#I'm so weirdly obsessed with their cute cheek things
lost-my-sanity1 · 2 years
the category is cheek thingey and they're winning it😭
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(are they really rivals with THESE materials in them????)
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drgnnova · 5 months
Chapter 5: Honorary Exorcist
Amane and Hanako were sitting down on the rooftop, "I have two books here" Amane said as he grabbed two books out of his bag, one was those huge informative book while the other book was small kind of like a Magazine.
"Space Encyclopedia." Hanako picks up the book as she reads the title. she sighed "this is way to long to read" she said, as she place the book down. "how to make friends" she read the title. she frown "I feel bad for you"
Amane huffed "says you." he replied back.
"you're mean Amane-Kun!" she fake teared up, "says something nice to me!" she yelled out, as she pointed at him with a smirk on her face.
he tried to think of something nice, Hanako move her eyes with Amane and realize he was looking at her legs. "you have cute ankles!" he yelled out. he covered his mouth when he realize he yelled instead of just said it.
Hanako's eyes widen, but then she smirked "that the only thing you could think of. you really are a-"
"I'm not a pervert Hanako-Chan!" he argued back, but then Hanako grabbed him by his cheeks causing his face to grow redder. he has never been touch by a girl that wasn't his mother or Sakura.
she lean closer, smiling "or could it be that you're obsessed with me?" Hanako ask, Amane eyes widen and then he glanced to the side to avoid looking at Hanako.
"That's far enough!" they heard someone yelled out from above them.
Hanako glanced up, as she tilt her in confusion. Amane blush in embarrassment wondering if the mysterious voice heard any of his weird comments. 'wait! if they didn't…' he glanced down at his books that Hanako had stack after looking at them. 'then maybe i can try and become this person's friend…'
"Finally! I found a worthy supernatural to be exorcise by my hands!" he yelled out as he jumped down.
he didn't think about Amane, as he went to slam his umbrella down onto Hanako. Hanako eyes widen "Amane!" she yelled out as she push him away. Amane fell backwards, he rubbed his head as he sat up. he finally got a good look at their attacker, and recognition appeared on his face in a instance.
"Aren't you the kid that I push down the stairs?!" Amane yelled out in shock, as he got to his feet.
he stop his attack, blushing in embarrassment as he straighten him "Bowl cut kid. I'm busy with something important, so mind your business!" he yelled out.
he turned back to his target, and his eyes widen when he noticed Hanako was gone. "Do you know him?" Amane asked, when he noticed Hanako floating behind him.
"nope. kid how do you have a weapon from the Minamoto clan?" Hanako answered, and then she looked up at Mitsuba who annoyed expression turned into a more frustrated expression. "you don't have the Minamoto's blond hair… or are you perhaps" Hanako was sayin, but then she covered her mouth. "are you a rebellious child of the Minamoto's clan, that's hot" she mocked him.
Amane found it confusing why Hanako was egging this pink hair student on, that reminded him that Teru was apart of a exorcist, since he was apart of the Minamoto's clan. "wait, are you Minamoto-Senpai's little brother?" he asked, and then he made a click with his finger "that would make sense why every time i have seen you, you've been with Minamoto-Senpai but you guy don't really give bro-" he was saying, but then his eyes widen.
he notice the Pink hair boy react weirdly to the words 'Minamoto-Senpai's little brother', He glance down at the weapon in his hands that was disguise as a umbrella, a look of sadness cross his face. but then it was gone as quick as it appeared, he clenched the weapon in his hand and looked up with a determined glare. "Stop hiding behind that little boy, Hanako!" he yelled out.
"LITTLE BOY!?" Amane gasped, genuinely angry at the comment "I'm older than you!" he yelled back.
he dismiss Amane's comment, Hanako use this as a chance to explain more about the Minamoto clan to Amane. she didn't know how Amane knew they were exorcist were, but it was clear that as far as he knew. "once upon a time… back when nights were much darker than they are now… it was a time when they called us supernaturals 'Youkai', and we had much stronger powers. there were three that were feared above all others, believed to be even more powerful than the gods. they were the three great evil youkai of Japan. one of those three was the evil Oni of mount ooe, shuten douji. and he was slain by the exorcist extraordinaire Minamoto no Yorimitsu. the ancestor of our lovely Minamoto-Senpai" she explained to Amane, when she mention Teru, she place a hand on her cheek and blush while smiling.
"UH-" both Amane and the pink hair boy gave Hanako judgemental looks, Amane looked more concerned while the younger boy look disgusted. "ignoring the last part. you did your homework on us" He smiles proudly, even thought it was clear that Hanako is implying that pink hair guy isn't from the Minamoto's clan. Amane wonders why the Pink hair boy would have a Minamoto's weapon if he wasn't apart of their clan.
His smile faltered "our ancestors left countless powerful, anti-evil artifacts for their descendants to use. i will master them all and use them to protect people from vicious supernaturals like you. that is the calling of every boy born into the Minamoto Clan! and So! I'm going to be the one to exorcise you!" he yelled out.
Amane eyes widen when the boy jumped up and attempted another attack on Hanako, it hit Hanako in the shoulder. "ah, by your body language and how much you're overcompensating yourself" Hanako grabbed the weapon with her hand as she smile.
the boy glared at her, that line had clearly strung a nerve. Amane's jolt his head to the door, he could have sworn he saw a boy at the door a second ago, he had looked like he was at least a year or two younger than the pink hair boy. Amane chalk it up to his imagination. "what are you talking about!" the boy yelled, which brought Amane back to the fight at hand.
Amane covered his eyes, when lightning started sparking from the weapon. Hanako eyes widen ever slightly "maybe this will teach you to shut your mouth, Hanako. and realize I'm out of your league!" the boy boast proudly.
Hanako started falling to the ground "Hanako-Chan!" he yelled out, running over to Hanako. 'lightning…? so that's what his weapon does… but shouldn't Hanako-Chan know that, since she knew about his weapon?' he asked himself, but then he shook his head to clear his mind and focus on Hanako.
"this is an anti-evil artifact that has been handed down through my family for generations - the Raiteijou! it's a spirit staff that turns it's user's spirit energy into demon vanquishing lightning that zaps evil! and you touched it with your bare hands! you must be pretty dense, since why would you touch it while knowing it was a weapon of the Minamoto's clan." the boy laughed loudly, clearly overly proud of himself.
he started advancing toward Hanako "It's over!!" he yelled out.
"Stop!" Amane yelled out as he attempted to tackle.
both of them fell to the ground, the Raiteijou still held tightly in his right hand as if he was scared of being separated from it. but then Amane remembered the sad expression from earlier, could their be a story behind his connection to the Minamoto clan and the Raiteijou.
The boy had grabbed Amane's waist with his left hand to avoid Amane from being hurt in the fall, it was the first response that came to mind at the sudden psychical interference of Amane, he didn't have enough time to react or do anything. "whoa! are you crazy ugly bowl cut boy!" he yelled out in anger, but their was a hint of concern in his voice. "you're an idiot! don't just tackle-" the concern left his voice, now it was just anger and annoyance.
Amane had a stunned expression at first, but he determinedly and angerly glared down at the boy who still had a hand on his waist. "I won't let you hurt her. she's my friend!" he yelled out at him. he thought it was cool how protective Amane was, he smile for a second.
"I never got your name." Mitsuba pointed out.
Amane's glare transform into a look of utter confusion. "Yugi Amane, a first year in the high school division. I'm Hanako-Chan's assistant and friend." he introduce himself, this was a weird situation to introduce oneself.
He frown once more, as he glance at Hanako who was sitting up. "she's your friend?" he looked up at Amane with a look of disgust.
Amane glared at him, confused by his change of personality again. "yes. she is, and if you do anything else mean to her, I'm gonna get madder at you" he declared.
"huh…? wait, but she's a super evil supernatural… and, uh… i have to exorcise her for the sake of our school and for Te…"
Amane eyes soften "Hanako-Chan isn't a bad supernatural!" he was going to try and reason with him. "she even helped me!" he told him, in hope that will put Hanako's name in a better light.
"are you nut-er, you've got it all wrong… mister!" he pushed Amane off of him, Amane eyes widen as he hit the ground.
he sat up, and the boy stood up and towered over him. Amane gulp "she's not just any supernatural. it took all of my grandma's strength to seal away Hanako-San of the toilet. she's a really, really diabolical evil spirit! and look, she uses that garden shear for a weapon. that's proof that she used it as a weapon while she was alive too. she used that shear to take someone's life." He told Amane.
Amane tried to search for a hint of a lie on his face, but the boy had a dead serious look on his face. "No! you… you have to be lying…" he yelled out, but his voice started quieting down. remembering how a friend of Hanako when she was alive keeps being brought up, and how weirdly she reacts to any mention of her friend. 'no… she wouldn't have… right?'
"she's fooling you, Amane!" apart of Amane knew he was way more serious than before, because he was calling him by his name rather than the terrible nicknames 'bowl cut' and 'ugly bowl cut'. "you can't trust her!" he yelled out, and then he crouch down to Amane who was still sitting on the ground. "you're just gonna be… another…" he had grabbed a hold of one of Amane's hands.
Amane eyes widen when he felt Hanako place her arm around his shoulders. "aw" she said as she point her garden shear at the boy. "my secret's out. this isn't what killed that person though" she answers with a smile and dark eyes.
the boy jump back in fear, his earlier confidence vanish completely. Amane turned around with a horrified look and his hands over his mouth. "haah… I was hoping to keep it to myself a while longer…"
her Hakujoudai float around her, as she floats into the air. "come here. Hakujoudai." the Hakujoudai floated to her chest "you're right. I did kill a human being. but god told me that if i can fulfill my duty here. it will erase my guilt" a beautiful cloak appeared on her, it was familiar to a winter jacket for the school. "so i can't let you exorcise me. sorry." she answered with a smile, and her garden shear pointed in the direction of the boy.
"you don't even make any sense" the boy response back, as Amane noticed how his hands tremble while he held the Raiteijou and was prepare to attack. Hanako float backwards "Wait!!" the boy yelled out.
he slammed down at Hanako, but she dodge his attack. "hold still…!" he yelled out, the harsh and unsmooth movement of the boy cause his camera to fall down. he hasn't notice because his full attention was on Hanako.
Amane catch the camera before it fell, and when he looked down. a horrified look was on his face 'that boy… in the photo… it's the same boy from before… it can't be…" he rubbed his face and then he glance down at the camera and the photo glitch and was gone, leaving Amane terrified and confuse.
"hey, doesn't that hurt your hand?" Hanako asked, appearing right next to the boy. the boy eyes widen, and then he made lightening strike from the Raiteijou to Zap Hanako.
the boy was cockily laughing once again after getting another attack on Hanako. "mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! you never learn!! this time, there won't be anything left of you!!" he yelled out, Amane stood up with the camera as he gulps, he look at the boy and Hanako fighting. 'was the odd photo. a cause of a supernatural or could the boy have been…'
Hanako had her hand on the Raiteijou, but the lightning zap didn't work this time. "This has to work! if this doesn't work then I'm usele…." Amane notice the boy's chest move up and down faster than normal, which indicate fear and panic. he also notice his eyes shaking, as he clenched the Raiteijou until his knuckles turn white, 'that isn't normal'
"WHOA!" The boy yelled out, as he narrowly dodge the garden shear as Hanako attempt to attack him.
Hanako smile as she waves the garden shear around while the boy tried to dodge. "this didn't originally belong to you, did it?" she asked with a smile, grabbing at the Raiteijou. "give it to me, and i might let you go" Amane glance at Hanako, and wondered who the weapon originally belong to you. "or maybe the person who used to hold it is De…" Amane's eyes widen, when those words started leaving Hanako's mouth.
"How Dare You. The Raiteijou is important to me!" the boy yelled out, Amane noticed the glassy look on the boy face as if he was holding back his true emotions, which made him wonder if Hanako's accusations. "I need to carry on his legacy…" he quiet down as soon as those words left his mouth.
he took a deep breath in, and a confidence smirk return to his face which both Hanako and Amane knew was fake now. "don't look down on me. or you'll regret it. Mitsuba never runs from a supernatural" they finally got his name, Amane looked down at the camera and he sighed as he notice his name was on it, meaning he could have just got his name from the camera.
Hanako made a 'oh' sound, and then she smile. "well okay.", she cause Mitsuba to fall over. he crashed into the ground, and then she grabbed a hold of his shoulder with one of her hand, and pulled the knife up in the air with her free hand. Amane grip on the Camera tighten.
it looked like she was going to stab Mitsuba but instead she just flick him on the head. "take that!" she smile "I win!" she declared.
Mitsuba looked up in confusion, at the sudden change. and why Hanako had spare him, and then he noticed that Hanako had his Raiteijou in her hands. "Hey!" he yelled out, he reach for the weapon but Hanako beat him to it, having place a seal on the Raiteijou.
"well. I'll just seal this away so it doesn't hurt anybody"
Mitsuba crash down toward the ground "after all that trouble to get him to allow me to have it… just for me to be an idiot and allow a supernatural to seal it away!" Amane felt a little bad, he walked over and handed the camera, Mitsuba eyes widen as he grabbed the camera off Amane. "uh. thanks"
he got up, and grabbed the heirloom "why would you do this to Teru-Senpai's family heirloom?" he asked, and then he tried to take it off. it seems he didn't realize that he drop his act. "take it off" he demanded.
Hanako covered her ears with her hands "don't wanna".
but then Hanako had a sadden look on her face, and then she grabbed his hand and gently rubbed her finger over a burn mark on Mitsuba's hand. she flinched when Mitsuba jolted in pain "more importantly. it's clear you aren't ready to be wielding that weapon, and I'm guessing it hold some important memories since it belong to someone you cause to call a friend, right?" she asked. "it like you don't know how to use it, you must have beg Teru-Senpai to allow you to use this. you zapped yourself every time you shot lighting from it." she glanced up at Mitsuba, with a serious look on her face "i think it time you tell us exactly who you are."
"That's…" his anger quickly vanished, as he tries to force his sadness away. "I'm Mitsuba Sousuke. Honorary Exorcist of the Minamoto's clan, i was trained by Teru for nearly two years" he answered.
Amane hadn't expect him to answer considering how he had been acting the whole time. Hanako was about to speak, but it seem something snapped in Mitsuba. "I want to prove Minamoto-Sama that he wrong about me! I'll prove to Teru-Senpai that he didn't make the wrong choice of letting me become a exorcist and I'll definitely master the Raiteijou because he didn't get too. I'll make his goals come true, by my hands!" Mitsuba felt a single tear slipped down his cheek, he rubbed the tear away.
"I don't know if my words mean anything to you, Kid. but I think for how little you had to train, you're already showing great potential. so their no need to rush, and I think that person you're fighting will, is happy and proud for you in the afterlife. me, him and Amane know you'll make a fine exorcist in the future. and then I'll be a piece of cake for you. when that day comes, I'll be looking forward to it." Hanako share a heartful speech to Mitsuba. "I think out of everyone, I would want you to be the one to do it."
Mitsuba felt his mouth moving on his own, as he struggle to hold back his emotions. "you think he's…" the words he was trying to say, felt like they were stuck in his throat as he tried to speak. he laugh "I think I've even be hallucinating about him lately"
once again, Amane saw the boy again. he was hiding from the corner, a smile on his face as he looked at Mitsuba. 'huh. that's odd.', the boy seem to notice his staring because he floated away. "AMANE!" Hanako yelled out to get Amane's attention.
"did you space out again?" she asked him.
he was confuse "where's Mitsuba?" he asked, he was pretty sure he hadn't been staring at that random boy for long. "Oh" he follow Hanako's eyes and found the boy knocked out on the ground.
"I said he was a coward who acts tough. and then knocked him out with a punch to the stomach" she admitted casually.
Amane sighed, but then looked up at her. "wait, I forgot to ask. are you okay?" he asked concerned.
"he wasn't going to give up. so i had to knock him to avoid the fighting going on longer. thought i have to admit, he is tough for only being a exorcist for around two years. but because of his fake cockiness, he bites off more than he can chew." she explained.
he grabbed the staff from the knocked out Mitsuba. "the staff.. shouldn't we hide it now, while we have the chance?" he asked her. "do you know who it could have originally belong to?" he wondered if she knew.
"I have some talk around the school. but nothing to clear since I'm always in the bathroom or garden. but what I've gathered is that Teru has a little brother who died." she admitted. "most likely belong to that poor kid."
Hanako looked at him "are you worried about me?" she asked him.
"o-of course i am! you're my friend." he told her. "and friendship is important to me, you know that better than anyone" he glance down at the two books that were destroyed in the fight between Hanako and Mitsuba, he sighed. luckily he didn't bring the version his father bought him before he died. he keeps those book in a safe place at home.
Amane wondered about Minamoto-Senpai, and how badly it must have feel to lose a brother. the thought that he could lose Tsukasa one day was horrifying, so to think his upperclassman actually lost his younger brother was heartbreaking to say the less. "… I see. so you can get along with a murderer huh, Amane?" she asked him, her hands in her pocket.
"that's…" he was saying, but then she smile. she walk past her "ha-ha. Just kidding", Amane eyes darken as he glance down. "leave the kid. he'll be fine. I doubt he'll be able to exorcise me next time he tries. and i welcome the company. of course… thigs are going to get a lot livelier around here before long."
Next chapter or chapters: Misaki stairs. (Depends on long it ends up being)
Who's this mysterious boy?
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Tbh, I could *eat* your art and I was wondering how the frick did you manage to make anything not dummy thin look good in the Hazbin style. Like, I love my twigs but when you're not thin yourself and need roundness, I have *no clue* how to translate that as well as you did. Any tips? I'm in Spain without the S rn trying to figure it out.
HELLO DARLING oh my gosh first of all thank you so much oh my gosh I could cry 🥺
Secondly, YEAH...Hazbin has so many amazing characters and fun designs for them but all of them are as wide as a pencil and it's hard to imagine a fat character in the style.
My main reference that I used in designing Dazzler was this absolutely beautiful bitch!!!
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Seriously when I first started designing Dazzler... gosh thinking on it takes me back actually, she used to be named Doris and was totally different (I was going the fallen angel route) but still a fat woman! There's early art of Viv's that I referenced heavily, of Mimzy's design early on and it helped me a lot in visualizing a fat character. I think she was intended to be a bigger character, pre-pilot, because there's a LOT of old art of her!
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I still take some liberties because I know how I prefer to draw fat women, I always have fat self inserts because I'm fat irl, and I have fat OCs, so I just. Have my methods I guess.
A few key things I took away from studying Mimzy's design as The One Fat Character in Hazbin (that I know of and can remember) is that she has big round cheeks, her legs and arms have shapely silhouettes that still end in points to match the pointy and angular style, and, in the show, sometimes, the complete lack of a neck weirdly lmao Mimzies below as examples!
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Though I do give Dazzler a visible neck sometimes, but often I draw her head sitting very close to her shoulders. I actually just took a second to draw Dazzler in a very rough and quick sketch, as a representation of my points here, so hopefully it's a good visual to go along with my explanations!
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I feel like there should be more fat characters in Hazbin, Mimzy's such a good representation of fat women imo (she's literally so fucking cute and funny and has a spicy personality as opposed to Typical Fat Girl who is either shy and reserved or obsessed with food) and I'd love to see more, but I know the style is tailored more for tall skinny boiz lmao so I won't hold my breath.
I hope this made sense and like is actually helpful LMAO this is maybe the second time in my life anyone's ever asked me for art advice so I really sincerely hope it reads well and helps you out!!!
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marinedecoder · 8 months
Happy new year, folks, I am - as almost always - running behind with stuff I meant to post closer to xmas because I'm fighting a dissertation currently. With that said, here's the first of a couple of posts that'll be coming out via my queue.
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My partner went above and beyond for gifts over the festive period. I got the world's most useful kitchen organisation tool for my utensils, and two RH gifts! Sunny and Luna here - who I've been desperate for since their release - were my final gift from them. I'd never expressed I wanted them to the boo, so they were an amazing surprise.
I'm gonna try something a little different and shove the rest of my usual, rambling review under a cut. I might keep to this format later, I might not. This is basically a scrapbook for my dolly hobby for me, after all.
First things first!
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Straight out the box impressions? I adore these girls (but it is painfully obvious where most of the budget went, poor Luna got the short straw lol)
With Luna having said short straw, I'll start with her:
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She's stunning - her hair is a bit wonky out the box, but it's an easy fix. All her clothing pieces are very nicely made (as per usual for RH/SH), and I love the subtle sort of pinkish blush on her cheeks. I'm also super into her weirdly boxy shoes, they're sick as hell.
She's fully going to get the black mesh top Mila came with, and I think I've got black fishnet type tights she can have, too, for the meantime. Later down the line when I've got more energy I may try to make her the bodysuit she has in the show, we'll see.
I'm obsessed with both of their bags.
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Luna's little box bag being able to open and close is delightful to me, as someone who was very used to Solid Plastic Doll Bags when I was little. It's also a super handy way to keep track of the twins' accessories while they're in the hair salon. Sunny's delightful little bear bag has that typical fuzzy flocking feeling, and is just painfully cute.
On that note, moving on to Sunny!
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She is STUNNING. The little jibbitz on her crocs are adorable, and the "patch" on her shirt is such a sweet idea, her whole outfit is super cute.
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Her skirt is two layers, and amazingly to me the pockets are fully functional (also as per usual, but with the material used I wasn't sure they would be)
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Her hair is SO CRUNCHY though, oh my god. I'm not massively looking forward to trying to recreate that hairstyle without/with much less gel, haha! I'll get to it in time, though. That's all for these gals, more in the next post!
0 notes
kakubun · 3 years
itching hands
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pairings: bonten x chubby!reader
a/n: this was supposed be for december but i'm impatient🕴
warnings: suggestive, bonten
life with bonten series
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these men will bark at you if you ever had the time to be insecure about yourself
hold on tight to your seat cause i'm sure these executives won't let you
especially these easter egg mfs, you never know what's in each of these peoples' minds
he lets a lot of things slip from his mind and specially his comments about you
he ranges from thirsty to intense staring at any part of your body where if i say so, it's gonna be a lot more pg
eventhough he's weirdly obsessive of how you look, he means good! it's just that his lameo ass can't say or spell it out to you without sounding like a pervert
he enters your apartment in search of any of the haitani brothers to pick up their report on the last mission and maybe you so he could easily find the two since they always muted their phones when busy.
at first, he wanted to reward himself with a little something since he did a little running around here and there, why not look into your fridge? he slowly opened it because of instinct and almost fell on his knees when he saw sweet cakes topped with icing. he reached out to it as if it's begging for him to just eat it up and he drooled with how soft it looked but a grab to his wrist startled him when he looked at the person in alarm, a quirk of your eyebrows immediately lead him to explain what he's here for.
"uh searching for haitani- by the way can i eat that-" you wiped his drool that ran down his chin with a tissue hastily, in full exaggeration the bright pink haired man is an absolute sweet tooth. he finally let his eyes set on you and he looked comedic with his wide eyes when he looked down at your soft thighs in the comfy shorts you wore.
you ignored his staring and sighed, pointing to the label of the sweet cake which had rindou's name on it but you changed your mind due to said man pouting and took out the cake and peeled off the label, offering to sanzu who drooled again but he doesn't know what's his drooling for anymore (rindou can always order another cake anyways). you closed the fridge and stretched, moving into the living room to lay on the sofa.
he felt content with his dessert, all he needed was a place to sit and he just felt that the perfect place was between, between, man he couldn't help it but stare at plushiness of your thighs. he wanted to bite it.
"can i lay myself between your thighs?"
a silent staring contest was held maybe, if people were to walk in at the moment but with a smirk you patted yourself.
"go ahead darling"
after a while
"y/n did you ate my cake!?" rindou gruffly yelled out and he didn't know what did he just walked into, you brushing and massaging sanzu's head while he hums and kisses up your thighs with the empty plate near his feet and rindou massaged his temples to not drag the male between your thighs into a body bag.
but he failed so sorry sanzu.
ran walked in with an amused stare when sanzu haven't noticed them yet and y/n laughed to rindou who was starting to march up to sanzu to grab both his ankles.
ran lazily stumbled to the sofa with his legs spread while watching whatever the hell the two were doing when sanzu finally woke up from his fantasies, fly high sanzu🕊🕊
ran leaned in to whisper to you when you secretly recorded the fight, asking why you finally offered sanzu a place to lay when you didn't let him lay between when he asked you so many times. you looked over at him with your mischevious eyes and he knows damn well he needs to do more than just asking.
"WAAAHH Y/N THEY BULLIED ME !!" you don't if sanzu's faking his loud crying or not with tears begin to slip past his cheek when he pointed at the haitanis and rindou had no shame in admitting what he done when his older brother blinked in confusion.
you tried to hold in any chortles or laughter coming out because the pink boy had his worst when rindou bent his leg over his head while muttering how he should've killed sanzu from day one. you held out your arms and he immediately flopped you to the coach when he pushed and smothered into your scent.
the haitanis still don't why you adore that crazed man baby who likes killing people and making them confess their crimes, you said you found it really annoyingly cute that's why you had haru in your arms who nibbled on you like a baby.
just hope that the treatment with haru doesn't go on and on and you actually do something about it instead of kissing his tears away and cuddled with him.
he feels disrespectful to how much staring he does to you on a daily basis
the way you walk, your hips popping and the curve of your hip dips makes him go crazy
he wonders if he could just hold onto your waist or just touch onto your hips, he might faint touching the roughness of your stretch marks as if he's been blessed by pure heaven
he's obsessed with how you present yourself to the others
if only he was a little more bolder, he could admire it closer if he just asked (?)
"have you taken an interest in y/n, kaku?" ran's eyes glanced at kakucho's hard staring at your crossed legs and he stopped, scoffing at ran's word but the older haitani had a plan up his sleeves.
y/n sat nearby kokonoi's table doing their own thing, looking like a sweet thing that had kakucho's glued on them that ran couldn't help pointing it out and it didn't help kakucho's poor heart when mikey suddenly interrupted the conversation.
"kakucho, please assist y/n on where's they want to go at the moment" it made kakucho perk up, startled by the sudden job of bodyguard and he looked back at ran who winked at him. no no no this isn't what he wanted, what was he planning?
it's annoying on how this puppy crush of his grew even more worse, your whole personality draws him towards you, making him feel like a kid again because of how nonchalant you are with him. he felt laidback being with you is like the calm after a storm with his work and shenanigans in bonten.
he watched from a distance when you looked over the things on your list, kakucho also gathered some of the things you wanted into a little basket and cancelling some out so you didn't have to get them anymore and you thanked him with your pretty smile.
he scanned the area around him and held himself back from punching when this one creepo think they're being sleak with how they kept eyeing you, kakucho either think he was a pick pocket or a flirt but he kept a good metres away from him to see what he was doing but he was ready to turn towards you if they got any closer.
you turned towards kakucho, waving your hand to come to you and he immediately went, feeling more pissed off towards the person creeping in on you slowly but he felt your rough palm on the skin of his wrist wrapping it around your waist. he unconsciously squeezed around you, pulling you close as he shot a nasty glare towards the person who backed off, seeing the intense look from the half blind which they didn't dare messing with.
you both walk away, heading towards the counter as you laughed behind the palm of you hand; still in position of kakucho tightly holding onto your waist where he panicked when he realized how hard he's latching onto you.
"hah~ you're so-"
still choking on your laughter, he akwardly shuffles to the side in embarassment and it added more fuel to the fire when he remembered how he held your waist and he excused himself before combusting in front of you and went away for a few seconds.
you have to say but you gotta thank ran for this plan, even if the creepo appeared out of nowhere, atleast you got to see how bonten nunber 3 reacts to his dream coming true~
he mostly admires you in silence and gets distracted if he ever talks to somebody
just his eyes trailing down every curve on your body and just daydreams about them (as in like cuddling pls)
the other executives would notice how his eyes are always on you in every meeting youre in and would tease him about it when you leave the room like ran would comment 'so thats where your head was this whole time hm?'
kokonoi love your pictures, he feels creepy stalking your pictures but he can't help but gush into the palm of his hand of your stunning you look, you make him faint whenever you had suprise pictures of you in dresses and he feel like his whole body is on fire.
ran taps the head of his pen to the temple of kokonoi's head and he slams his phone down and put on a poker face, it faltering when he clenched his teeth already knowing what's coming. ran sneered to how much of a simp he was and flicked the back of his head, pointing towards the door of his office; telling him any moment you're gonna come by and koko swats his hand away, knowing the haitani was just teasing him but his eyes nearly bulged out when you actually swung by.
all sleepy and dreamy like, his heart getting squeezed and the older haitani patting you towards koko who unexpectantly had you in your lap, your weight tapping him out of his daydreams as you hugged him tighter.
"my my, tired baby ain't ya?" he put on his proper poker face he got from the back of his desk, trying not to falter when you sleepily ranted on how work was terribly tiring and he patted your back shakily, not wanting to push you off due to extreme nervousness. he joked with you telling that he could just pay you easily if you work under him and you pushed his chest with your head bonk .
"ywou drhon just-mphm-hrmm" him heating up to how close with you works because he was the best heat warmer you could ask for, he felt bad for moving you to the coach but he just needed a comfortable position for you sleep in because you sitting on him? naaah, he's a puddle by the end of it.
the urge to take a picture was really strong so he took out his phone and angle his phone down to catch your drool slipping out of you and smiled feverishly to how dorky you looked.
koko felt like he could fuck up more of his feelings staring at your sleeping face, he rubbed his finger on your fat cheek you smooshed onto the coach and shifted a little in your sleep to adjust the blanket more closer to you. koko's touches were hesitant, didn't want to be a pervert when all he did was touch your soft cheek.
he wanted to just hold you close to his chest and have you against him but his prickling anxiety said otherwise, his awful thoughts and stubborness entertaining the shit out of him. you nearly give him a heart attack when one of your eyes open when he wanted to take his second picture and you latched onto his wrist. koko squawked and you couldn't help but burst out in guffaws to how panicked he looked when you caught him.
if anyone saw this scene, koko surely would die of embarassment and he'll dig his grave himself but unfortunely he will eventually when the blinking red of somebody's recording was capturing every moment of it.
haitani brothers
the duo who makes you nervous with their hard stares on you
these two are also pretty touchy so it's dangerous when they're handsy with one of your body parts
rindou are obsessed with your chubbiness, poking it just to see his finger bounce back; comedically
he loves being close with you because you're so squishy??? the type of guy who plays with your squishiness like you're a stress toy and holds himself back from biting
you're the greatest fridge or heat bag on the off days he haves, just wrapped up in blankets and you makes him sleep like a baby
as discussed earlier, ran wants to his head between your thighs; don't be suprised when one day he felt like he should get killed by them and you reject his acceptance towards death
he's a leg man and likes sleeping on your lap or kissing them or he just does anything with them (if you don't mind)
you just gotta remember these two are menaces right next to sanzu cause they'll bother you about it like forever if they can
after seeing the endless babying of sanzu, rindou turns to his brother who was lost in his thoughts and tapped his shoulder with the back of his hand. he lifted his eybrow, needing a response to how quiet he became and ran gave him a sly smile.
"you look at y/n like you wanna eat them up" ran shrugged, placing his elbow on rindou's shoulder as he slipped a comment on how he can eat y/n in other ways while rindou scrunched up in disgust. sanzu then emerged right next to rindou, telling them to give their report; damn well distracted when you started brushing and massaging his head a few moments ago.
rindou pointed towards the window, telling sanzu to fetch the files in his car while 'lightly' threatening him to buy another cake for him and the pink haired boy waved him off as if his threatening didn't give him flashbacks to how rindou almost squeezed his organs out of his ribcage when he looked at the empty plate.
when sanzu disappeared out of the house, rindou pulled you by the waist and onto his lap. squeezing your fat and kissing up your neck, he grazed a sweet spot but you swatted him telling him what's gotten into him. ran lay his head on your lap and looked like a satisfied brat when you look back at him then his brother all confused like.
rindou couldn't spare anymore time so he whispered in your ear, telling how much of a nuisance his older brother was and pleaded you to let him do what he wished to do. ran quirked his eyebrows, leaning up to kiss you while you teased him more by placing a finger on his lips.
"using your brother as a way to get me to do your thing instead of asking me in the nicest way? how cruel haitani, don't you know how torturous it is for your brother to put up with you?"
he smirks, knowing how much of a tease you were and feigned his sigh. rindou clamped his hands over this ears to not hear whatever the hell is this and tilted his head comfortably on your neck.
you shifted off rindou's lap, letting the man going after your sweet self place his head on your tummy as he happily shifts himself to a tiny nap to wait for sanzu to get back from whatever he got himself into because they could hear him shouting at the phone when he was unlocking the car door.
you looked over at rindou and placed a finger on your lips, smiling with your eyes closed when you don't want to disturb his sleeping brother in bliss.
ran just doesn't need to know rindou had his many turns sleeping with you this week compared to him~
he likes sleeping on you, his titled pillow he seeks for at the end of the day
he usually goes to you whenever he has a hard time sleeping and you try your best to advice him on how he should take care od his eyebags and weak body
he likes listening to your whispering before he goes to sleep so he asks you to talk more (command maybe)
"please i need to get up"
he uses your entire body as a pillow to swing his leg over ._. . from the very start, he makes you worried that you might've done or said something wrong to him but his thoughts were completely filled with how he can melt into you and be a handy pillow for him if he can't sleep easily.
to break the ice of what he thinks of you, you hummed quietly and awfully close to him on why he was staring at you but he completley dodges the question, rather he wants to show you why he's staring so he asks if he can touch you. he was uo close and personal on the first into with you but he didn't have bad intentions.. because afterwards you were legit cradling him.
sanzu was raising his eyebrows teasingly when their boss was sound asleep on your shoulder and you run your hands to his hair while glaring at sanzu to not make any noise. kakucho tried putting a straight face on but it's complelety leaving him when he heard his boss sleep talk.
he was babbling nonsense to you which you tried to reply to him but his mouth was jammed shut because there was some point where he got mad at you for not replying and sanzu was rolling on the floor and kakucho had to walk out to laugh with sanzu, dragging the pink hair out of the office. you cooed at him to relax instead of thrashing back and forth and he stopped, planting his face into your neck which makes you feel really tickled.
you're just grateful he's getting some sleep and you kissed him good night and a faint smile shows up on his face when you hugged him tight.
(and the other executives in the other room cracking up about mikey and you NSBJSBD)
he likes carrying you, stealing you away from the other executive when they're disturbing you
you can't feel insecure with this man because he was the dirtiest way with his words that he whispers to you that can turn any guy or girl red
he'll surely gouge out any prying eyes that mock or stare at you for too long
"why cat got your tongue?" your mouth agape when he was busy doing pushups on the mat and his back muscles flex even more when you came by, the smirk on his face didn't help making you flustered while you sat near him. panicking on the inside, he stopped for a water break and sat next to you.
you prayed to not shake so visibly becaue this hot ass man right now makes you lose all sense of human nature with how big he was, he placed his bottle down and shifted closer to you. bending down a little to arch his back to crack a little, he said he needed you on his back for his pushups. he can easily see the confusion you had on your face and he chuckled, getting up to begin and he usher you to start climbing on his back.
"cmonnn~ i'm strong, you're afraid i'll drop you?"
this man wanted a death wish but you think you'll die first because of how much of a tease he was, his back was kinda comfortable so you tugged on him like a koala, he called you needy and he says he's right you'll enjoy it. enjoy what exactly? too scared to ask this man because of the potential of a heart attack.
it becomes a daily thing to be honest, just having you on his back to flex off his strength that you were impressed that he didn't break and kept his composure. he held you close or carries you on his back cause he wants to, running away from the others who were fighting over you.he was a dangerous man because he could easily take your breath away with how secretive he is.
heck, i think he just did.
tag tag: @lucylicious , @turksueme , @haruchyio , @fyotituti , @coconois , @gyros-cum-sock , @ashrakat-lovesbaji , @dragon-chica
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Ok imma be honest, this chapter moved me to tears and not the sad sobbing but the more inspiring kind. This chapter means the world.
She had told them her dreams were about ducks – since there were the only equally horrible thing she could think of.
Uncle Magnus had given her an odd look then, as if he knew she was bullshitting them. But he hadn’t said anything.
Lexi would be royally pissed if this turned out to be some stupid pointless dream.
Even though she was only 7 minutes older than Lexi, Selena always acted like she was 7 years older.
That's so cute though
People looked at her pastel-coloured aesthetic immediately assumed she was the soft and sweet Fairchild twin. People saw Selena in her red leather jacket and thigh high boots and assumed she was in the infamous troublesome Herondale twin.
Why Selena hadn’t killed her in her sleep yet, Lexi doesn’t know.
The meals at the Academy were to die for – quite literally. Last week two students from the warlock fraction had almost killed each other over a blueberry muffin.
Oh how times change...they will never know the dreaded soup
Selena’s was Idris of course. She was kind of obsessed with it.
Max loved the shadow markets. Lexi thought they were very cool too.
Rafael loved his father’s office – which was weird. There was nothing to do in that room other than ponder about shadow world problems. Besides, the place still weirdly smelled like the tangerine perfume Anjali wore, even though the girl had left New York almost a year ago.
David loved the New York Institute – especially the library.
Gigi of course loved the dining halls.
Dining halls, kitchens, food trucks, vending machines - if a place had food with it, Gigi loved it.
It's so amazing how they all have their favorite places...(same David same)
“You’re supposed to pour the syrup on the pancakes not into your mouth,” Lexi chuckled as she sat down next to her.
“It ends up in my mouth anyway,” Gigi shrugged.
True enough.
Someone make me a playlist.
“His parents fell in love in Rome when they were in Rome,” Gigi pointed out even though Lexi already knew. “I think it’s actually romantic.”
I had forgotten that-
Roman was nice. But not nice enough for Georgia. Lexi didn’t think there was anyone good enough for her parabatai – who was the most perfect person in the world.
Me @ anyone who tries to make a move at my best friend.
When's the wedding?
(you're telling me you didn't believe you were gonna marry your childhood crush? Liar)
“I like being his friend,” Georgia said. “I like spending time with him and all of that. But I don’t know if I like him…in that way. I feel like I need more time.”
Demiromantic??? YES GIVE US THE REP
Lexi sometimes thought life would be so much simpler if the world was full of women and everyone was a lesbian.
Ikr?? Life would be so much easier.
Lexi says Roman is too-nice-sus
Well well well
The kind of love that cheated death.
The kind of love that sustained memory spells put by princes of hell.
The kind of love that changed the world.
Trust me all of our standards are very high
Lexi successfully survived the class without falling asleep.
Me during English.
Ok who's the blond?
Lexi I thought we weren't gonna fall this soon-
Oh the girl's straight...sigh we've all been there.
which meant they had to hold hands. Kinda.
Lexi was a little scared of that.
Goddamnit, Alexandra. Get your gay together!
Lexi knew Olivia liked boys. She hadn’t dated anyone officially of course. All the boys were kind of terrified of her father.
She could be bi or pan or omni. WE GOTTA HAVE HOPE
vegetable loaf... David I'm so sorry you had to go through this.
Lexi then decided not to do any of her homework over the weekend because she was not coming back to the academy. She was not going to survive the sleepover and whatever else Olivia had in mind.
Bestie...why is this me when I make eye contact with my crush.
“Good stuff?” Max snorted. “Rafe literally ran away from home cause shit got too intense.”
“I didn’t run away!” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Stop telling people that!”
“But you have rumours and shadowhunters getting thrown into silent city and cohort drama and all that exciting stuff!” Liv pointed out.
True though.
“Wasn’t there a serial killer when your parents were young?” David asked.
“And didn’t your uncle do necromancy?” Max said biting into a chicken wing.
True and true
“Sorry, Chouchou!” Lexi winced. “I, uh, sensed a mosquitoe on your leg.”
“Girl, your angel powers are weird as fuck,” Max laughed.
“I don’t know,” the girl shrugged and threw her a wink. “I wouldn’t put anything past Lexi.”
Lexi looked at Gigi. She was one more compliment away from screaming.
But Gigi of course knew her struggle and therefore quickly stuffed a bread roll into Lexi’s mouth.
I need someone to stuff bread into my mouth when things get like this
There were rumours about David – and how Daddy had an affair. Lexi was yet to find those asshats and shove a witch light down their throats.
When you find them lemme know too.
“Or maybe it’s because you don’t need rumours be interesting,” David pointed out.
Max turned around, looking surprised at that. His cheeks turned purple. Lexi didn’t know why he was surprised. David only ever spoke fondly of Max.
“Oh. Oh! I did hear something a long time ago!” Gigi said suddenly. “Olly, is it true you were conceived at the beach?”
“Georgia, you can’t just ask people where they were conceived!” David sounded horrified.
That is very much possible.
“I heard you were conceived in hell?”
“Oh my god,” Selena looked horrified. “That’s not true! It must have been about Max!”
“Y’all I am adopted!” Max was shaking with laughter and then stopped. “Although our dads could have definitely had sex in hell. I wouldn’t put it past them.”
Oh yes. Both clace and malec.
Then they had of course continued to discuss that cursed topic until Rafael had threatened to tell the Consul about it.
Lexi turned around and saw Liv waiting for her. Nope. She wasn’t going to talk a walk – a fucking stroll! – with Olivia all on her own.
“You are coming back to the institute with me or I will un-parabatai you.”
You know there being an un-parabatai ceremony would solve a lot of shit
What if their hands accidentally grazed or something? That shit was lethal.
She is just trying to be nice. That’s what friends do. They are nice. And they give each other pretty dresses and say they would like to see them in it.
Honey that's gay.
Selena: Ugh boys
Selena: When I win back Idris, we are leaving all the men behind.
Lexi: Except Magnus? Lol.
Selena: Obviously.
Is that even a question Lexi? Duh.
Not everyone can kiss their partner in the Accords Hall. Some people didn’t have access to the Accords Hall.
And most important, some people didn’t have partners!
We're getting a lexi and Alec talk someone hold me
“I’m going to tell you something,” Uncle Alec said. “It might sound simple. It might sound ridiculous. But it’s the truth. So, you must believe me. Can you do that?”
Lexi gave him a small nod.
“It doesn’t matter what other people think,” Uncle Alec said. “Not when it comes to your future. Not when it comes to your identity. They don’t get to have a say in who you are and why you are the way you are.”
Lexi bit her lip.
“Alexandra, people will always tell what to do. But you shouldn’t let them. Never let anyone tell you what to do with your heart or your body. Neither belongs them. It only belongs to you.”
“Yep,” she groaned and then hesitated for a moment. “Uncle Alec…Can I ask you something stupid?”
“Can I say no?”
“Then go ahead.”
I love her so much
“I feel…I feel it’s something we have to bear, Alexandra. The fear of rejection. It’s something we have to accept as an inevitable part of our lives. Because no matter how much love we have around us, we will always be afraid of people not loving us – simply because of who we are.”
“Besides, they named you after me,” he pointed out. “I don’t know what else they expected.”
EXACTLY! Did they really expect a straight child after naming them after Alec?
“I do like shouting,” Lexi wondered out loud. “That’s good advice.”
“I didn’t mean it literally!” Uncle Alec looked alarmed.
“No, it makes total sense!” Lexi grinned. “Some of these people can be tone deaf. Gotta shout it out. Loud and clear. Awesome advice! Thanks, Uncle Alec!”
“Hey, Lexi. I was wonderin-”
“MOVE, I’M GAY!” she yelled as she shoved him aside and kept on running.
“I prefer she/her,” Lexi answered. "But sometimes I prefer she/they. But you can use she/her because some of y'all already shit at grammar."
That's exactly what I tell people when they ask for my pronouns. Istg people are shit at grammar.
alright girl im here to give you a lecture on how someone's dressing doesn't describe their sexuality
One of the boys who had complimented cleared his throat. “So, uh, you don’t like boys?”
“That’s literally what I said,” Lexi rolled her eyes. “I’m gay. I’m very gay. I’m gayer than the Consul. Okay fine, that’s not true. No one gayer than the Consul. But I’m still pretty gay.”
Does the boy have hearing problems?
“Sexual orientation and gender expression are two different things,” she explained now, remember what Uncle Magnus had taught them. “Sexual orientation refers to who I am sexually and romantically attracted to. Gender expression is how I want to express my gender identity. Those two are not connected. Just because a woman wears feminine clothes it doesn’t mean she is straight. Just because a man embraces femininity, it doesn’t make him gay either. Does that make sense?”
“Ohhh,” the girl nodded. “Yes, it does. Thank you!”
“What I wear does not reflect who I like. It reflects who I am and what I like to wear,” Lexi explained. “And regardless of my sexuality, I like pretty things.”
“This doesn’t change anything. I hope you know that,” he told her. “I mean I have to change the pronouns in my shovel talk. But that’s not a big deal.”
Also – my good friend Raziel told me that homophobia is a sin.”
“You mean homosexuality is a sin?” an older man asked.
“No, homophobia is a sin,” Lexi repeated. “That’s what Raziel said.”
“But that’s not-”
Someone cleared their throat. When he spoke, it was in the Consul Voice.
“Are you saying know better than Raziel?” the Consul asked.
Listen to Raziel you dumb shit
“Sure. Let me just call the Lesbian Alliance,” Lexi rolled her eyes.
Ugh I wish
“Alexandra, I have a fucking undercut and I have pink highlights and I cuff my jeans and I literally walk around with a sword and I can quote Lady Gaga to perfection! Why would you ever think I was straight??”
Lexi your gaydar is broken bestie.
Don't do this omg this is gonna be a mess
Lexi: Relaaaax. It’s going to be fine!
Gigi: I’ve read enough fanfiction to know the fake dating trope never ends well!
Lexi: I’ve told you to include the ‘angst with happy ending’ tag!
Also Gigi which fanfiction do you read?
Jace omg...
That's so him though.
“How about my peeps? It sounds very hip.”
“It does not,” Lexi replied. “Please don’t refer to us as your peeps under any circumstance."
Her father chuckled at that. “Sweetheart, you’re a Herondale. Being problematic is what we do.”
Daddy opened the notebook again. “I need names.”
Grabs flamethrower names
“Besides, the Lightwoods and Blackthorns have been hogging the gay genes for too long. Now it’s our turn. I say you gay it up.”
“Gay it up?” Lexi laughed.
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go for the highest possible level of gay.”
He blinked for a second and then it hit him. “OH MY GOD YES! DOES EMMA KNOW??”
Lexi laughed. Yeah, he can never find out it was a fake dating situation.
Hopefully he won't have to because it won't be fake :D
“To love is a privilege and to be loved is a blessing.”
This chapter literally means so much to me. I don't even know what to say. I hope I too can one day have the courage to shout it in front of everyone and not be scared. See ya on Tuesday!
It means so much to me that this chapter meant a lot to you. I hope you find all the courage, strength and support you need. You are amazing.
And here. I made you a playlist.
Tumblr media
You can find it here on YouTube. I hope you like it :)
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