#I'm saying i don't know dick about cars and am only sort of assuming that they do
krawdad · 8 months
That car identifier blog could be making all that shit up for all I know
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kharmii · 1 year
Wow Someone asks nicely for you to remove *their* posts and you throw a callout post at it complaining? FYI, theyre not scared, theyr uncomfortable. A feeling someone is allowed to have when it's their stuff you're associating to incest. Yes it's fictional but some people can still find it disgusting. Its one thing to post in your own little corner but as a reposter, just nut up about artist's wishes about their art LOLHow a proshipper can be an anti at the same time I have no idea. You try so much to act like the rest of the shippers are degenerates for liking what they like that you're projecting at someones polite dm :)
I'm not associating an artist who does ralts line art with incest. This came out of nowhere, btw, as the artist has this for their Twitter profile:
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This is an example of the sort of work they do:
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Ya know, edgy teenager art from someone who is barely an adult. There's nothing about blankshipping making them uncomfortable because they probably don't give an a/b/o micro-dick of damn about the train twins. They're obviously playing stupid shipping politics, otherwise they could have just had their friend tell me to take the post down without a long, drawn-out explanation. Other people have done that, and I've shrugged it off and did what they asked. I just get tired of accusations of being along the lines of a pedo groomer, just because I have this one obscure fetish about cartoon identical twins who dress the same way and have a psychic bond (that's it. That's the specific criteria). It's not like I'm going to fuck my bro irl or groom irl twins to fuck each other. I made the point of writing in the cockroach wife post.....either admit it's all dreck and everybody is retarded or erase your delicate flower ass off the internet for being overly sensitive.
Another hot take on this issue comes from the 'proship was the fandom norm' post where I wrote that I don't have to play politics because both sides have aspects that are retarded af, and I don't have to, say, support pedophilia and gross-ass werewolf dick smut, just because I think psychic identical twins are hot. It gets to the point with proshipping that only the people into the most extreme fetishes are comfortable posting, so a lot of times, one has to sift through a mountain of gross, negative garbage just to see their otp being cute once in a while. That's why I aim to make a mostly cute blankshipping blog with only a pinch of edge.
On that note, it's bold of everybody in the Submas fandom to assume blankshipping isn't the default. When I got into this, I was like, "Wait a minute.....are antis trying to say that these middle-aged autistic train clowns in adorable matching train conductor traffic cone costumes aren't fucking?! WEEEIIRRDDD........" I mean, come on..seriously. It's not like people have to be crass about it. Blankshippers can play the brother fucking smooth, like where they sneak a kiss here and there when nobody is looking and do their dirty deeds behind closed doors. It's not like I'm going to write a fanfic where Emmet be all like, *does endzone dance in the battle car* "I have won against you. -So now I'm going to celebrate by packing my own brother's ass like I'm going on a month-long vacation. -Because I am a Subway Boss. I am Emmet!" *does toy soldier march to Ingo's battle car*
Actually, that might work if someone is into non-con, like a few seconds later, one might hear a tussle with Ingo yelling, "SWEET MOTHER OF GIRATINA! NOT AGAIN!!1!!1!" *extra big frowny face*
LOL, How a proshipper can be an anti at the same time I have no idea. You try so much to act like the rest of the shippers are degenerates for liking what they like that you're projecting at someones polite dm :)
Again, there's a lot of negativity and gross crap in the proshipping community, and yet, certain things are deemed more acceptable than others (see my two links about cockroach wife and such). Again, it's all garbage and everybody is retarded. I'm allowed to not like certain things and complain (this or that) trope gets used too much. I think some content creators are more into the trope than they are the fandom.
There's also a lot of negativity and gross crap in the antishipping community as well. Why is it that cartoon fictional character twincest is taboo, but again, someone can take a human character ship and turn it into two-dick werewolf knotting cumflation morbidly obese furry bullshit? I'd rather have a fetish that's immoral in the context of irl than one that's stupid and disgusting. Do that many people want to see furry fetish plastered everywhere? -Or is it a case where the vocal minority shouts the loudest? Someone on a gardevoir discord once told me one individual single-handedly ruined a ralts line 4chan channel by posting huge-booty inflation smut that nobody wanted to see but the one person.
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