#I'm so sorry if I effed up x'D
kheichou-blog · 7 years
If the chocobros were to buy wands from the Harry Potter verse, what would they end up with??? And what about everyone's favourite, Ashe??????
So admittedly, it has been a long, long time since I read the HP books and don’t remember much about the wands and woods and stuff (plus I haven’t managed to get fantastic beasts and stuff… I KNOW I’M A TERRIBLE HP FAN), so sorry if I make some inaccuracies in my observations and stuff, I’m using a wiki page for this one xD I don’t know why I’m nervous, this is all in good fun
Noctis: I feel like Noctis is very suited to an elder wood wand.  It’s reputed to be unlucky according to the wiki, though that’s likely a bunch of pish posh, but I feel like between that and the need of a pretty remarkable wielder, Noct fits the bill for this. 
Alternatively, I could see him with Cypress since it often found its way into the hands of nobility.
I like the idea of the core being horned serpent horn of some kind.  Exceptionally powerful and A SINGING WAND! 
Noct has his work cut out for him with this one, but I think he can do it, and I just see it fitting him well when I think of his destiny and what not through the main game.
Gladiolus: Does he even have a wand…  he would probably either have Holly or Rowan.  I lean towards Holly because Gladio always struck me as a little hot tempered (sometimes understandably, sometimes in a more aggravating projecting sense), and is associated with protection.  Because of this, I feel like he would make a quick and powerful bond with a holly wand.
He would probably need a spiracorn unicorn hair core.  I never saw Gladi as a person with a lot of patience and magical understanding, so he would probably need the stability it provides. 
Prompto:  I really feel like Prompto needs a hazel wand.  Hazel wands are sensitive to the owner’s feelings, and I just feel like Prompto needs a wand that understands him -sniffle- 
Though he could also very well have Willow since it tends to bond with those who harbor insecurity and though he’s a gun slinger, I think he would easily end up taking to the healing properties of Willow
I wanna say he would get dragon heartstring core cause this boy always pulls at my heartstings because I feel like a strong bonding core just makes sense with him.  I think he would take misfires and stuff from the instability in stride, and make light of it, making it a great match, if a bit troublesome at times.
Ignis:  Ignis is tricky because there’s quite a few woods that seem like could bond with him.  Clearly Walnut would be a good choice since it goes especially well with those of great intelligence.  English Oak I could maybe see too (English Oak could probably honestly go to any of them).  In the end though, I really think I wanna see him with an Acacia wood wand.  It’s tricky, but I think that would just pull him into it more, it’s a challenge, I think he likes putting his skills to the test.  He’s also clearly gifted in some respects, and I could see him able to unlock the potentials of an Acacia wand.
Ignis gets a Phoenix Feather core because he dies all the fucking time because he has the patience to deal with it unlocking its true magical range, and the magical range is something I think he’d really be interested in for sure.  I feel like phoenix feather fits because it often matches independent wizards.  Ignis is certainly independent.  I wouldn’t say he’s detached from the world necessarily, but I think to an extent he is quite detached from others since he feels he has a reputation and appearance to uphold, and won’t let himself bro as hard as the other bros and what not.
Alternatively… White River Monster spine because DEM STYLE POINTS THO
Ashewynn:  Ashewynn would do well with Maple, as the basis of her trials as a Bahamut Knight involve travel… lots of travel… travel all the damn time.  Blackthorn would also be a really good match for her, with the reputation of being in the hands of warriors.  Like Gladio, she would also do well with Holly.  She is protective of her friends, especially Iggy though (she gets it from her dad), and before Ignis has a chance to help her curb it, she has a fairly short temper.  However, because of how she calms with age, I think I would go with Blackthorn for her.
I would give her rougarou hair as a core because she’s a dark dragoon and I feel like she needs a certain something to splash her in some form of dark magic.  Rougarou hair is said to have an affinity for dark magic, so it fits the bill.
So there we have it!  Again, it’s been a long time, so I hope people don’t need to hang me and burn me at the stake x’D  I’ve been meaning to reread the series but I’m an extremely slow reader and college happened for 6+ years ;v;
Also this is the wiki page I used chiefly for this post: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Wand
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