#I'm really interested by that secondary Julie plotline
livelivefastfree · 6 years
burner house opinions please agree or disagree: mike is the hufflepuffest hufflepuff to ever huff a puff. texas is so gryffindor he poops baby lions. julie is a slytherin and hates it but she is better at it then anyone else. chuck and dutch are very different ravenclaws and have very different answers to the common room riddles. HOUSE SOLIDARITY TEAM.
HHHHHH OKAY might as well answer this one right after the other one.  This one is rough because I can usually find a reason any given character would be in at least three of the four houses???? Uh....but let’s see, lemme think about it.
......Well I don’t want to repeat myself from my previous post, but Texas is pretty easy.  He would INSIST on being Gryffindor.  He would throw the biggest shitfit if he WASN’T a Gryffindor.  He’d inevitably end up in Gryffindor.  As for the others...
Mike could be Hufflepuff for sure, but he’d also make a pretty damn solid Gryffindor.  Boldness, courage, charging in without thinking to help people, he does definitely tick the boxes.  I’d actually lean slightly more toward Gryffindor?  He’s got the loyal, kind, dedicated part down, but  I mean...”daring, nerve and chivalry” is pretty solidly Mike too.  His defining trait is thoughtless bravery and a reckless desire to do good, and that reads to me as a Gryffindor.
Julie would make a very solid Slytherin, I gotta agree with you on that one.  Determined, ambitious, cautious but also daring when it counts...and a tendency to make friends and do whatever the hell she needs to to keep herself and her friends on top.  *bangs gavel* SOLD.
Alternate left field theory though: Julie “this isn’t fair, i need to fix it” Kane, Julie “I’d do the right thing even if it means hurting myself and working against my father” Kane, goes to hogwarts and gets sorted into fukkin Hufflepuff????!?!  Spends the entire story lying to her dad and saying she got into Slytherin. The strangest Hufflepuff/Slytherin personality combo.
Chuck.....hhhhh, okay, he’s the weird one for me.  Ravenclaw is probably where he would be happiest, for sure.  If I was writing this as a story though, I would sort Mike into Gryffindor and I would very much consider that tiny, 11-year-old Chuck, wanting desperately to be brave, would follow Mike into Gryffindor as well.  That would fit nicely with his plotline about not feeling brave enough to be in the Burners, and how the real nature of his courage is being terrified but going FUCK IT I’M RIDE OR DIE! and plunging in headfirst anyway.  
..............that previous sentence is also why a distant third possibility is Chuck the long-suffering Hufflepuff, loyal to his friends to the detriment of his own mental health, brave because he’s gotta help, not for bravery’s sake.
I’m getting distracted.
Dutch’s literal entire dish is being a free-thinker and doing shit his own way, so yeaaahhhhh, that’s Raveclaw pretty well pegged.  I would love to see Dutch making spells up and doing wild shit and none of the teachers knowing what to do with him, it would be great.
 It’s probably not a coincidence that my fav. character is the one I’m most like “ehhh, WELL.........” on, but hey, you gotta follow ur heart, right.
Alernate version: they all go to some kind of American magic school in the middle of Detroit.  Hogwarts houses are some kind of weird elitist British thing and/or OUR CITY NOW, MAKE UP THE HOUSES, HELL YES.  
.........anyway, there’s some thoughts, do what you will with them.
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