#I'm so glad there was no max on the word count because this beast ran amok!
sharkarella · 1 year
Sweet romance in the desert – a Jamil x Reader story
A/N: This is my entry for Jamilssummercontest held by @merotwst and @cvlutos . It’s the first fanfic that has evolved past plot bunny and the first fanfic I’ve posted online ever so please be kind but fair to me (^^’’). Although I had to rush the ending to get it done in time for the deadline, I’m overall happy with how it turned out even though I’m not sure if I’ve included the “Summer” part of the contest enough and at the same time not entirely satisfied with the pacing in certain places.
The reader is also heavily implied to be from Denmark because they make a popular traditional dessert eaten in the summertime there. I was hit with inspiration when I went grocery shopping and noticed how much the shops had started advertising for this dessert XD.
I hope you enjoy! 
  It was a warm summer evening in the Scalding Sands. Most work-related activities of the day were finished, and Jamil was currently spending his time walking down the long halls of the Asim estate.
He was looking for you, his beloved diamond in the rough, who was currently visiting him in his homeland.
The summer heat of Scalding Sands was harsh and unforgiving to most visitors but as always you exceeded expectations.  
Your hidden strength shone through, and you took to the heat better than expected.
Jamil smiled to himself. It didn’t hurt that you looked absolutely beautiful in the traditional clothes usually worn in his homeland in the warmer months of the year. But then again, he thought you looked beautiful in almost everything you wore. A man in love indeed.
 After his overblot the two of you had naturally started to see each other more often and as a result you slowly grew closer.
You often came to help him with his chores without asking anything in return and in hindsight it was probably inevitable that he would fall in love with you.
Jamil was so used to being in the shadows and then you came and lit up the world everywhere you went – in the day your light rivalled that of the sun’s and in the night the moon had to compete with your brightness. 
He both craved and feared your light and many sleepless nights were spend thinking about how he understood the man from the slums who pretended to be a prince to be worthy of the princess’ love. 
Then one day you had asked him to come to the Ramshackle Dorm and he was beyond shocked when you confessed your feelings.
He hadn’t been able to answer you in words so instead he had hugged you tight and stolen more than his fair share of kisses from you. Finally, finally, finally, he had something to call his own. 
Safe to say, you ended up becoming a couple after that day and your relationship had been able to flourish even after he graduated and had to leave you behind at NRC. 
Many phone calls were had, many texts were sent, and gifts were sent to each other. Jamil would come see you every time he had the slightest bit of free time as well.    
Unfortunately for you (and fortunately for Jamil) Crowley hadn’t been able to find a way for you to get home but in his infinite kindness he had instead acquired the legal paperwork for you to even have an identity in Twisted Wonderland. In exchange you had to stay and work as a prefect for a whole year after your graduation. The only difference was that you didn’t have to attend classes anymore and would be treated more like an official staff member. 
Jamil (as well as a lot of your other friends) had been ready to march up to the headmaster and tell him what a shitty deal it was (and maybe use some threats and some violence along the way to get the point across) but you had stopped him and asked not to.
You wanted to prove that you could do this on your own. You wanted to create a name for yourself through hard work and didn’t want him to intervene.  
Jamil had reluctantly relented, both understanding your reasoning and respecting your choice. Your stubbornness and determination were some of the many things, he loved about you, after all.  
He was comforted by the fact that after graduating from NRC Kalim had been given more responsibilities in the Asim family business, and as a result become more independent as well.  
This had lessened Jamil’s workload significantly and Kalim’s promotion of sorts meant that Jamil had risen in rank as well.
One perk being that when you came along for a visit during your unofficial summer holiday, Jamil had been able to spend more time with you than he normally would since Kalim had ordered him to take extra good care of their "most esteemed guest". Such an important guest deserved the best servant in the house and who better than Jamil to fill that role?
 That statement quickly shot down any protest there might have been in the Asim household. 
Kalim could be surprisingly cunning when he wanted to be, and Jamil was thankful for his unexpected wingman.
He passed by the door to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. The door wasn’t closed properly, and he could hear noise coming from a kitchen that should be empty by now.
Suspicious. Very suspicious.  
Jamil slipped through the half-closed door and stealthily walked downstairs using his knowledge of the places on the stairs that creaked to his advantage.    
He wasn’t worried though. If it was an intruder, he could easily use ‘Snake Charmer’ on them to both overpower them and reveal their intentions. 
The person on the other side of the door turned out not to be an intruder, but the very person he was looking for. 
You were moving around the kitchen as if you owned it while humming to yourself and doing little twirls just for the fun of it. You were still wearing the traditional clothes of the Scalding Sands and the ornamental jewellery sewn into the clothing clinked together extra loudly whenever you made a twirl or an abrupt movement.   
It was a welcome sight indeed and the efficiency you showed while measuring ingredients in a mixing bowl made Jamil question if you had an unknown Unique Magic related to cooking.  
“Buttermilk, junket, pasteurised egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar, and just a teeny tiny bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice.” You recited from memory.
A satisfied smile graced your features as you sat the mixing bowl back in the mixer and turned the machine on. 
While the mixer was doing its thing you had started rummaging through the many cupboards in search of something and Jamil decided to make his presence known.
“I was expecting to find you in your room or the library at this hour, albi, and instead I find you here doing the job of a servant.”
The words might sound harsh to outsiders, but he knew you would catch his teasing tone. You always did. 
“Oh Jamil, just the man I wanted to see.” Your face lit up in a big smile at the sight of him. A special smile so wide that it made you close your eyes. It was his absolute favourite smile of yours. 
“The heat made me crave some ‘koldskål’ and I thought to myself why not surprise you with some as well.” 
While you were talking Jamil had moved closer and draped his arms around you in a backwards hug complete with nestling his chin on your shoulder. “Okay, albi, you have my attention. Tell me more about this dish of yours.”
“Well, it’s a very popular dessert from my world that’s usually eaten in the summer because it’s very refreshing. The name literally means ‘cold bowl’ and like the name implies it’s served cold. It’s also largely made of dairy products.” 
“It sounds interesting, albi, I can’t wait to taste it.” Jamil gave you a small kiss to your temple while you turned off the mixer, giving you room enough to move your head towards him.
“Do you have any rolled oats, Jamil? It doesn’t matter if they’re thick- or thin-rolled.”
“Is this for your special dish as well?”
“Yes, it’s for the topping. Koldskål is usually eaten with a special kind of cracker that’s technically a rusk and not a cracker, but I don’t know how to make those, and I don’t like them very much either.
So, I’m serving it with one of my favourite toppings – rolled oats and strawberries – instead.”  
 Jamil reluctantly let go of you and quickly found the oats, you wanted. In the meantime, you had filled the koldskål into two bowls waiting on the table and was in the middle of pouring the rest in a jug.
“Do you want me to slice the strawberries for you, albi?”
“If it’s not too much trouble. I can clean up my mess while you help me with the food. And if it indeed is too much trouble your sexy self is free to stand and be my eye candy while I finish.” The last part brought a red flush to Jamil’s cheeks.
“Albi, you can’t just say things like that with a straight face!” He looked to the side feeling both a little shy and pleased by your compliment. “No task is too much trouble when it involves you.”
“I know, sweetie, I just like teasing you a bit.” And there was his favourite smile again. At this rate you were going to give him a heart attack.
He could already see the text on his tombstone: Here lies Jamil, death by overdose of his lover’s cuteness.  
Jamil was able to ground himself by completing the task, you had asked of him to perfection. After you had taken the sliced strawberries and put them on both portions along with some oats, he used a quick cleaning spell to make sure there was no messes left behind.  
 “Thank you so much for the help, Jamil. I was able to finish my cooking so much quicker with your help. Come. Let’s go to our special place on the roof. We can watch the sunset while we eat.”
“Won’t that be too cold for you, albi? The Scalding Sands is a place where the days are as hot as the nights are cold.”
“I’ll be okay. If I get too cold, I can always cuddle with you.”
Jamil sighted, grabbed the bowls along with some spoons, and led the way to your desired location after a quick “then we better get going.”.
 The rooftop in question was a hidden part of the roof of the servants’ quarters with a perfect view of the city and the stars. Jamil had used it as a hiding spot as a child where he would go and dream about being free from his shackles of servitude and all the places in the world he wanted to see.
It was a special place to him and on one of your first evenings in the Scalding Sands he had shown it to you. Afterwards you often ended up spending your evenings sitting together on the roof talking about everything and nothing and just enjoying each other’s company.  
 When the two of you arrived at the rooftop, you proclaimed that you wanted to sit on the railing in your “cuddle position” while you were eating. And that’s how Jamil ended up sitting on the railing with his back against a wall and supporting you in a backwards hug.
Because of the bowl he was holding the position made him have to hold his arms in a bit of an awkward position but since it was you, he didn’t mind.
In the distance the lights from the old bazaar where shining and people could be seen going about their business. The colours from the desert sunset were starting to paint the sky and the stars were shining in your eyes at the beautiful scenery.
 You turned your head towards Jamil and sent him a smile filled with love. “I hope you enjoy the food. Some people where I’m from think that homemade koldskål is better than the storebought version because it’s supposed to show you care more. I don’t know if I believe that entirely but, in the end, nothing beats a meal made with love.” 
This made Jamil chuckle a bit before tasting your dessert and he had to admit, you weren’t lying when you said it was refreshing. The rolled oats added crunch and the strawberries a delicious sweetness. A pretty simple dish all things considered but still sweet and refreshing like water from an oasis in the desert.
Just like you.
He made a mental note to ask for the recipe so he could make it for you in the future. Maybe let Kalim taste it as well.
After you both had finished eating Jamil carefully gathered the empty bowls and quickly sent them back to their place in the kitchen in clean condition thanks to another cleaning spell. Without anything in his hands, he could focus all his attention on hugging you.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it, albi, but you didn’t have to cook for me.”
“I wanted to share a part of my world with you, Jamil. In the time I’ve stayed here you’ve shared so much of your world with me, and I wanted to do the same, even if it’s just a little bit.”
Touched by your loving words he hid his face in the column of your neck and tightened his grip around you slightly.
“Jamil, what’s wrong?” You turned your head to look at him.
He shook his head a little and tightened his grip a bit more. “Please don’t be a dream. This feels too good to be true and I’m afraid that any moment I’ll wake up and find you gone.”
“Oh, my sweet Jamil.” You managed to turn your body sideways and cupped his cheek with one of your hands. “My darling, my dearest and most precious Jamil, for someone who’s supposed to be smart, you can be quite stupid.”
Jamil’s sputters of protest were quickly silenced as you continued. “You don’t see that now matter if it was a dream, I wouldn’t be able to leave, since you’ve captured me with the chains of your love. When we’re apart my heart yearns for you, and I long to hear your voice and feel your touch.”
“Oh, albi. Your kind words warm both my heart and my soul. You’re my moon, my sun and stars, and the only master I want to serve.”
“You call me your master when it is you who hold the key to my heart, Jamil, my dear master of love. Now seize your worries and kiss me. Someone warned me of how cold the nights can get here and you’re the only one who can keep me warm.”
“Gladly, albi.”
A loving embrace and one kiss that quickly turned into more protected the both of you from the now dark and cold summer night just as it had protected so many lovers so many times before.
At some point the two of you would have to go back inside but for now you were both too busy showering each other with love in the cover of the night while the soft desert breeze whispered sweet promises of a future together.
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