#I'm sorry but the Star Wars hyperfixation is reemerging
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Still thinking about Ben and Leia
Sorry for all the Star Wars posting, but on the subject of the underutilized potential of exploring Ben and Leia's relationship in between TLJ and TROS, has anyone noticed the in TLJ, Kylo not only refuses to shoot at his mom's ship, but might have tried to go after her when her ship is blown up?
If you go back and watch the scene, after Leia is thrown into space, they show a shot of Kylo's face, and then his ship veers off course into space after her. He only turns around when Hux comes on via hologram to inform him that the resistance is out of range and they can't cover him if he keeps flying that direction and orders him to come back to the fleet.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if he ignored Hux and kept going and got to Leia before she force pulled herself back to the ship. Would Kylo try to save her, and if so, would he do it by surrendering to his mother and her army or by taking her prisoner? Would Leia try to run from her son and flee with the resistance or would she try to reach him one last time?
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