kinkyfoxfics · 5 years
Me again.
(Yes I didn’t get shut down by the porn removal bs that happened so that’s shocking enough)
Just an FYI (other than apologizing I haven’t written in forever), due to the Fanfic Pocket app I will be privating my writing. I do not, and never would condone my writing being on a paid app.
Should still be able to see them by logging in. 
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kinkyfoxfics · 6 years
Sigh... Just as I get into the right mood to fill my prompts, I’m guessing my blog will be considered too “adult” for Tumblrs new bullshit TOS. 
To me, this is Tumblr with an all or nothing approach - they don’t have the patience to find a way to deal with the Russian porn bots, or illegal content, so they’re going to make innocent people suffer as a result.
For anyone whose still here, and still interested, I will continue to post my writing on AO3, but the fear being my requests will dry up quickly with no direct communication, and/or get lost in the tags of AO3. I’ll write for as long as I can, and if you do have anything you’d like me to write, I’d recommend asking me over there.
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
what happened to all the fics that were on the ao3 site?
They’re all on AO3! I just checked the link out myself: 
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
So hypothetically, if I were to write a party for the Subs of Beacon Hills series, what other adult/teen pairings would you guys be interested in, aside from the existing ones.
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
I just want to see Allison fucked in the ass by her daddy (and maybe Peter too?) bent over and loving every moment of it
Prompt 2: “I really need a full length of the peter/malia daddy daughter time”
Daddy-Daughter Dates
Peter Hale/Malia Tate
Allison Argent/Chris Argent
Allison Argent/Chris Argent/Peter Hale
Allison Argent/Malia Tate
Chris Argent/Malia Tate
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
oh my god! glad you're back. any of the incest prompts gets my vote.
Yes, I am! And noted ;) A lot of people have asked for the Peter/Malia, and that’s going to be half Chris/Allison as well, so hopefully that should be up later today.
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
Why don't you have anon switched off if you don't want hate then :/
Because of the nature of this blog, I won’t be doing that, ever. I would never reveal who I am, so I would never expect my readers/prompters to have to do the same. The sucky side is when people use it for the negative, such as sending hate mail, but on the whole it’s not an issue. I have pretty thick skin.
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
I vote for Chris/Allison or Peter/Malia(/Melissa) but you might want to tag the post asking for opinions with something like incest cw cause right now it shows in character tags without warnnings of any kind? Any asshole anons can suck it bte you are amazing *hugs*
Thank you! And thanks for the advice, I have done now. Admittedly, I’m more up on tagging things on AO3 because they’re more clear cut than knowing what people have blocked on Tumblr, but I totally hold my hands up that that was my mistake. I’ll make a more conscious effort in the future *high fives*
And I have noted your vote! 
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
ew..... you're so gross :/
I mean.... this is one of the lesser insults I’ve got tonight, and even one of those other ones made no sense, so let’s make this clear:
I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. What. You. Say.
I tag my things over on AO3 appropriately and responsibly with trigger warnings, and ensure that anything that is non/dub con is noted. I have a full disclaimer on how what I write are pure works of fiction and that I do not condone them in real life in any way, shape or form.
People have been enjoying what I’ve been writing for the past two and a half years, so I’m not about to stop just because one person wants to go on a three reply rampage because they don’t like what I’ve written.
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
So! I’m trying to kick my own butt and get to writing again, but I’m not sure which prompt to start with. So let me know what you’d like to see out of the ones below and I’ll prioritise that one.
Nogitsune!Stiles and Nogitsune!Allison topping Lydia
Argentcest (Kate/Allison/Gerard/Chris)
Female/Full Shift Derek
Derek/Lydia Breeding/Milking Kink
Allison/Alpha Pack
Peter topping Cora/Laura/Malia
More Derek topping Allison
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
Why do you focus mainly on the girls? Not that it's a bad thing! I was just wondering
Honestly, nonnie, I just think it’s because it’s different to how a lot of other people write. So much of AO3 is dedicated to male ships, and males being dommed. And that’s great, really it is, because that’s one of my weak points. And don’t get me wrong, I love the girls being doms in fanfiction as well, but I guess I just like to write things that I don’t see out there, and a lot of the prompts I get go along with that theme as well. 
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
*hugs* Hope you feel better soon, we're all rooting for you
You are amazing for being so understanding *hearteyes*
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
doesn't have to be a prompt, maybe just an idea for the future but-- Lydia non con with object insertion and crying?
Here you go!
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kinkyfoxfics · 7 years
Hey can i ask what are you working on at the moment?
At the moment, not too much nonnie :( My mental health is kinda not great at the moment so it’s ruining my ability to write. I’ll try and get something out soon, promise.
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kinkyfoxfics · 8 years
Kinkyfics finally deleted all their AO3 fics as well =( You don't happen to have any saved in a pdf form do you? In particular the Parrish/Sheriff/Stiles Mind Control one?
Sadly we don’t. Where is everyone going!? Come back to ao3 writers! Anyone else have any kinkyfics saved?
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kinkyfoxfics · 8 years
Kinkyfics deleted their AO3 account too. So much good smut now forever lost from the internets :(
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kinkyfoxfics · 8 years
So happy to see more of Family
Thank you! I’m glad you think so
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