#I'm so sad FF (and 7 in particular) has this reputation for being so moody and serious but it wasn't until about 13 I'd say
the-hype-dragon ยท 9 months
just been replaying FF7 and thinking how disappointed I was that it didn't just get a straight remake, haven't played the remake simply because it's a bait and switch AU
but anyway idk why but this particular boss battle amused me so much, when I was younger I swear this game wasn't so funny but in spite of the dark tone it takes a lot of the time FF7 is probably the funniest 3D entry, here's our techno-soldier, our R&D guys asked themselves, what would happen if you crossed the Terminator with a toilet?
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(the 90s were very weird)
maybe I'll take more screenshots later but the only way I could really enjoy this game was with Yuffie and Cid as Cloud's backup dancers, holy crap they just turn it into a completely different game. FF7 has this reputation as being very serious and emo but it really wasn't, at all lmao. I wish more games were like that, where EVERY scene changes depending on who's in the party. I had such a blast, I kind of kick myself for hating this game for so long, I just didn't know how to play it lmao
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