#I'm on my Rhaelya bullshit again
la-pheacienne · 2 years
I love LOVE your rhaelya thoughts. rhaelya hunts the narrative and the characters, more in daenerys, arya and jon. but jon, oh, jon :(. bby boy thinks that his mother did not love him, but lyanna's last words and thoughs were for him "promise me ned, promise me" probably to protect him forever but couldn't, and that is why ned feels like he failed. and rhaegar, while he is most and foremost paralleled to dany, jon has number of things from him. the truth of the parentage is gonna be a conflict from him, but i truly believe that he will love having a mother that loved him and that his parents loved each other. jon has been dreaming of it for years.
Thank you nonnie!! 💖
Well yes Jon breaks my heart in that situation. And when he finds out who his parents, he will probably believe he is a child born out of rape because that's what all Northerners believe apart from Ned who is dead. It will take a while I think before he finds out who his father really was.
And yes, Rhaegar has been paralleled to Dany mainly that's one of the reasons people hate him so much but there are a lot of parallels with Jon too. That's an interesting question because I've always seen and loved Jon particularly because of how pure of a Stark he was. The brooding, ill-tempered, solemn and grim personality is very characteristic of the North, and of Ned. Jon is a great swordsman like Ned, he is honourable like Ned and he has the Northern looks, dark hair and grey eyes. In all sorts and purposes he's a true Stark. BUT, I can't help but feel that the comparison between Rob's and Jon's looks was kind of weird:
"Jon was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast."
So slender, dark, graceful and quick. Now the graceful part is weird. Northerners are not really that graceful, let's say that's not their trademark. Of course you can say Lyanna was probably graceful, but was she really? She was basically a tomboy like Arya, she was very pretty but I don't know if "graceful" would be the first word one would use to describe her. In Westeros, which House is particularly defined by gracefulness? Well, you guessed it. Especially Rhaegar was said to be very graceful and slender ("long fingers" etc etc the whole Targ software). So yeah we have that. Also personality wise, well, Jon has a trait that was very characteristic of Rhaegar specifically, the guy knows how to create a strong impression on people. Jon befriends Tyrion on the spot, he is very influential in the Knight's watch, he became Lord Commander at such a young age, women love him etc. Rhaegar was loved by smallfolk, Cersei was completely enamoured with him, Barristan remembers him fondly still, Jorah calls him the last dragon, he haunts Jaimie's dreams, he left a big impact on people. But then again, Lyanna did too, so I guess he got it from both his parents. Also the way Rhaegar was born in grief parallels Jon's very tragic birth and the shadow that was cast on him for his whole life for being a bastard. That's also very specific.
So the "promise me Ned" line confuses me a lot. For a long time I believed that Lyanna just asked Ned to burry her in Winterfell because the first time the phrase is mentioned in the book the context is clear.
"I was with her when she died," Ned reminded the king. "She wanted to come home, to rest beside Brandon and Father." He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black".
The main problems with this is 1) why was Lyanna afraid for a simple wish as to be buried at her home and 2) why does that line keep haunting Ned throughout AGOT? He recalls that line so many times at seemingly irrelevant situations and it's weird because Lyanna apparently got her death wish. Why would GRRM insist so much on that particular line if it was something that was already settled forever? Sansa reminds him of that, he sees that in his nightmares, then Robert himself reminds him of that line when he says the exact same words before he dies. And what did Robert want Ned to promise? Well, that he will have a specific funeral feast for him, and that he will try to protect Daenerys' life. Lol.
We don't know what this line means, but it probably refers to Jon. We'll never know for sure because we ain't getting the books 😂
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Do you really want to see this fandom torn apart over some fancasts? That is exactly what the ratgars want to see. Call people out if you think there’s a bias but keep it to the dms instead of putting on a show. This fandom is a safe haven for poc so put the petty grievances aside and let’s all come together.
You know, I really thought I was being generous in the beginning and I thought I was taking the soft approach, but obviously with this message I'm proven wrong.
In case you didn't notice with my original post that set this all off...the fandom is already torn apart. Read the fucking room. I am vocal but there are plenty who feel the same way as I. But if I'm the face of "tearing this fandom apart" lol so be it.
Let's get into.
Does it look like I give a flying fuck about what rhaelyas want to see? Or what anyone else wants to see for that matter? I'm not a therapist nor counselor where I am looking to save somebody feelings from being hurt because they got called out. The fuck I look like, Dr. Phil?
My original post WAS a direct message, I mean shit, did I not tag people?
Why is it that the racism and colorism can be public, but the re-education has to be private? Why, so people can save face? Call a spade a spade.
I've had people call me out (subliminally) and then come into my messages wanting to make peace after they already casted their stone. So let's keep that same energy. You want to be foul in public, get called out in public. Quit being soft and pussyfooted.
Also...WHAT SAFE HAVEN? Jesus Christ, once again the lack of reading comprehension shows. Did I not say in my original post that while the Discord was started as a safe-haven within two months it proved that no, it was not a safe haven for all POC. So what safe-haven are you speaking of anon?
A safe haven for non-Black poc who don't need to be called out for racist or colorist bullshit? Or a safe-haven where Black people like me better shut our nigger mouths about the bullshit we see happening and voice our displeasure and the hypocrisy of it? Which one is it?
Get out of my inbox with this weak shit.
I have seen EVERYONE get buck with Rhaelyas and putting the written smackdown on them, but now that a fellow Dorne member is calling out the shit, all of sudden folks want to clutch their pearls and clench their butt cheeks in shock.
The crazy thing is, this no longer feels like a critique about the colorism and racism, but people crying in my inbox that people got called out, rightfully, but now it's the manner in which ya'll have a problem.
Did ya'll say the same thing to other folks that went against Rhaelyas? Did ya'll tell them to go into their inboxes and quietly have a discussion? Or is that just for me?
What a joke.
The colorism and racism? Eh, keep quiet on that.
But calling it out? AHT AHT, I gotta be as quiet as a church mouse as I creep into inboxes and educate people about their bullshit.
The fact that ya'll are moving the goal posts is crazy to me.
Just last week that post by Lyannas was circulating about how Dorne isn't white and it's not a monolith, but now all of sudden, today is the day that suddenly...black people don't exist in the MENA region.
That ya'll are acting like there is no racism or colorism in this fandom when the facecasts show and say differently. So which one is it anon?
Once again, the phone is ringing inside the house, PICK IT UP.
Want to talk about ally-ship, you bitches have a 'Terms & Conditions' agreement attached to it.
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