#I'm sorry that the wangxian is still very low-key but really they're taking it slow
ibijau · 4 years
Burn it down AU // on AO3 // extras on AO3
For the first time in years, Lan Wangji looks forward to the future with anticipation rather than dread 
(aka: epilogue time! Thanks to everyone who read this story, hope you enjoyed it and that I didn’t forget to tie up any loose thread. If I did... oops, my bad, too late XD)
Less than two months after the death of Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen left his sect in the hands of his uncle and urgently took flight for Qinghe after getting a letter from Nie Huaisang. Lan Wangji, A-Yuan and Wei Wuxian followed only a few days after, after packing their belongings so they could stay in the Unclean Realm for a few weeks, or even a few months if it came to that. 
In his letter, Nie Huaisang had confessed to finding his mood swinging, as it had done before Lan Xichen started playing music for him, and so his family and friends wanted to be around him to support him. Besides, Lan Wangji had a faint fear that Wei Wuxian was growing restless in the Cloud Recesses, and travelling could only do him good.
It took them some time to reach the Unclean Realm. A-Yuan had still not yet learned to fly on a sword, though he probably would start lessons during their visit. And while Wei Wuxian could, he confessed to feeling awkward about doing it in this weaker body, with a sword that wasn't his. It was quickly decided that for him too some lessons wouldn't hurt, which Lan Wangji would only be too happy to provide. 
By the time they reached the Unclean Realm, Nie Huaisang already appeared to be doing better than he had claimed in his letter. He was smiling brightly when he welcomed them at the gate, Lan Xichen at his side. 
Lan Wangji, A-Yuan and Wei Wuxian were quickly ushered inside the Unclean Realm and brought to Nie Huaisang’s personal quarters. While Nie Huaisang hugged A-Yuan and demanded news, servants brought them some much welcome hot tea and took away their damp coats. They’d encountered a little bit of snow earlier than morning, which wasn’t unusual for that time of the year and that region. 
"Oh you'll have to stay the winter now," Nie Huaisang announced with great satisfaction. "It would be unreasonable to travel in this season. Dangerous even! And I cannot allow you to put my A-Yuan in danger, so you'll all have to stay."
A-Yuan, hugging his step-father's waist, nodded firmly, but Lan Xichen smiled and came to pat his lover's shoulder. 
"I probably should go home though, now that you are in the capable hands of your husband," he said in an odd tone. 
It took Lan Wangji a moment to realise that his brother, always so serious and stern in spite of his eternal smile, was teasing Nie Huaisang. 
Nie Huaisang himself must have been more used to it, because he immediately reacted in sort. 
"Zewu-Jun, how dare you!" he gasped theatrically. "I am sick, terribly so, and you would abandon me and leave me in the hands of an inferior musician, risking my very life?" Nie Huaisang paused, and glanced at his husband. "No offence, Wangji." 
Lan Wangji only hummed to signify he knew better than to take that seriously, while both Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian tried to contain their hilarity. Even A-Yuan, after an initial moment of worry, realised that Nie Huaisang was just messing around, and started taking the defence of his father’s skills. Before long Nie Huaisang, confronted also by Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian, was forced to give a very theatrical apology to his husband.
Once they were done joking around, A-Yuan was asked to play quietly while the adults traded news, with the promise that if he were good, Nie Huaisang would take him to see his birds later. The child quickly agreed, and left the four of them alone at the table.
The first news to be shared whas the reason for Nie Huaisang’s slight relapse. Jiang Cheng had come to the Unclean Realm to demand that Wei Wuxian’s possessions be handed to him, which had quickly turned into a huge fight about Nie Huaisang endangering Jin Ling by not revealing immediately what he’d found out about Jin Guangyao. Heavy accusations had been thrown on both sides, and while Nie Huaisang had managed to hold his own and kept everything confiscated, the confrontation had shaken him badly enough that he’d thought it best to call for help.
“He’ll probably be back when the weather allows for easier travel,” Nie Huaisang sighed, leaning against Lan Xichen who wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. “I think for now he doesn’t know yet about Wen Qionling, but when he finds out…”
He shivered at the thought, while Lan Wangji wrinkled his nose at the idea. No matter how good Nie Huaisang was at keeping his old friend’s temper in check, this would surely be too much.
“How is Wen Ning?” Wei Wuxian eagerly asked. “Did you hide him somewhere?”
“I am not able to be as good a host to him as I would prefer,” Nie Huaisang confessed. “We have a safe house, a few hours away from here, where disciples can rest and get provisions and necessities if trouble arises. I’ve sent him here, with some of the items obtained from Jin Guangyao’s secret chamber. Most of it was yours, Wei-xiong, but there were also spoils of wars from the Sunshot Campaign, among which ancient Wen texts. Wen gongzi has expressed the wish to study and copy them, to which I had no objections.”
Whatever resentment Wei Wuxian still held against Nie Huaisang for the murder of Mo Xuanyu, he instantly relaxed at hearing that Wen Ning was being treated well.
“Can we go visit him?”
“Not today, it’s too late for that,” Nie Huaisang said. “But as soon as we get a day of decent weather… he has expressed interest in meeting A-Yuan, by the way.”
All four of them turned to look at the child who had grabbed a book from Nie Huaisang’s library and was now reading it with such concentration that he did not notice he was now the center of attention.
“It will be difficult to explain to him who Wen Ning is,” Wei Wuxian sighed, tearing his eyes away from their son. “He’s a clever boy, he’s going to ask questions, but it’s probably best if he doesn’t know…”
“Wei-xiong, you like secrets too much,” Nie Huaisang cut him, startling Wei Wuxian. “Meanwhile, I’m tired of them. A-Yuan is a very clever boy, he can understand some things can only be spoken about with family, and he already remembers more than he lets on, I suspect. Have some faith in the people around you, Wei-xiong.”
“Nie-xiong, you’ve gotten very bold while I was dead, I’m almost impressed,” Wei Wuxian retorted. “Lan Zhan, what do you think?”
Lan Wangji hesitated, his eyes jumping several times between Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang and A-Yuan before he could make a decision.
“No objection to them meeting,” he said at last. “If it goes well, A-Yuan should be told.”
“If Lan Zhan agrees, then so do I,” Wei Wuxian sighed, defeated. 
Lan Wangji could not refrain a pleased smile at the thought that Wei Wuxian, in this new life, seemed to have more respect for his opinion than he ever had before. Or at least, that they had less trouble communicating their mutual respect, since perhaps it had always been there. He thought it bode well for the future, and that perhaps someday they would be able to discuss those things that had happened in the past, and the choices they had both made. Lan Wangji still did not understand why Wei Wuxian had dropped conventional cultivation in favour of more dangerous methods, but he had good hopes the other man would tell him when the time was right.
For the time being, the conversation shifted to less dangerous topics, such as Lan Qiren annoyance that both his nephews had deserted him. Lan Xichen expressed some regret over causing his uncle sorrow, but Lan Wangji felt little pity for him, and one glance told him that Nie Huaisang was of the opinion that Lan Qiren deserved to be made to suffer for what he had made them go through. They also discussed the latest news they’d heard from Lanling, where it was still unclear who would seize power, before chatting of their plans for the winter they would all be spending in the Unclean Realm.
It was, without a doubt, one of the most pleasant afternoons that Lan Wangji had ever experienced, all because his entire family was there with him.
Although winters were harsh this far North, Lan Wangji found himself quite happy with his time in the Unclean Realm.
As they had planned, A-Yuan was brought to meet Wen Ning. After the initial fright of encountering a fierce corpse this powerful, the two quickly found common ground and were soon chatting like old friends. Lan Wangji was already starting to wonder how to break the news of their shared blood when A-Yuan suddenly turned to his fathers and asked if he had met Wen Ning before. A-Yuan broke into tears when they explained the truth to him, and ran into Wen Ning’s arms to hug him tight, repeating again and again how happy he was to have even more family than he’d thought.
Because they could not risk bringing attention to Wen Ning, their visits to him remained few and far between. It did not stop A-Yuan from writing to him daily and bringing him a pile of letters each time they went to the safe house, so he would have something to keep him company while he was alone. Although it was impossible for Wen Ning to cry, being a fierce corpse, it was a near thing every time that A-Yuan showed how fully he had adopted his cousin back into his family.
The rest of the time, they all stayed mostly in the Unclean Realm. Having little else to do, Lan Wangji set out to teach A-Yuan how to fly on his sword, for which his son showed great skill. Before the snows melted, he was capable of making his sword hold his weight, keeping his balance on it, and even moving around a little, though only very slowly. The adults in his life all complimented him on his skill, and encouraged him to keep working hard so he would improve further. It helped, perhaps, that Wei Wuxian was following those lessons with him, still oddly awkward about using a sword even now that Suibian had been returned to him. 
Lan Wangji couldn’t shake the impression that there was something there he wasn’t being told, but he tried his best not to probe. Wei Wuxian would be ready someday, and for now he did not want to risk pushing too hard and putting a dent in their friendship. They were getting along better and better as the winter passed. Although Wei Wuxian was by no means glued to his side, no matter how or where he spent his days he always returned to Lan Wangji at night and shared everything he’d done. Sometimes it was just normal cultivation, so he could give his new body a golden core. Other times he had gone off to do some mischief with junior Nie disciples, much to Nie Huaisang’s irritation who accused him of corrupting the youth. Lan Wangji’s favourite days were the ones they spent together, but he also liked hearing stories of Wei Wuxian living his own life, free and alive again.
Sometimes, when the mood struck him, Wei Wuxian seemed to get somewhat flirtatious with Lan Wangji. It was hard to say if it was in earnest or simply part of his personality, so Lan Wangji took it in stride and tried not to read too much into it. Wei Wuxian seemed very amused that his taunts no longer had the same effects they’d had in their youth, and kept looking for new ways to tease Lan Wangji who was just happy with the attention.
Perhaps someday it would lead to more, as it had for Lan Xichen and Nie Huaisang who seemed happier than newlyweds and often appeared to forget that they were supposed to show some discretion. Or perhaps between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian there would never be more than teasing and an ever deepening friendship. Either options would make Lan Wangji equally happy, after those years of mourning.
All too soon, spring returned to the Unclean Realm, bringing with it the end of their happy insouciance.
Lan Xichen could no longer find excuses to remain in Qinghe now that the weather was warmer. It was obvious, anyway, that he had started feeling guilty at having abandoned his sect so long, refusing to become as uncaring and detached a sect leader as their father had been. For that reason he left the Unclean Realm as soon as the first warm spell of spring hit them, though not without making Nie Huaisang promise to visit him in the Cloud Recesses as soon as he could.
Fearful that this separation from his lover would have too much of an impact on Nie Huaisang’s mood, Lan Wangji decided to remain a little longer to check on him. After a few weeks though, it became obvious that Nie Huaisang had recovered almost entirely from the instability that had ailed him after his brother’s death. Not only that, but since he no longer had to hide from Jin Guangyao and knew that nobody in his sect would turn against him, Nie Huaisang set out to do better at his job, determined to improve the way Qinghe Nie was run so he would have more time in the future for his hobbies, as well as for visits to his lover.
Seeing him so determined to achieve this new, healthier goal, Lan Wangji found himself wondering what he wanted from life. He’d never had to think about it before, first because there had always been rules in his life to dictate his every action, and then later because the only thing he’d ever selfishly wanted had been taken from him. Things were different now, though, and it forced him to consider his future.
The idea of simply returning to the Cloud Recesses and staying there permanently did not sit quite right with him. It was his home, it always would be his home, but there was too much he had become critical of to be comfortable there, as well as too many tensions with his uncle. It would have been, then, easy to stay in the Unclean Realm. Nobody would have objected, since it was where his husband lived… but that solution did not sit right either. It would have been difficult to stay without letting A-Yuan cultivate with the Nie method, which Nie Huaisang had stated times and times again that he did not want, and which Lan Wangji disliked as well, having seen how even someone like Nie Huaisang could be so easily and deeply unbalanced after following that path.
With those two options eliminated, a third had to be considered. But before he could try to breach the subject with Wei Wuxian, the other man came to find him one day with a request
“Lan Zhan, I’ve been talking with Nie-xiong earlier and he asked me a favour,” Wei Wuxian explained after interrupting Lan Wangji’s meditation. “You see, he’s been hearing rumours about people going missing in a region away from here. It’s a place where there aren’t any sects to take care of those things. It’s also probably just some fierce corpses, and the area isn’t very rich, so rogue cultivators aren’t very likely to go there. But people are still in trouble, right? So I was wondering…”
“We’re going,” Lan Wangji interrupted, standing up from his meditative pose, already planning what they would need for the journey. Money, food, clothes… paper for talismans too, of course. All of which Nie Huaisang would gladly let them have. He wouldn’t have mentioned that issue to Wei Wuxian without reason.
Wei Wuxian stared at him, looking stunned, then threw himself at Lan Wangji’s neck to kiss his cheek.
“Lan Zhan, I knew I could count on you! And I was thinking, maybe we could take Wen Ning with us? It’d be good for him to get out of that safe house, he must be going crazy in there. And he’ll help us make sure that A-Yuan is safe, even if it’s more than fierce corpses over there! Would you allow it?”
A little dazzled by the kiss, Lan Wangji only managed to nod weakly. It was enough anyway. Wei Wuxian never needed more than the barest of encouragement when he had an idea in mind. He startled babbling about all the things they would need, then ran off to pester Nie Huaisang into giving them all of that.
Lan Wangji, for a moment, remained frozen where he stood. Very hesitantly he brought a hand to the cheek that Wei Wuxian had kissed, still feeling the warmth of those lips on his skin.
It had been nice, he thought, to travel with Wei Wuxian when they were looking for Nie Mingjue’s body. It would be nicer still to do so with A-Yuan at their side and, yes, even Wen Ning who Lan Wangji thought he might easily become friends with, now that the occasion was given to them. They would take care of this problem, and of the next one they would encounter, until they felt like going home to either Qinghe or Gusu where they would rest for a time until some other cry for help reached them…
The thought made Lan Wangji smile.
It would be nice to be with his family, and to finally be happy.
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