#I'm so scared rn listening to mandela catalogue
hazbmymhotel · 5 months
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I forgot to post chapter 12 here! So here's the text!!
I made references to my wife's fanfic throughout:
Chapter 12) Making plans
“You can't be mad at ME for your bad choices, Angel!” Vaggie crossed her arms and glared at him.
Both Angel and Husk were damp from bathing and in comfortable clothes. Angel had wrapped himself in a plush, soft robe, but that didn't help him feel any better.
Angel looked at her flatly. “I absolutely can be mad at you, Vagina. You said he had to be sleepin’ to deal with whatever was happenin’ to him.”
“And why isn't Husk pissed off at me?” Vaggie asked, rolling her one eye.
Husk sat in Angel's lap, having only been wrangled into an oversized T-shirt. He swatted at the crochet in Angel's hands.
“He's very high.” Angel sighed, “Cherri might’ve dosed him a little too much.”
Vaggie rubbed her forehead. She stood from her chair and looked down at them on the couch. “Let me make this clear, hallucinogens will also make a connection.”
“You could’ve made it clear this mornin’.”
“You both fucking ran off after you stole three souls!!”
“I made hot chocolate!!” Roberto announced excitedly, bursting into the room from the kitchen with a tray.
“Yesss,” Husk said, sitting up between Angel’s legs.
“I'm good,” Angel held his hand up, so Husk grabbed two. “Babe.” He took one of the mugs and set it on the coffee table. “Okay, fine, you're right, Vaggie,” he rolled his eyes. “So what do we do to fix it? Husker can't stay awake forever.”
“It's not like sinners need sleep,” Vaggie scowled…but she did accept a hot chocolate.
“Anchor and Giovanni are making cookies!” Roberto matched Charlie’s excitement, clearly thriving in the hotel already.
Angel puffed out a breath. “Good. Glad. See, Vaggie, I made a good decision today…so tell me what we do about the fuckin’ labyrinths issue.”
Vaggie sat back down.
“Vaggie? This is where you speak,” Angel told her.
“Well…the labyrinths are just a few levels of the backrooms…” Vaggie sipped slowly.
Angel frowned. “You have no fuckin’ clue.”
“Eugh!” Vaggie groaned at him. “I have no fucking clue! They've been a problem for Heaven for longer than I've been around.”
“So even Heaven doesn't know?!” Angel groaned and crocheted faster, aggressively. “Why is it targeting’ Husk and nobody else?!”
Vaggie considered for a moment. She looked at Roberto. “When Arackniss attacks a body, does it regenerate?”
“When he unravels somebody?” Roberto asked. “No. Usually all of them disappear into the air…they don't come back.”
“Husk was supposed to die,” Vaggie concluded.
“He's already dead. ” Angel ignored his phone as Cherri started blowing it up with texts. Husk turned and started pawing at it from under his leg. Angel grabbed the other mug of hot chocolate from him, placing it next to the first.
“He was supposed to die like he was exterminated,” Vaggie clarified. “There's a possibility that those souls go to purgatory.”
“And that those souls ,” Alastor said as he walked into the room, “are being devoured and cannibalized!!” He stumbled slightly.
“Are you fucking high?!” Vaggie demanded as he stood next to her chair.
“Mmmmno,” Alastor wiped his lips free of golden liquid.
“Whatever you and Lucifer are doing is fucked , Alastor! You're going to end up as fucked over as Husk!” Vaggie snarled.
Husk looked up with a mmmrow.
“Fuck off, Vagina!” Angel shouted. “He's not fucked over! We just have to figure out a fuckin’ solution!”
“I doubt consumption of angelic flesh will send me to purgatory,” Alastor told her. “Though, I could test it if you'd allow me a bite!” He didn't react as she shoved her spear into his face.
“Shove it! Don't talk unless you have a solution!”
“Why not arm yourself, Husker?” Alastor asked.
Husker looked at his arms, then crawled back into his place against Angel’s stomach. He yawned. Angel gave him a firm shake.
“Hey!!” Husk’s fur puffed out.
“Husk…can you take anythin’ with you into the labyrinths?”
“I keep losing my cane,” Husk grumbled and sat up, looking at Angel with betrayal. He licked the fur down on his arm to calm it down.
Vaggie tried not to react. She would not view Husker as cute .
“Boss, you sure did pick a cute wife,” Roberto praised.
“ I’m the wife,” Angel said firmly. “Or we're both the husband.”
“Oh!” Roberto nodded. “Can I get anythin’ for you, boss?”
“Weapons that can go into dreams?”
“Mmmmmm,” Roberto hummed, unsure. “Okay…” he turned and left the room.
“Yeah, I'll never see him again,” Angel sucked his teeth.
Husk finished smoothing his arms down and crossed them. He looked down, startled again by his chest. He plucked.
“Husker, stop!” Angel grabbed his hands. “Come lie on me.”
“You won't let me sleep, Mommy,” Husk groaned.
Vaggie covered her mouth, “I'm not going to ask.”
Alastor looked bored. “Angel Dust…what did you do to Husker’s chest.”
“Oh!” Angel tugged Husk to him, in spite of his complaints. “I, uh…I think I sewed him up with a piece of my soul?”
“Excuse me?” Vaggie lowered her hand.
“Like this?” Angel gripped his own chest and tugged.
“Uhhh…air?” Vaggie scoffed.
Angel grabbed Husk's hand, using his claw to slice through the string.
“Oh!!!” Vaggie shouted, surprised as it became visible. “Angel!”
“It's how I took control of the new guys…” he wiggled the string, so Husk batted at it. “But I'm not rippin’ anythin’ open like Nickie did. Here, Kitten, a souvenir.” Angel wrapped the string around his neck like a ribbon. Husk purred noisily.
“Yes, it seems as though fate favors you, Angel Dust,” Alastor checked his nails. “By the way, wherever did you get that yarn you're using?”
“Found a couple of bundles layin’ around. I thought these colors looked good together.” Angel held the partially finished sweater against Husk. “Red and gold looks good on you, Babycakes.”
Alastor's eye twitched.
“Okay, Boss!” Roberto walked back into the room. “I think I got something!”
Angel jumped, forcing Husk to wake up again.
“Ugh,” the cat grumbled.
“You do??” Angel asked. “Lemme see.”
Roberto held out several loose herbs and small flowers from Charlie's garden.
“...Roberto, what the hell is this?” Angel sighed.
“Chamomile and lavender, sir,” Roberto was clearly proud of himself. “They stop nightmares.”
Angel opened his mouth to say something snarky, but Vaggie cut him off.
“That's actually not a bad idea,” she said.
Husk grabbed the throw blanket from the couch, wrapping it around his shoulders protectively. He nestled into the back of the couch, trying to snooze without Angel noticing. He hissed noisily when Angel tugged on his ear.
“Awake,” Angel told him. “What do I do with it?”
“You can make a tea, boss, or you can put it in your pillow. A bath with herbs could help,” Roberto rambled happily.
“You work with my Ma a lot, don't you?” Angel sniffed them. At least they smelled nice.
“...We could try it,” Angel turned them in his fingers. He tied them together with an embroidery thread.
“Guess who made cooookies?” Charlie sang, walking into the room. She answered herself, “Our new gueeests!”
Giovanni looked bored, but Anchor seemed pleased with himself.
“I don't understand why we're here,” Giovanni complained. “Angel Dust, what the fuck, man. I thought we were cool.”
“I have no fuckin' clue who you are,” Angel said simply, giving Husker another shake.
Giovanni looked offended and hurt, “we've had sex.”
“Oh, me too,” Anchor said casually.
“You and half of Hell, shnookums. Now which one are you?”
“...Giovanni,” he said, deflated.
“Well, Giovanni, uh, good job on following orders. I guess I won't, uh, lash you or whatever it is my Dad does,” Angel reached for a cookie from the tray.
“He usually shoots our legs,” Anchor provided. He walked around the room with the tray.
“What an asshole. We don't normally do that here,” Vaggie said.
“We never do that here,” Charlie gasped.
Giovanni frowned. “What do you do with fuckers who get out of line?”
“We make them sit through a Charlie lecture,” Angel gestured his thumb at her. “I'd rather get shot.”
“That's not nice, Angel. It's not in the spirit of friendship!” Charlie moved to make a speech, but Angel held out his hand to stop her.
“See?” Angel asked. “It's the real torture. But you get a room for free, here.”
“And you do, too, if you work on the program,” Vaggie growled at Angel.
“I was busy dealin’ with the spooky ass Zipperman and saving Husker’s life.” Angel tucked the herbs into Husk’s makeshift collar.
Husk grunted and gnawed tiredly on a cookie.
“It's really fuckin’ scary, actually. I'd be scared of zippers, too, if it was tryin’ to eat me,” Angel tugged Husk back to his lap, squeezing him protectively.
“Just let me sleep,” Husk complained, “I'm coming down. ”
Vaggie rubbed her temples. “You saw it?”
“When it ripped Husk open…I'm guessin’ to cannibalize him?” Angel laid his head on Husk’s.
“Right you are,” said Alastor. “I wonder which part of Husk it would keep for its skin.”
Angel made a face. “Herbs and shit are gonna be a short term solution if anythin'...we need something that'll kill it.”
“If you could see it, maybe you could kill it,” Vaggie considered. “I'd recommend keeping an angelic weapon on you. Both of you. Even if Husk can't hallucinate with it, maybe we can figure out something.”
“I'll just tie it to his hand and tell him to start slashin’...speakin’ of. Husk. Husker!” Angel gave him a firm jostle, but the cat just groaned quietly, eyes closed.
Angel frowned, staring at him. “He's out cold.”
“It's as good a time as any to test out the herb theory,” Vaggie sighed.
Angel smoothed Husk’s ears back with gentle touches. “Yeah…can one of you get my knife?”
It was dark in the hotel. Hours had passed, and nothing had happened with Husk as of yet. The cat moved a few times in his sleep, finally settling into a loaf under his blanket, all of his limbs tucked beneath his torso.
Angel had his feet on the coffee table, one arm over the back of the couch, and another draped protectively on Husk. He munched popcorn, watching the television screen.
“Are you sure this is a good movie to have on?” Charlie asked, tucked into Vaggie on the other side of Husk. “What if a horror movie gives him nightmares.”
“If there aren't any zipper sounds, I bet he won't even notice,” Angel said. He grinned when Roberto brought him a soda. “Thanks, Robbie, you watchin’?”
“No thanks, Boss. I'm gonna hit the hay…it's like 3 in the morning,” Roberto gave a little wave. His wings fluttered softly, giving a tiny: Zzt! As he left.
Husk's ears twitched and he stretched his front paws out in front of him. He opened his eyes tiredly, trying to figure out what was happening in the film.
Angel shoved another mouthful of popcorn into his mouth, sucked into the movie.
“She shouldn't go in there,” Charlie whimpered, and Vaggie hugged her closer.
“What are we doing?!” Lucifer exclaimed, flicking on the lights.
Charlie and Angel Screamed. Vaggie grabbed her spear. Husk leapt up, fur poofed down to the end of his tail.
“DAD!” Charlie hung over the back of the couch, horns and hair fiery in her terror.
“Hey, pumpkin!” He strolled over to the couch. “Having a little ‘Voxflix and Chill' session with the gang?”
“Ohh, that's not what that means,” Angel held his chest, breathing hard. “Husk! You're up!”
Husk rubbed his head, “With a fucking headache.”
“Sorry, Kitten,” Angel smoothed the fur on his head down. “I'll get you a water, I bet you're dehydrated as fuck.” He stood with a stretch. He'd changed into pajamas hours ago.
Husk watched him walk away before turning to the girls. “When did we get home?”
“Wow, you were fucked up,” Vaggie said. “You guys got home sometime after lunch, but you've been asleep about 9 hours…any nightmares?”
“No.” Husk plucked the herbs from his collar…and then fingered the string around his neck. “Did I get a makeover?”
“Ssssort of,” Charlie winced. “How's your chest?”
Husk noticed it as she pointed it out. He was clearly startled. “Ffffine?” He gingerly touched the stitch. A vague memory flashed through his mind, making his wing fluff in fear, “it unzipped me.”
“Yeah, we're working on that,” Vaggie grabbed the remote to pause the movie.
“What's all this about?” Lucifer sat in Angel’s spot on the couch, grabbing the half thrown container of popcorn.
“Husk's been going to the Backrooms,” Charlie answered.
“Ohohoh, you're a real lover of horror!” Lucifer praised, “that's some scary shit, little man.”
Husk looked at him flatly. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead grunted when Angel lifted him from behind the couch. He wanted to complain, but he worked drinking a large glass of water instead.
“I'm guessin’ you've been, your Highness?” Angel asked, climbing to sit where he'd plucked Husk from.
“Of course! I'd never ever EVER recommend it!” Lucifer ate another handful. “‘Course, sometimes it can't be helped. Those rooms crave what they crave after all.”
“And what's that?” Vaggie asked, backing away from Angel’s elbows.
Lucifer grinned, “Souls, of course! Mortal, immortal, inbetweens…all that nonsense! Especially souls that aren't fully stationed, you know. All those poor, poor unbaptized and aborted babies…”
“Really?” Charlie asked worriedly.
“No, I'm kidding on that last part! Babies get put right back in the cycle like ‘Boop!’” Lucifer tapped Husk’s nose, yanking back fast as the cat snapped his teeth. “Careful, Fella! That's addictive, and I only have so much flesh to give right now.”
Husk huffed at him. “So how do I stay out of the Backrooms?”
“You start by never going in. Once it has a taste of you, the Backrooms will never stop! It was stupid of you to take a thrill trip there.”
Angel, Husk, and Vaggie all gave Lucifer a look.
“Dad,” Charlie started, “we need an actual solution, here.”
“Sorry, Char-Char, but I don't have one!” Lucifer beamed. “I'd say you just enjoy your afterlife to its fullest before you're completely consumed, Mr Meow Meow.”
“Husk, get your hands off my fuckin’ knife, you're not stabbin’ the King of Hell,” Angel scolded him. He set his hand on Husk’s chest, feeling his own soul holding the man together.
Husk flattened his ears, and it left Angel aching.
“Dad, can you just look into it for me? I bet you have some information,” Charlie pleaded.
“Well, I could give it a shot.” Lucifer set the popcorn down and stood, adjusting his suit jacket. “But only ‘cuz you asked, Princess.”
Husk wrinkled his nose as Lucifer leaned over him to squeeze at Charlie's cheeks. Angel was clearly unphased.
“Off to it!” The Devil disappeared in a plume of golden smoke.
Vaggie yawned. “Okay, well, that's enough excitement for me. Husk, keep the lavender and chamomile on you…Angel, get us if something happens.” She got up and helped Charlie to stand. “Time for bed, sweetie.”
“Okay…Goodnight guys. Be safe,” Charlie smiled warmly at them before leaving the room.
Husk and Angel sat quietly. After a moment, Husk seid, “So…Alastor and Lucifer are up to something .”
“What??” Angel asked in surprise. “Is this about the angel blood Alastor's been zonked out on? Cuz he's gettin’ sloppy with hidin' it.”
“Probably. I'm no longer privy to Alastor's chatter at all hours….but I can smell him all over Lucifer. I can't say why , but Alastor has made power plays before. I'm sure he's scrubbing himself down in a shower…or a vat of acid.”
“Yeah, I got the feelin’ he hates sex. Alastor's told me ‘no,’ after all.” Angel pet the fur on Husk’s cheeks as they gossiped.
“He does. But Lucifer's a powerful ally, even if he's insane,” Husk nuzzled into Angel’s palms. “I'm so fucked.”
Angel frowned, thinking of the mixtape. There were several songs left, and he was too scared to listen. “We'll figure it out…we will. ” He kissed between Husk’s eyes. “I never wanna be without you.”
“You hardly know me,” Husk set his hands over Angel’s. “You lived without me before.”
“And I don't want to again. Say you'll be with me til you're gone…”
Husk pulled a hand away, flicking his wrist to summon the golden scroll that held Anthony's soul. “I already did. ‘Til death do us part,’ remember?”
Angel kissed him, holding Husk as close as he could.
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