#I'm still have three others stories in my drafts ohh
rockitmans · 2 years
1, 11, and 21 for the writers asks!
Oh hey! Thanks for sending some 😄
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I have this idea for a reality TV show type thing. The premise is that it's a competition with multiple couples and you're paired off with a stranger and you have like two months to convince your closest friends and family that you're getting married all while planning the wedding. If anyone gets too suspicious that it's fake you get automatically eliminated.
At the end you can either choose to actually get married OR take $100,000 split between you. So it's fake dating with the potential for ANGST if one of them chooses the money for some reason.
Anyway the reason I'm not committed to writing it is I have no idea how reality TV works really, and it would involve a lot of moving parts that I lack the energy for 😅
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Well. I'm still kind of a baby writer tbh, I only started posting in September. But I would say I'm already more comfortable to try different tropes and ideas. Two of my three fics were written for prompts and it enabled me to flex some different writing muscles to ones I may have chosen. I recently wrote both a fic about grief and a light fantasy, neither of which I think I ever would have thought to do on my own.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
I have unpublished WIPs going back years and mostly what I think is that I should dust this off and make it good so I can share it haha. My first drafts are always garbage. The fun is in chopping and changing and slowly improving until you have something worth sharing.
It's also fun to go back and see like ohh I definitely have a Type huh? I basically always write Blaine with curly hair, I love writing klaine fondly teasing each other, I basically always have Elliott be Kurt's bestie. Some things never change 😄
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! It's gossip girl!! ❤️First off I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to respond back! I saw this a bit earlier I was honestly going through a bout of anxiety when I did see it, and then I just haven't had time to sit down and respond to this all at once!! But I hope you're doing well! This is for the first of the responses you posted! I am on summer break now. I have been for a few weeks but I was moving back home and then getting set up at a summer job that keeps me busy most of the day now! It's fun though! I'm really enjoying it! ❤️❤️❤️
And so for that idea we've been talking about I'm definitely finished with it and it sitting in my drafts with about 6 other ideas I need to publish😂 I'm still just waiting for the right time. I think I'm just really nervous about posting it because of the nature in the fic. 😅 And I'm sure that I'll post it and then immediately find three more grammar errors and be unable to fix them because tumblr is stupid😂😅
And I do the same thing with word count or at least I try😂 I'll look at old parts and try to make my word count meet that but then when I'm writing I'll lose track or I will just keep going until I feel like the story is over! And I really like that motto! 🥰🥰🥰
But yeah, the ideas not posted yet, but I have made a few other things I ended up putting ahead for that story😅😅people seem to like them well enough! And I'm happy with them all so...😉
And back to that idea for what reasons could he could have for what he did, I promise if you read it it'll make sense! I think it comes not from a man who's been physically hurt himself, but one who's been hurt through someone else's pain if that makes sense?
And I have written more ideas but I haven't finished half of them😅😅 and yes that's exactly it "focus the main idea over another character" that's honestly what I do with a good number of my ideas, or so I feel like that's how they go! And yes! Thank you for the tip! I have noticed that about not all posts showing up in a dashboard and stuff! I think in my case too I sometimes end up posting right in the middle of when everyone else is posting stuff to so I've noticed things get lost then too. Especially if I haven't been on tumblr all day and there are 67+ new things on my dashboard😅
And yes i think I want to send that story on a possible cliffhanger! So if people do actually like it enough and they maybe want more I can lead in to it, but also it can be read as a stand-alone to! And it think this one I could maybe make into a mini series, but honestly I have like three or four other stories I already need to finish the sequels or next parts too, so I think this actually may be one I see how much people like before I start another part 😅😅
And yeah!! I'm glad the Photoshoot series is going well and Look at the Soul too!🥰🥰🥰 And I hope all your other writing is going well too🥰🥰 Don't worry! I believe you can do it🥰🥰🥰 
"Tommy with a water gun?"" Wait which one was that? I think I missed that one, but I already know that's an idea I'd love to see! I did see your blurb about Tommy when Alfie becomes his daughter's godfather 😂😂😂 I adored that one!
Once again I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to this! I'm going to try to get to the other one by tonight or tomorrow hopefully!! I have bits of that one started too but still need to do the whole thing!
And ohh I haven't seen Heart of the Sea (it's not super my type of movie😅) but I have seen the interviews with Tom Holland and Cillian and love them😂 I kept seeing the clip where the interviewer asks who they'd eat from the cast if they really were stranded on an island😂
And I hope seeing your friend went well!!🥰🥰🥰
It's good that's it's done now, but now if got my summer job, which isn't too bad but it's still long😅
And YES!!!! I did see those photos 🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭 and they were glorious!!! 
Hope you're having a great week too! ❤️❤️ xoxo GG
Gg! Hello again 😊
No please never apologize for taking long to reply as I’m the worst at it 🙈
Oh no dear, what happened? Is everything better now? I hope it is, you know you can always reach out to my inbox, I know you prefer to keep this under anon, but maybe you can make a side blog if you think a chat could help you ❤️‍🩹
Hope your summer break has been good! Have you had the time to write during your break from school? Either way I hope your time has been amazing! Ah being back home is always great 😊 and hopefully the summer job is going good? Are you having a good time? 💖
Oh I really hope you get to post that story, it was so interesting and eye-catching! Look you can always do this; open your drafts, place the mouse over the post button and close your eyes when you click 🤭 no, just kidding I’m sure you’ll do it at your own time, when you think it’s right… ahh so true about the grammar mistakes it’s like they turn into capital letters in color red once you post it right?
I love it when a part makes me forget about the word count, like I get lost in the chapter and let the words flow freely, it’s a great feeling! 🥰🥰
Oww I wonder if I’ve read your posts! Idk because you’ve been hiding so well GG 🕵🏻‍♀️ you’re like Sherlock! I need to catch up on my reading and sometimes I don’t see a post in my dash but days later someone else reblogs a story and I save it in my ♥️ to read later. But I’m sure you have done a wonderful job!!! And I’m looking forward to see what else you create!
I think you’re leaving little clues 🕵🏻‍♀️ and hints and I honestly would love to see it (are you in some marketing department? You really know how to leaving hanging in there, wanting to know more! But pain really does change people…
I’m happy to hear that! You know sometimes I feel frustrated with the WIP list I have in my drafts, wish I could write faster… but there are days when I simply don’t have the energy to pour my soul and heart into a chapter I’m just so so tired (is it a consequence from covid? The endless tiredness because I’ve never felt it before..) anyways I do try my best but words won’t come out sometimes so I just start reading instead haha yeah!!! It either gets lost between so many posts or for different time zone and people are sleeping so that’s why reblogs are so important! I’ve found some great stories like that.
See? You know how to seek things! I love the idea of the part ending in a cliffhanger! So clever! And that will definitely make us readers want to know more, like: “nooo! And then what?!” 👀
Haha true! It happens you already have ideas but there’s a queue of four others WIP you already started! 🤣 I need to finish my Lenny series because I have an idea for a Tommy series.. it’s an endless cycle haha
Thank you! I honestly adore those two Cillian series, they’re so close to my heart ♥️ and it makes me so happy to imagine new adventures for them… I already have the idea for the next part of the photoshoot and I did a little summary for the next 6-7 parts for Look at the soul(the hardest part is finding the right song that fits the chapter haha) but your lovely words means so much to me! 💕✨
Yes the water gun was a fun idea to write, it was early summer days and the thought of Tommy with one was so tempting it’s this story “ xx” Oww that little story had been in my drafts for so long! Until I found it was so fitting to add to the idea (I have another Tommy x Alfie endless war, I can’t honestly have enough of them and their endless teasing).
No, it should be me apologizing for taking so long to answer, days are going so fast! 🤔
I will try to answer your other message these days but this week is going to be full (I’m catching up with my friends and we’re celebrating an engagement party later) so I will be more likely to type bits here and there and over the weekend send the response so please don’t worry 🥰
Really? I used to think the same so never saw it when it came out, I only watched it because Cillian was in it and I have to admit it was really good! Loved the historical background and of course, Cillian’s character (I will be posting about it in the Photoshoot later).. hahahahahh that video is hilarious! Cillian is so serious when he says he wouldn’t be picky or I think he used the word fussy -and I believed him!) 🤣🤭 did you notice the little earring? I’m obsessed with it!
Oh that was amazing! She’s a great person 🌷
Best of luck on your summer job!!! Hope you have a good time but also have some rest you will need it to go back to study again… 🙂🙂 is it related to your career or something totally different?
Did you see Oppenheimer yet? I loved the promo they did!!! Lots of Cill content!
And a little about my trip: avoid Vegas during the F1 changes, the strip is a mess plus it is so hot! Everything was melting, there are a lot of shows amazing but I do enjoy the free stuff in the hotels like the Wynn and Bellagio season display. We also did the Titanic exhibition (I definitely recommend it), I like it because it’s pet, kids and wheelchair friendly - I saw a couple carrying a dog in a little wagon so cute!), great food for all budgets, bring comfort pair of shoes and you can walk or use the deuce for the entire Strip, would love to take the Great canyon helicopter ride one day, and it’s great you can stay up late and everything is open 😅 Adele show is beyond words, amazing, brilliant, everything I dreamed of! 🥰
I hope your week will be amazing! Sending you a big big hug and I wish you your anxiety will be at bay these days ❤️‍🩹 (and always) remember you’re not alone xx
Lots of love, M.✨
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