#I'm prepping three meals today for the week and it's not so daunting
mod2amaryllis · 10 months
I'm coming around on cooking because eating yummy food that doesn't kill you is good, and recently I've found an absolute game changer of an app.
it's called paprika, and what is does is let you search any recipe from the app, like via an in app browser, then downloads the recipe. so it takes the unreadable recipe pages and makes it actually usable. no ads no backstory just ingredients and directions. and it does this INSTANTLY it's like magic. then from those recipes, you can add it to a shopping list.
but not only that, you can write your own recipes, and it will still be able to add to a shopping list. i was shocked at how well it works. like here's my no bean chili basically copied from an ask where i gave the recipe
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and as you can see, it was able to easily make a shopping list.
it's so so simple but works so well I'm in awe. there's endless meal planning apps out there and they often overwhelm me by being too busy, waaay too expensive, or they only have their own selection of recipes. paprika is $3 for the full version, THREE BUCKS, no subscription, and does exactly what i need it to do perfectly. i love it 10/10
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