#I'm sorry mingyu but I want him to ch*****
akeminy · 6 months
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finnbbl · 5 months
Hyunjin x M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | Chapter 10
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Ch. 10 - Cutie | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
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Written: Yes
Smau: Yes
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: sry i fell off the face of the earth 😭 I got a writers block then got super busy and stressed with classes. Updates probably won’t be daily, I’ll update whenever the chapters are done <3 sorry to make you wait so long, and tysm for ur support !
P.S. let me know your thoughts on the story so far! i’m a bit insecure on some chapters and want ur guys honest opinion!
Warnings: Uhm swearing? Typos, not proofread. lemme know if i missed anything
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The night went on with all 9 of you guys joking around and having fun. For once, you felt as if you fit in, like you belonged somewhere. The night was nearing an end, most stores were closed as it was rather pretty late.
Everyone had decided to window shop. At one point, without even realizing it, you had wandered off. Although it was late, there were still a few other people out and about.
You weren't paying attention, and the next thing you knew you had bumped into someone. You turned towards him as you apologized profusely. He was taller, had darker hair, and was dressed in a hoodie with a jean jacket over it. "I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was going." You internally panicked as you bent down to pick up his bag, which you had previously accidentally knocked out of his hand. "It's alright sweetheart, don't worry."
You froze. "Sweetheart?" Your mind wandered around that thought as you unknowingly. Your eyes were lost on his gorgeous face as you unknowingly kept a tight grip on the bag. The guy's sentence snapped you out of your trance.
"You okay?" Immediately, you let go of it. "Oh, sorry." A nervous smile fell on your face as you quickly handed it to him and brought a hand to your now warm forehead. The guy chuckled at you as he complimented, "You're cute."
His compliments keep catching you off guard, before you even had a minute to register anything he said, he spoke up again. "You're not busy are you?" You shook your head at his question, wondering how you even got to this point.
For a moment, you completely forgot about everyone else.
This guy was intoxicating. "I've seen you've been wandering around with some other guys, mind if I tag along?" It was at this moment your body decided before your heart did. "Sure, that's fine." Throwing him a smile as he held out his hand for you to shake as he introduced himself. "I'm Mingyu."
"Mingyu.. that sounded familiar." You had sworn you'd heard that name somewhere. Pondering as you connected his hand with yours, shaking slowly. "Y/N." Unable to form a full sentence as you left him with just your name. "Y/N there you are." A voice behind you caught you off guard as you saw that Bang Chan was running in your direction. He seemed a bit worried. "You can't run off like that this late." Chan took a peek at who you were talking to. "Oh hey! Haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing in Japan?" The leader abandoned your guy's conversation and went over to talk to Mingyu. "Ah just touring, we have some free time so." The way he spoke captured you, and you felt like you couldn't take your eyes off of him. "You don't mind if I tag along with you guys do you?" By this time, the other members had caught up with you three and now listened in on their conversation.
"Ah, I think we're about to head back, it's decently late.
Sorry about that."
"Ah no worries, as long as I can get this one's number." His hand laid a gentle tap on your arm. In the few minutes you had been around him, you could tell Mingyu was a very flirty person. This left you sort of embarrassed, but it also left butterflies swirling around your stomach. God, you know that these boys would tease you about this later.
And damn were you right.
After you all filed onto the bus once again, they started messing with you. "Awh how cute, someone has themself a boyfriend." Hyunjin who was next to you nudged our shoulder. "Stop." You pushed him off of you. "I don't have anything."
"Mhmmm sure. That's why your eyes were glued to his face during his whole conversation with Chan."
"I was just trying to figure out who he was. That's all." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in your seat. “Pfft yeah right, everyone knows who Mingyu is. Not a very good excuse.” Lee Know stated again. “Only his name sounds familiar, i can’t think of anything else.” You let out a sigh as you rolled your eyes. Letting your body flop back in the seat as you crossed your arms. “Damn, so you really don’t know?” Felix’s voice sounded and your head shot in his direction, a questioning look on your face as you shook your head. “So you don’t listen to Seventeen?”
Your eyes widened as the group’s name was said. “You’re kidding, Seventeen?!” You sat back up as you heard Hyunjin laugh from next to you. “So I just embarrassed myself in front of the Mingyu from Seventeen?!” You dug your face in your hands, slouching back down. “I don’t think you embarrassed yourself, all you did was make googoo eyes at him for ten minutes.” Hyunjin teased as he neared your face. Feeling annoyed already, you pushed him away. “You’re so irritating!” He only laughed at your reaction as you rolled your eyes. The rest of the bus ride was pretty much just the others teasing you. Although you didn’t particularly enjoy it, you definitely enjoyed the time you spent with them. Finally, you had found your place.
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo @lampcults @chaer4life
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wonuwrites · 5 months
We Can't Be Friends Song Reaction
Inspired by Ariana Grande's song: "We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love)
hyung line version. Maknae Line Version
Warning: This is angsty and sad af, slight cursing, mentions alcohol, Minghao's has an Ice Spice lyric reference, hate comments, Mingyu's is a bit suggestive so respectfully: Minors fuck off and don't interact LMFAO. tbh this is more angsty and emotional than the hyung line and I'm only partially sorry.
A/N: using a song lyric as a prompt for each of the members. Decided to break this up from Hyung Line (Seungcheol - Jihoon) to Maknae Line (Seokmin - Chan). I already did 95/96 Line now it's time for the youngins. Like the hyung version, The parts are written in order from where the song lyrics show up. I tried to do different lyrics from the hyung line xo I hope you enjoy.
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✫ Seungkwan: "I don't wanna tiptoe, but I don't wanna hide. But I don't wanna feed this monstrous fire."
Neither of you ever wanted to admit how much of a dumpster fire Seungkwan and your relationship was becoming. However, it was. Day by day, it was becoming more and more clear your once perfect relationship was close to ending. You knew that Seungkwan wanted to make it work out and he truly thought it was just a bump in the road. However, you just knew it was time to end. Seungkwan and you were sat in his car in front of your house while the rain was pouring down and you just felt sick. You had called and told him that you wanted to talk but the words just wouldn't come out. You didn't want to hurt him but you also did not want to tiptoe and hide your true feelings anymore. With one look after an uncomfortable few minutes of silence, Seungkwan knew what was going on started to get teary eyed which made you teary eyed as well. "Kwannie, I'm so sorry but you know it's for the best. We had a good run." You managed to get out. Seungkwan did a shakey sigh before looking out the windsheild. "It was a great run, (Y/N), thank you for all the precious memories. I will always love you." "I will always love you too, thank you as well." After that, you braced yourself for the storm and for this next chapter of your new life. You opened the door and got out before running to your front door. You turned around as Seungkwan drove off and that was when you finally let go and finally broke down. You were so scared to enter this next chapter but you knew it was what you were supposed to do.
✫ Dino: "Wait until you like me again. Wait for your love."
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces as Chan stood in front of you with a defeated look on his face. He could have said anything, but telling you that he's realized he's starting to fall out of love with you was probably the most devastating thing he could have told you. "When? What? Why?" was all you could say while trying your best to stay strong. You thought you both were golden. "I don't know, all I know is I want to keep loving you but it's just hard to." "I'm hard to love?!" "I didn't mean it like that, (Y/N)." "Then how did you mean it Chan?" Your voice finally cracked and then you looked away so he could not see you cry which absolutely broke his heart. "I- I don't know but--" you then just sighed then walked past him toward the door and opened the door for him. "Well until you know, here's the door. I rather not waste my time with someone who only pretends to love me." He started to walk toward you to give you a hug but you put your hand out so he wouldn't be able to touch you. "Don't you dare complicate this. Just come back when you know what you want. I will wait for you to try to like me again but I don't want to be there while you figure it out."
✫ Minghao: "Know that you made me, I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging."
"(Y/N) only dated Minghao for 15 seconds of fame." "(Y/N) thinks they are the shit for dating Minghao. They're barely a fart." "Minghao could've done WAY better. There is more attractive people and he chose (Y/N)? God I'm so happy he finally got a brain and dumped her gold digging ass." Normally hate comments made you laugh. When Minghao and you were together and saw hate comments you both would giggle at how much time they were wasting while you were both just living your life and being in love. However, now that Minghao and you are no longer together the hate comments hurt. What hurt is that after the breakup, Minghao and his company did nothing to stop the comments. You both had a pretty clean and fair breakup so the fact that they just let the comments attack you felt unfair. Your company tried everything in their power to stop the comments with threatening lawsuits, to mass deleting comments, to offering to manage your socials so you wouldn't have to read it. The offer was nice but when you were welcomed with boo's and slurs when you went to an event you couldn't help but try to put on a brave face but mentally curse Pledis and Minghao. Also yourself for even agreeing to date Xu Minghao to begin with. Life would've been so much more peaceful if you never even knew his name.
✫ Mingyu: "Not what you made me, it's something like a daydream. But I feel so seen in the night."
It was supposed to be a one night stand. However, Mingyu and you developed an emotional non committed relationship and it was pretty nice. A little too nice. You knew it was a dangerous game to get this involved but you couldn't help it. Something about Kim Mingyu was so addicting. He was the best drug you could be addicted too. The way he made you feel so seen on your nightly adventures. That's why it hurt a little bit when you saw him out and about and he ignored you. As if you were only good enough for a fuck but not for a casual 'hello' in the daytime. It broke you when he came over two nights after the incident and he scoffed at your hurt. He had assumed you knew what this was. "Is this not enough, sweetheart?" no. No it was not. However, you couldn't bring yourself to admit it to him so at that moment you realized if you wanted anything to do with Mingyu, you had to play by his rules. No matter how bad it hurt.
✫ Vernon: "So for now, it's only me. And maybe that's all I need."
Hansol and you were so codependent for your whole relationship. You were with each other every second. You didn't have to talk, just being in each others presence was enough. Or so it was. One day, you both just grew apart. He started getting busy with Seventeen and you started getting more and more projects at work. The distance was affecting both of you but you both were too scared to say anything. That's when the fight happened and both of you wished you said something sooner because maybe... just maybe you both would be in each other's arms or sending each other cursed TikToks that plagued your FYP. However, neither of you did and you both were just too damn stubborn to say something. After suffering for what seemed like an eternity, you decided to try to explore independence a bit more. You took a much needed shower, and started to curl your hair and put on some makeup. As you were getting dolled up you did some daily affirmations. The more you told yourself, the more confident you were becoming. Maybe being solo for awhile was a good thing.
✫ DK: "My love, I'll wait for your love. I'll wait for your love."
Seokmin woke up in a cold sweat and looked around. He saw he was in an empty bed and the nightmare he had of losing you was way too realistic. He quickly stood up and called out your name but heard nothing back. His heart was racing when he heard the silence. Where were you? He rubbed his eyes and and looked around the room a bit more and that's when he remembered he was in a hotel room for a schedule. He sighed before laying back in bed and grabbing his phone. He squinted as the light hit his face and couldn't help but get teary eyed as he saw your smiling face smiling back at him. He loved you more than words could say. He said it constantly but that still didn't mean that you both weren't going through a rough patch. He didn't leave on the best conditions with you before he left and regretted it. Instinctively, he dialed your number and pressed the phone to his ear. He just needed to hear your voice. "Hey baby!" He heard your voice say which made him tear up even more. "Hi," he whispered while smiling. "Seokmin? Baby, are you okay?" A tear fell down his cheek as he heard the pet name for the second time and his fears were calmed a bit. "Seokmin?" "Oh yeah... Sorry I- I um, I'm sorry." "It's okay, baby... what's going on though?" He sighed before sitting up and telling you about his nightmare and how he just loves you so fucking much. This made you lean against the wall as you listened to him explain his fears and your heart broke at his anxiety. Sure when he left it was rough but that's relationships. Relationships aren't all sunshine and rainbows all the time. When you explained that you heard him sniffle which made you tear up. "Thank you, baby." He whispered. "Of course, love. I'll wait for you to come home. Five more days right?" "Yes, just Five more days." "I'll wait for your love, my love. I love you always." "I love you, always."
A/N: whoops I accidentally wrote a novel for Seokmin's. Pls don't hate me lmaooo
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xl - presentation
wooyoung × reader, ??? × reader
in a school filled with the affluent, it would only make sense for birds of a feather to flock. but what if your new status doesn't immediately buy you a way into said flock? what if instead, it bought you sure rejection? to the rich and powerful, having different masks is a must. despite some people knowing your true self and your secrets
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After sending Kai the text, you put your phone on the table and huffed. "Why did you make me say that to Kai?" You asked Wooyoung who was happily shoving pieces of spam in his mouth. He paused on his second piece with mouth opened to stare at you for a solid 2 seconds before shrugging. "I just don't see the reason why you should meet them," he said as he chewed.
You and Wooyoung were seated side by side on the couch of Jongho's practice room. As the pride of the Opera Department, he and his family was allowed to donate a room that he can claim as his whenever he wants. Which you think was utter bullshit but who are you to say anything? Other students are actually allowed to use the room (provided they asked for his permission. Which he will deny 99.9% of the time) but they just prefer not to. How could they? The room exudes "bourgeois". If not for the white grand piano that's currently being messed with by Yunho, San, and Mingi with Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho around them dancing and singing goofily, maybe it's for the fridge stocked with things like energy drinks, vitamins, supplements, ginseng drinks, and of course whatever things the boys want to store there. All in all, it doesn't look like a classroom, it looks like a recreational room in a rich asshole's house. Just like Mingyu's.
With a pout, you crossed your arms and pouted at him, "Because Kai and I want to celebrate our achievement! We spent so much time working together in preparation of the presentation, Woo, and it was actually fun!"
Hearing you saying that working with Kai was fun made Wooyoung stop mid-movement. Irked, he placed his chopsticks on his bowl and turn slightly to face you. "Are you saying that you like him better than us?" He asked, nearly snarling. You rolled your eyes and poked his forehead with your index finger, right on the crease between his eyebrows, "I'm saying that I wanted to celebrate with him for being such a good sport and a good friend, okay?" You said, trying to get him to reason.
Wooyoung exhaled sharply before reaching to twirl a strand of your hair, "I get it, but I don't like the idea of you and them... mingling," he pouted. You felt a blush creeping to your face as your mind took notice that Wooyoung was being touchy and the gesture felt too intimate to be done in front of his friends. But you like it, you like him giving you attention. "Woo, it's just me mingling with people," you said to which he scoffed, "Don't you mean lizard people sent by the illuminati to mess with smart as hell people?" "I mean... The illuminati is an organization that started for not so rich people who wanted to support science, why would they mess with smart people?" You asked. Wooyoung gave you an exasperated look from your question, "You're focusing on the wrong things and you're being a smartass," he deadpanned. You bit back a chuckle and nodded, "Sorry, sorry."
Another sigh left Wooyoung's lips, this time slower and you can feel the pain behind it. "And it hurts seeing you so close with people who wanted to ruin my life," he mumbled. Your eyebrows furrowed at the statement, "Wait, what? What do you mean people who wanted to ruin your life?" You asked, confused and concerned.
"Do you remember that time when I seemed to pull away from you? Like... A year and a half, almost two years ago? Even my parents seemed to be VERY preoccupied?" He asked. You pursed your lips trying to recall the time he meant. Memories of that certain period of time popped in your head; the period of time his family seemed very stressed out, everything and everyone were tense, him looking so troubled during the times he agreed to meet up with you, and Kyungmin telling you that his parents wouldn't let him go to school for 2 weeks. "Yeah, I remembered that time," "Well... Those five kind of almost made us, like all eight of us expelled and Yeosang's parents' credibility was even jeopardized," he said which made your eyes almost pop out of its sockets.
You kept silent as he recounted what happened to his and his friends, telling you what Yeonjun, Kai, Soobin, Beomgyu, and Taehyun did. He told you instances of them causing all sorts of trouble like vandalizing their properties in school, spreading rumors and causing doubt of their credibility that caused the Board of Education to get involved. They were grilled, them and their parents, by the Board Members about their achievements and credibility that caused them to be very stressed. Not only that, but several opportunities that the boys had were taken away from them due to the unbased allegations such as Student Exchange programs, appearing on the school's website on their main page, the chance to represent the school in things like competitions, open forum discussions, gatherings, etc., and the students even looked down on them.
"Not only that, but the news spread so wide that some of our parents' business partners pulled the plug on partnerships and deals. It was a whole mess," he sighed. You noticed his palm was balled so tightly that his knuckles turned white. You reached forward to take his hand and pulled it to your lap, softly caressing it until it opened slightly and you were able to tangle your fingers together like how you usually would do with him. "And worse part is, they got Kyungmin involved," Wooyoung said, voice cracking at the thought of his little brother, "I remembered Kyungmin coming home crying one day because his classmates were making fun of him, questioning him, accusing him with the same allegations thrown at the rest of us," his eyes became teary and you just know it was from frustration and pain, "He then said that Yeonjun, the person whom he used to like so much, went up to him and told him that I was a bad person. Can you imagine? He tried to turn my own brother against me," he chuckled bitterly.
You couldn't listen to any more of that because it seemed like recalling the memories was beyond painful for him. Before he could say more, you squeezed his hand that's in your palm. You wanted to hug him, but you refrained yourself from doing so as you both are in front of his friends. "I... I get it Woo, I understand. I thought... You guys just hate each other because of a petty betrayal between you guys and Yeonjun, but I never would have guessed that it was to this extent. If it meant that much to you, I won't meet up with them anymore," you stated, smiling gently to him.
At your declaration, Wooyoung's shoulders dropped, seemingly more relaxed and a small smile even appeared on his face. He nodded at you and said, "That would mean a lot to me, thank you," he said. As you both stared at each other, you could've sworn that he was slowly leaning into you. Your heart beats faster and faster as your body naturally move closer to his, your fingers tangled tighter and you felt butterflies in your stomach.
Just as you could feel Wooyoung's breath on your face, you heard San calling for Wooyoung from the other side of the room. He immediately pushed you away and ran to his friends in a speed of lightning. You were so stunned, you didn't know how to react. All you could do was blink on confusion and tried to make sense of what had just happened.
Your eyes trained to Wooyoung who was goofily dancing and laughing with his friends as you sat there alone. Left alone. Although he had just expressed his raw emotions to you, at that point, it didn't seem like he did. At that point, it seemed like he was hiding.
taglist :
@paralumanniluna @rdiamond2727 @miaatiny @baguette-atiny @kpopnightingale @dear-dreamie @potaeto-writes-on-wp @kwanisms @qghosty @charreddonuts @noonaishere @bbymatz @maddiebabyxoxo @kawennote09 @woo-stars @treasure-1117 @starjoongie1117 @cutie-wooyo @linhyyboo12 @kodzukein @dreamlesswonder86 @glitterhongjoong @kitty4hwa @ateezourstars @starlight-channie @jo-hwaberry @yla-aira @hyuckilstan @phenomenalgirl9 @flamingi @tannie13 @gxlden-bxbyy @kirooz @leagreenly @memorymonster @purenjuniverse @meowmeowminnie @star1117-archives @ilsedingsx @kkayfan @ckline35 @jaxavance @yoongiigolden @jayeonnature @hwanchaesong @rubberduckieyourtheone @forapollosol @multihoe-net @jwnghyuns @moon-gyus
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xiv - what happened ?
wooyoung × reader, ??? × reader
in a school filled with the affluent, it would only make sense for birds of a feather to flock. but what if your new status doesn't immediately buy you a way into said flock? what if instead, it bought you sure rejection? to the rich and powerful, having different masks is a must. despite some people knowing your true self and your secrets
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In a blink of an eye, lunch break came. While everyone rushed out, you calmly put your books away.
"(y/n)!" you snapped your head up to see the source of the voice.
You put on a gentle smile as San approached you with a cute grin on his face, "Are you coming to lunch with us ??" He asked. You looked behind him to see Wooyoung by the door, waiting for you two as he bounced on the balls of his feet with Mingi jumping in front of the classroom window and Yeosang next to him, staring at you with a small smile on his face.
Honestly, you wanted to say yes and just hang with them but then you remembered that you were waiting for Kai's friend to come. So you sadly sighed at San, showing your disappointment, "I'm sorry San, I don't think I can," you said. San pouted back as he tilted his head, "Aww boo, that's too bad... Do you want us to get you something instead ?" He offered. You perked up at his offer and nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! Bread and milk sound nice," to which San nodded enthusiastically. Soon, he ran off to join the others who were waiting for him (and you initially) and waved off as they disappeared down the hall.
Despite feeling like you didn't fit in the first year you were around them, you were glad that at this moment in your life, you seemed to be able to make more friends. You wanted to prove your brother and parents wrong. Ever since your family came into money, they changed a lot. While it started from a different school and living situation, it progressed to them telling you just how they don't like how 'humble' you look. By humble, they meant shabby and poor. Although compared to Mingyu you've been more often exposed to money and luxury (being friends with Wooyoung whom at 4 years old wore a burberry scarf and used it to wipe mud off your 2 for 1 shoe from a discount rack at Dongdaemun), you don't really care much for it. Sure you're wearing branded backpacks that your mom bought and your laptop no longer needs to be fanned to function, but you don't see what's the point of changing your whole personality for money.
Above that, you don't get why your family felt the need to shame you and practically disregard your existence because you refuse to roll in a pile of 50.000 won bills.
Deep in your thought, you didn't realize someone was peeking into the classroom until they made their existence obvious.
"Hi, do you know where I can find (y/n) (y/l/n)?" the person asked.
You jolted slightly out of surprise. Once you realized that someone was talking to you, you sheepishly smiled at the person. "Sorry, that would be me," you said.
The person stepped into the classroom and boy is he cute. Tall, dark hair, and plump lips. You felt yourself blush as he approached you. "Kai told me to give you this," he said as he arrived to your desk, putting down a usb in front of you. You took it and nodded, "Thank you, Soobin," you smiled at him.
He raised an eyebrow in surprise, "How'd you know my name?" he asked, curious. You shrugged, "I've seen you around with Yeonjun in school and around our Cul-de-sac, I simply recognized you," you said, He nodded in understanding slowly when you pointed at his left chest, "And you have your nametag on," you grinned teasingly. At the mention of his nametag, he looked down at where you pointed, "Oh!" He exclaimed, seemingly surprised. The look on his face made you giggle.
Even without knowing him personally, you know that there were rumors going around about him and his friends. While Kai is very sweet, people gossip about how he's always seen at the dead of night in sketchy places. People also spoke of Taehyun and Yeonjun who seemed to frequent the hardware store with Soobin tailing behind, hands often occupied by chemicals. And then there's Beomgyu who has bloodied lips and bruises all over him at random times. The five of them screams trouble and people sided with Hongjoong (as he is the Student Body President) and his friends, not wanting to involve themselves with trouble.
But seeing Soobin being clumsy in front of you seemed to make you momentarily forget about the rumor that surrounds him. As much as he seemed scary, you saw a softer side to him. Makes you wonder about what's behind the rumors, how much of it is the truth.
Just as how Soobin's demeanor made you think, your own reaction to him made him freeze and stare. Soobin knows he's a good looking guy and due to that, girls has become something that of a tedious task to him, something that he doesn't really have much care for. No matter how many girls throw themselves at him and whatever trick they pull on him, it just makes him annoyed. But here you are, in front of him, giggling and suddenly his heart started skipping a beat every now and then.
"U-uh, what's the assignment about anyways?" Soobin asked, breaking the silence. "Some business analysis stuff. I initially wanted to do market analysis on the FMCG industry, but Kai suggested that we do logistics instead since it's related to many other industries," you explained. Soobin nodded at your words and turned around. You thought he would've decided to go out but he turned back around with a chair pulled up to your side close to you much to your surprise.
"You know," he started as he sat down, "Yeonjun's dad has one of the biggest logistics company in South Korea. They have partnerships with Western companies," he said. Your eyes widened in surprise, "Yeonjun? I thought his parents are giants in the Fashion and Cosmetology Industry?" "That's his mom, his dad handles logistics. If you or Kai need real time data, you could always ask for him," he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat when you see his smile, it was so pure and innocent, a different contrast to his ripped jean jacket and bruises on his knuckles.
"Why would she asked him when she has us?" a voice rang through the classroom.
Both your and Soobin's head snapped back to see San angrily glaring at you two. One hand was squishing a custard bun and the other wet with milk from a carton that he squeezed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked as he walked closer. Your eyes shifted between him and Soobin who leaned back with a smirk on his face, "I'm accompanying (y/n) here. She was alone and I assumed you left her here without any care, so why not?" he said as he draped an arm behind your own chair. The sight seemed to set San off as he threw both items on the floor and ran up to you. It was obvious that San is shorter and skinnier than Soobin, but he still managed to grab Soobin by the collar and pulled him up slightly, "Don't mess around with my friends, you asshole!" He growled menacingly in front of Soobin's face who seemed awfully calm. Soobin tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I'd wanna mess around?" he taunted.
From the side, you don't know what to do. You felt like you should break them apart but with how San looked, you don't know if you really should interfere. But you decided you should try to avoid further misunderstandings, "San, he just came here to give me Kai's assignment," you said. San snapped his head at you and stared, seemingly contemplating. Then he turned to look at Soobin again, "I don't trust you," he muttered lowly which made Soobin rolled his eyes, "And you think I trust you? You're stupider and far more delusional than I thought," he scoffed.
Just as you were about to say something, you heard footsteps and you saw Wooyoung and Yeosang walking in. You looked at them as if you're screaming for their help. Thankfully, they reacted quickly. They went to San and pulled him off of Soobin, seemingly avoiding touching Soobin altogether. "Dude, not here," Wooyoung said. Initially, San seemed like he didn't care, his glare was hard on Soobin and he seemed reluctant to move on. "He might say something and we don't want that," Wooyoung tried to reason again. At that, San seemed to relaxed a little.
Finally, he stepped back from Soobin and Soobin was able to move freely. As he dusted himself off and fixed his collar, San pointed at him, "Just make sure this reject knows his place and stay the fuck away from something he has no right of," he spat out.
That seemed to tick Soobin off badly as he stood up with clenched fist. The glare he gave to San allowed you to finally understand why people feared him so much.
At first you thought that he was gonna say something to San, maybe to defend himself. But the way they were staring at each other, you could assume that they were communicating.
With a huff, Soobin kicked the chair he sat on, making you jolt in surprise while the other three just stared at him. Soobin then pushed past the three, his big stature could've knocked them down easily, and exited the classroom without saying anything else.
You could only stare at him in wonderment thinking, what happened?
taglist :
@paralumanniluna @rdiamond2727 @miaatiny @baguette-atiny @kpopnightingale @dear-dreamie @potaeto-writes-on-wp @kwanisms @qghosty @charreddonuts @noonaishere @bbymatz @maddiebabyxoxo @kawennote09 @woo-stars @treasure-1117 @starjoongie1117 @cutie-wooyo @linhyyboo12 @kodzukein @dreamlesswonder86 @glitterhongjoong @kitty4hwa @ateezourstars @starlight-channie @jo-hwaberry @yla-aira @hyuckilstan @phenomenalgirl9 @flamingi @tannie13 @gxlden-bxbyy @kirooz @leagreenly @seoulscenarios @purenjuniverse @meowmeowminnie @star1117-archives @ilsedingsx @kkayfan @ckline35 @jaxavance @yoongiigolden @jayeonnature
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