone into opening up, I treasure that skill, I've had some of the loveliest conversations with the shyest of people. I've made a lot of friends that way. And oddly enough alotta enemies? But those are people projecting thier own insecurities or past experiences on me.
I've noticed the people who don't like me are the people I've said "NO" to. Frankly that's probably for the best.
I've worked hard on these relationships. I value every one of them, I really put in as much work as I can towards my friends, it's definitely paid off as we've grown closer over the past year. I'm glad, I hope we keep growing and even growing together, making eachothers lives better.
But enough with the sap. I've got productivity on my mind and the motivation so I better put that to yse while it lasts.
With a future and goals.
- A
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munsonthemisfit · 2 years
Okay so
1. Theres a few things that T does, such as changes in weight distribution, deepening voice, stopping of the menstrual cycle, and easier muscle mass gain, that aren't permanent.
I am fine with getting my period again, and once I've figured out a good work out routine to keep my body in relative shape, I won't have to worry too much about the weight and muscle bit, since when I stop it I will be just working to keep the muscle I've already gained and keep any weight off that i don't want. And T hasn't dropped my voice much anyway, so I would need to focus more on training my voice to sound how i want.
However, the permanent changes of facial/body hair, slight change in bone structure, and clitoris uh, enlargement, will not revert back once I stop T, ever. I plan to be on T for a long while still, probably like 5 years or so, to make sure I've gotten all the changes I want out of it before stopping.
2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is to make sure that people aren't getting things willy nilly, it is mainly more of a insurance requirement on my end, as well as the two therapist letters, but most people I have talked to that want top surgery are trans masc/trans man anyway. There's actually a different surgery of getting rid of boobs thats more for cases of breast cancer called a masectomy, and that just kinda gets rid of all the tissue there, leaving the chest more... curved in slightly? And while insurance might not cover that if its not actually medically necessary, I have heard of a few people opting for that just to be rid of them. Its not at all common though. Whereas top surgery takes out some of the breast meat (xD) and kinda reshapes the chest a bit.
And for the sterilization thing, I do want to say that they did ask if I wanted to freeze my eggs at the start of all of this. Cause even though T cannot act as actual birth control, it can kinda mess with the eggs and make it a little more difficult to get pregnant. Depends entirely on the person really, but its nice that they offer that before giving you a prescription.
Knife Anon
Idk what I thought T did, but it wasn’t that. I just thought it made the voice drop and ability to grow more body hair and obviously stop the effect of oestrogen as much… The voice deepening isn’t permanent? So, someone who’s voice got a lot deeper from T, their voice would raise in octave if they stopped taking it? I knew about the clitoris enlargement mostly through Trans creators that I follow on twitter and such because they talked about it, I’m unsure on if it’s offensive to call it a clit/t-dick/dick, people call it different things from what I’ve witnessed but I don’t know what words it’s appropriate for someone like me to say so please lemme know when to stfu because I’m not tryna upset anyone!
Is it like… waaaaay more expensive if it’s not done through insurance? I wonder if you could get things done privately without a therapist letter, or if you need to go through therapy and that whole emotional side of things before you get surgery even if you fully funded everything privately. I’m not suggesting do that duh, you’re already ready to go, I’m just curious on where they lay their rules down for processes and such like that. I’ve seen people getting the sickest tattoos over their top scars and it’s so cool seeing how much happier humans are after healing.
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sl-c · 5 years
So you definitely feel the antidepressants helped you a lot? What benefits have you seen? Any negative side effects such as low libido, weight gain, liver issues, acne etc? I know that type of anti depressant can cause long term liver damage. I also have been considering medication but I'm against pharma drugs. I've tried everything. My mind is my worst enemy. I know they aren't a fix all I'm just wondering if you've seen major benefits from them.
The liver risks are very low & you just get your bloods done to check - I’ve had no problem. I do struggle with libido but I find that is hugely to do with my hormonal cycle if anything. I lost weight / am no better at maintaining weight since being on meds as my anxiety was causing me to over-eat so once I got on top of that my food regulated again & everything went back to normal. 
Look every drug is always going to have risk of side effects & they may or may not effect you at all but you’ll never know unless you try. You can ask as many people as you want about their experience on whatever drug but it makes no difference because every person reacts differently & just because someone had a bad experience with something doesn’t mean you will or vice versa. 
I was passionately against taking anti-depressants & refused to even consider them for years until I reached a point where I was so engulfed by my anxiety I couldn’t function & life really didn’t feel worth the pain. By that point a few side effects are nothing if it means you don’t have to struggle the way you struggle every single day to the point you want to end your life. 
In the end this decision has to come from you & no matter how many people you ask it won’t make a difference to how you react to something. I’m not saying you should go on medication but you need to do what’s best for you & not over-think everything too much. 
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few months ago, and have lost a lot of weight as usually comes with the disease. I've been reflecting a lot on how I'm treated by friends and strangers has changed and how my own outlook/body image in terms of how I view myself has changed since I lost the weight. Just the way I think and live my life as a fat person versus an average weight/thin person basically affects almost every aspect of my life and who I am. Then I got thinking... (cont.)
Why doesn't anyone write au's where either Kurt, Blaine, or both of them are fat? Yes, obviously Chris and Darren are both very slim, but if people are ok taking enough creative liberty to give Kurt cat ears and a tail, make either one of them get pregnant, or write cis!girl au's, then why no fat au's (and fyi, I personally view 'fat' as a word that we should not be afraid of and should be reclaimed by the fat community like queer has been reclaimed by the lgbtq community so in no way am I... (part 2)
using fat as a slur). I know that might seem like meaningless au because no matter their weight, they're still Kurt and Blaine, but when you're in high school, you're weight can seriously effect the way you view yourself and your self worth, and really does, even though it seriously should not, define who you are. I also think it could be really beautiful to read fic of them being intimate where they don't have these "perfect bodies" that Kurt and Blaine always do in fic... (part 3) 
This was explored a little in Tested with Blaine, but lets be honest, he didn't gain more than a few pounds and he wanted to lose the weight he gained, but what if either of them or both of them were just naturally on the heavier side and didn't actively want to lose the weight and that was just a part of who they are? There's also a lot of pressure among gay men to "measure up" so it would be fascinating to explore both the internal and external conflict, angst, and struggles that could... (part 4)
be explored in a "fat!au. I seriously hope you don't find this offensive, I really don't mean it to be at all!! I would absolutely LOVE to start a discussion on this though!!!!
Hello Nonny! 
No, there isn’t anything here that I find offensive.  
If you want to write fat-positivity, I say go for it! I think body shaming is a thing that most definitely happens, but there is a peace when you get to the point where you can be -- fuck what they think - I like me in whatever size or shape.  And if that’s the message you’d like to put out there, then I think that’s a fine one to try to address.  
There are, however, a couple of things I’d like to put out there though - 
If you’re going to address any kind of medical issue, or eating disorder, please do a little research first.  I just always think that’s important.  
Try not to frame things to say - I like you ‘despite’ being fat, or I love you ‘because’ your fat.  The first one is still shaming.  The second one leans on fetishizing.  
While body issues are most definitely a thing that comes up with being fat, not every fat person continues to have those issues.  And people can be perfectly happy in their body.  Not everything has to be angst and tears. 
I would also stay away from any narrative that says being thin is ‘better’.  
On top of that -- look at how Glee showed Mercedes and Sam in a romantic relationship.  Was the fact that she was fat ever brought up? Nope.  They dealt with Mercedes’s body image in season one and never looked back.  And not once was Sam against her body shape.  It was never brought up.  To me- this is a narrative done right.  ‘It normalized it by not even addressing it, cause it didn’t matter. 
I feel like there’s kind of two ways you can go about it -- a) go all in and really discuss these issues in a sensitive and respectful way or b) have them be fat and don’t even bother bringing the drama.  They’re just fat, that’s it.  Because that, in a way, normalizes it.  
That’s my two cents.  If anyone else would like to chime in - please feel free to do so! 
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spitefulmercy · 6 years
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Oh my god this ad just made an excellent point, but you can't reblog ads for some reason.
When you're doing all this "fat is okay" and other fat acceptance stuff, remember that it's all centralised by your specific body type. If you're naturally meant to be skinny, then yes, great, do whatever you want, don't feel bad for your "thin privilege" because it is YOUR BODY TYPE. Same for chubby people. Do whatever you want, don't think that you're a waste of space. It's YOUR SPECIFIC BODY TYPE. Just keep HEALTHY. Healthy does not mean thin, thin does not mean healthy. If you want to wear a crop top and shorts, do it. You go!
Also, while I'm on the subject of fat, here's a note. Biofems, this is especially important for you! Some birth controls have the side effect of weight gain. That's actually what caused my mom to rapidly gain weight before she found the method that works best for her, which is the patch. If you start taking birth control and immediately start gaining a lot of fat, ask about switching which birth control you do. This also goes for any other medication, so don't be ashamed by going up to your doctor and saying "hey, this medicine is making me gain a lot of weight, do you mind seeing if we could switch which one I use?"
TL;DR: Keep your specific body type in mind when thinking about your health, be confident in what you wanna wear, and if a medicine makes you gain a lot of fat very quickly, change which one you use.
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mickleach · 7 years
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Top 10 Food Myths
these are the possibly false truths we convinced ourselves to believe in regards to our food an apple a day keeps the doctor away and you're wondering is that really true welcome to watchmojo.com and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten food myths at the end of the day if we compare them side-by-side there are pros and cons for each for this list we're focusing on popular adages about food or common diet tips some of which have merit some of which don't and some of which do but not for the reasons you'd think then I would probably consider limiting or avoiding gum until the child gets a little bit older but as always be sure to consult a medical professional when it comes to your health stay lean and stay strong number 10 microwaving food destroys nutrients myth we're talking really bad we begin our list with the big bad microwave any new technology attracts its share of critics and the microwave was no different why don't you build something like he does stead of all your empty deals it's just like your science oven you know I read that it takes all of the nutrition out of our food empty just like your deal it's long been suggested that cooking food this way can rob it of its healthy properties but for the most part that's just not true it's actually the cook time and heat level that is most likely to destroy nutrients and since a microwave takes less time than most conventional cooking methods in many cases it might actually help retain more of the healthiness and cook for three to four minutes until the salmon is flaky pro tip try steaming vegetables in a sealed microwave safe ditch with a small amount of water for delicious and nutritious veggies it's also very important to choose glass cookware or microwave safe cookware that doesn't emit or leach different plastic compounds which can be toxic number 9 pop rocks plus soda equals kaboom miss thirsty what's wrong something you might have heard about mixing pop rocks some soda well you there stomach and your intestines everything first coca-cola hit the market in 1886 pop rocks hit the market in 1975 rumours claiming that ingesting these junky products at the same time would cause your stomach to explode due to excessive carbon dioxide from the combo of the fizzy candy and the carbonated drink weren't far behind I'm a little afraid I can't say oh let me see let's all see okay oh crap everyone heard this urban legend when they were growing up and many of us may have actually believed it the people of Seattle believed it so much the US Food and Drug Administration had to set up a hotline to calm them down oh but the truth is the worst thing you could likely do to you is cause a nice satisfying belch ah odd then number eight eggs are bad for your heart if this food factoid has been debated for years but here's what we know eggs contain cholesterol and too much cholesterol can lead to health problems like heart disease so how is this amiss well contrary to what you might have been told eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can consume as they're full of vitamins minerals and protein if you're healthy and don't have a history of heart problems you can likely eat an egg a day without it adversely affecting your cholesterol levels as your body will offset it by producing less cholesterol itself so will that be scrambled or sunny-side up there was a widely spread study that eggs were not good for you this just doesn't simply make any sense number seven red wine is good for your heart fact yep I don't care what the scientists say I'm just gonna keep on drinking all you wine drinkers out there prepare to rejoice scientists have been studying the connection between wine consumption and heart health for years after looking at the French diet and noticing relatively low rates of heart disease even though their traditional foods are fatty and if they want to drink Merlot we're drinkin Merlot know if anybody orders Merlot I'm leaving I am not drinking any more low but it's true red wine features heart-healthy properties that can possibly protect against heart attacks or strokes among other things however like most things when it comes to your diet moderation is key oh no no no I'm driving about two glasses a day for men and one for women is the optimum amount to drink for your health will drink to that number six a gluten-free diet is better for anyone myth clues a vague term it's it's something that's used to categorize things that are bad you know calories that's a gluten gluten is a rather new buzzword in the mainstream but boy has a gained steam fast gluten intolerance is described as the fastest growing food intolerance category selling over ten and a half billion in the u.s. in 2013 and only growing since then and while those suffering from celiac disease are unable to digest gluten only about 1% of the population suffers from it and therefore should follow a gluten-free diet and your body responds in a lot of ways to it stomach pains swollen lymph nodes skin rashes a whole host of things that will progressively get worse as you keep having to gluten in your diet doctors recommend that anyone without this condition can and should include whole grains in their balanced diet for help with digestion lower blood pressure and cholesterol maintaining a healthy body weight and more so why is it so bad well it's not in fact it's neither detrimental or essential for your health and there's very little evidence to suggest that cutting it out is the healthier choice for the average person that's the whole wheat toast please is better than the previous bite you gluten number 5 it takes seven years to digest swallowed gum miss name something you put in your mouth but don't swallow Oh Amanda gum we've all been there one minute you're chewing some gum the next something startles you and you swallow it better hope your mom's not around to lecture you about how swallowed gum will not be digested by your system for seven years and we'll just fester in your gut until it's finally excreted okay gross and patently untrue while gum has been described as indigestion that doesn't mean it stays in your stomach it just means that when you do pass the gum through your sister in the regular amount of time it'll be in pretty much the same shape as when you swallowed it I know what and get go mamas go but we don't suggest checking it out to be sure number four eating turkey makes you sleepy miss Oh Monica that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever was so good I think he killed us we were surprised about this one too considering how lethargic we are after Thanksgiving dinner every year so why do you feel tired after you stuff your face with turkey a common assertion blames tryptophan an amino acid found in many meats that's connected to the sleepytime hormone melatonin but the holiday bird actually contains less tryptophan than a food like cheddar cheese for example so experts point to other culprits when it comes to after meal exhaustion it's probably the combo of carbs and booze that cause you to snooze whatever bring it on jelly those are my maternity pants no no these are my Thanksgiving pants number three boy stirs are an aphrodisiac miss have you ever had a wasters did you know boy stirs are an aphrodisiac well it's probably a myth anyway the oyster has long been considered a vital food for love partly because of its vague resemblance to female sex organs and partly because the legendary lover Casanova was set to eat 50 of them each morning but there have been many studies over the years none of which has proven the oysters roll as a definitive aphrodisiac what they have found however is that oysters are so rich with zinc and amino acids that they may increase the sex drive maybe there's something to this one after all but no matter how you eat them they're sure to enhance the romance of your Valentine's Day evening number 2 acne is caused by chocolate greasy foods etc miss people think that I told my name chuckling ba or that I don't wash my face call them pimples call them zits but whatever you call them they're an unfortunate part of life and they often crop up at the worst possible time my chocolate my beautiful chocolate now the uninformed might blame things like chocolate or greasy foods for their facial blemishes while others might cite poor hygiene but they'd all be wrong acne is caused by bacteria excess oil or clogged pores and there's not a ton you can do about it Chocolate Rain a baby born will die before this in Chocolate Rain stress and hormones may trigger a breakout as can some medications and there are even some studies that suggest diet can be an aggravating factor but all in all zits are a rite of passage we all must deal with amaz it get it before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions today there are over 900 published studies revealing the detrimental effects of aspartame migraines are the most reported aspartame reaction like they're coming thank you contact even though artificial sweeteners don't raise your blood sugar they may put you at greater risk for diabetes calories consumed after say 10:00 p.m. won't make you gain weight any faster than calories consumed at 6:00 p.m. research shows that what matters is how many calories you eat and not the time that you eat them the bottom line is to be aware of what you're eating margarine can vary so drastically that looking at the label to understand what is or isn't in it will help you make informed decisions number one organic food is always healthier myth organic food is grown without synthetic pesticides fertilizers antibiotics or hormones today it accounts for more than thirty 1 billion dollars in sales a year in the United States many people think the organic label gives food some supernatural nutritional value but it actually refers to the way the farmers grow or raise their products is that USDA Organic or Oregon Organic of Portland Organic it's just all across the board organic in many cases organic farming might encourage soil and water conservation while decreasing pollution it's also more likely to be free of preservatives and synthetic flavors now I'm on the inside looked in my list organic chicken kale salad in a lemon twist however thus far test results have gone back and forth on whether or not organic food is healthier if you want to support small farmers and sustainable development then by all means look for an organic certification however an apple is an apple no matter how it's grown so as long as you're eating a healthy balanced diet you should be fine his name was Colin curious papers okay just quick he looks like a happy little guy runs around a lot of friends other chickens as friends putting his little wing around another one kind of like howling around I don't know that I can speak to that level of intimate knowledge about him do you agree with our list that is so good what's your favorite food myth for more enticing 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See more here: http://mickleach.com/common-food-myths/
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