#I'm still so happy I found such a PERFECT faceclaim for him for the start-- the post-game FC though...
hyaciiintho · 8 months
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Your springs are reacting--
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-- Your heart is pounding
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skz-streamer · 10 months
Prince Charming
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Pairing: Changbin (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: just brain rot fluff :)
Notes: Thank you so much for recommending this fic idea @mixtape-racha I had so much fun writing this!!!! The ask
Summary: Changbin will always be your prince charming, and you will always be his princess.
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count ~1.2k ;)
You wake up with a smile, feeling excited as you pick up your phone to invite Binnie over for a cute date night. You send him a sweet message, "Hey Binnie! How about a cozy Disney princess movie marathon at my place tonight? I'll order our favorite takeout, and we can snuggle together all evening. What do you think? 🎥🍿"
Binnie responds with a smiley face and an enthusiastic "Yes, please! I'd love that, princess."
As the evening approached, you felt a flutter of excitement in your chest. The thought of spending a cozy date night with Binnie was enough to fill your heart with joy. You tidied up your place meticulously, making sure everything was perfect for the night ahead. You created a comfortable nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, envisioning how lovely it would be to snuggle up together under their soft embrace.
When the doorbell finally rang, you practically skipped to answer it, eagerly anticipating Binnie's arrival. As soon as you opened the door and saw him standing there with his curly black hair nipped over his eyes and that warm smile on his face, your heart melted. He was every bit as charming as you had imagined.
"Welcome, my prince charming! Come on in," you said with a grin, feeling a little bashful under his affectionate gaze.
He stepped inside, giving you a gentle kiss on the cheek, "Hello, my lovely princess. Your place looks amazing."
Your cheeks flushed with happiness at his compliment, and you offered him the takeout menu, "What do you feel like eating tonight? Pizza, sushi, or maybe some burgers?"
"Hmm, how about some sushi? I know you love it too!" he replied with a playful glint in his eyes.
"Perfect choice!" you exclaimed, glad that he knew you so well. You ordered your favorite sushi rolls, secretly thrilled that you would get to share this delightful meal with him.
As the takeout arrived and you settled down on the couch, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and excitement in the air. The Disney princess movie marathon was about to begin, and you were excited to share this special night with Binnie.
"Let's start with your all-time favorite. I bet it's Beauty and the Beast, right?" Binnie whispered playfully as he leaned closer to you.
You nodded with a grin, "You know me so well! Beauty and the Beast it is!"
As the movie started, you snuggled up against Binnie, feeling his arm around your shoulders, making you feel safe and loved. Throughout the movie, you couldn't resist commenting on how charming the prince was or how adorable some scenes were, and Binnie joined in with playful banter.
"You see, I'm just as charming as the prince!" he teased, and you couldn't help but giggle.
"Oh! You're my real-life prince charming, Binnie," you replied, gazing affectionately into his eyes.
The night continued with lots of laughter and cuddles. As you watched the movies, you playfully compared some princes to Binnie, and he would pretend to pose like the prince in question, making you laugh even harder. When Frozen came out you and him both burst out singing, the warmth and love between you grew with every passing moment. You felt incredibly grateful to have Binnie in your life.
As the Disney princess movie marathon continued, the clock struck 2:00 am, and you found yourself still wide awake despite the late hour. Changbin was dozing in and out of sleep, his broad figure snuggled up next to your small frame. His soft personality had always been something you adored about him, and it made moments like this even more special.
You couldn't help but smile as you embraced him tightly, feeling the warmth of his presence. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, casting a gentle light on the two of you, creating a cozy atmosphere that felt like a dream.
In this moment of serenity, you reminisced about the movies you watched together earlier in the night. The Disney princesses and their magical stories seemed to have brought you even closer, strengthening the bond between you and Changbin.
As you lay there, you noticed Changbin's steady breathing and the way his curly hair fell gently on his face. His peaceful expression made your heart flutter, and you couldn't resist planting a soft kiss on his forehead, expressing your love for him.
Feeling the affection, Changbin stirred slightly in his sleep, his arms instinctively wrapping around you, pulling you closer. His sleepy mumble sounded like sweet music to your ears, and you couldn't help but giggle.
"I love you," you whispered, hoping he could hear your words even in his slumber. You felt grateful for this precious moment, cherishing every second you spent together.
The next morning, you woke up with a soft smile as the first rays of morning light peeked through the curtains. Changbin was still peacefully sleeping next to you, and you couldn't resist running your fingers through his curly black hair. He stirred slightly, and you held your breath, hoping not to wake him.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," you whispered, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Morning… I could get used to waking up like this," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.
You giggled softly, "I bet you could. You're so cuddly, Changbin. I love it."
"Only for you, my love," he replied, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours with a tender gaze.
The two of you spent a few more moments in each other's arms, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. Eventually, you decided to get up and prepare some breakfast together.
"I'll make us some pancakes. How do you like them?" you asked.
"As long as you're making them, I'm sure they'll be delicious," Changbin replied, his smile never leaving his face.
Blushing at his sweet compliment, you headed to the kitchen, and he followed you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you cooked. You enjoyed a cozy breakfast together, stealing kisses and sharing laughter.
After breakfast, you both decided to spend the day relaxing at home, enjoying each other's company. You snuggled up on the couch, watching more movies, occasionally pausing to talk about your favorite scenes or share your thoughts on the different princesses' journeys.
"You know, I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You make everything better," Changbin said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"And I feel the same about you, Changbin. You're my rock, my comfort, and my joy," you replied, intertwining your fingers with his.
With a sweet peck on the lips, Changbin whispers “You're my world."
And just as he pulled his head away to take a look at you, part of your world played.
“You’re so cringy!!!” you say while pushing him away
“Why you don’t think i’m Aladdin worthy?” he teases back
“Well… do you have a magic carpet?
“Ahh no, I don’t,” he says giggling back.
“Hmm how will you make it up to me,” you say, hoping that his response is a kiss, but instead he gets up from the couch and picks you up
“Will a piggyback ride do?”
Permanent tag list: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @ot8skz-wifey
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privilege-archives · 7 years
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❖ FULL NAME: Adelaide Maria Fabray. ❖ PRONOUNS: She/Her. ❖ AGE: 21. (June 21st). ❖ BIRTH ORDER: Fourth. Quad to Second, Third & Fifth Fabray. ❖ GRADE: Junior. ❖ MAJOR: Web Design. ❖ SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteromantic. ❖ FACECLAIM: Dianna Agron.
(TW/CW: religion, slut shaming)
Adelaide Maria Fabray had always been one to follow in the shadows of her parents, that was just her way. Since birth, you would see Ada floating around, watching and analysing the ways of the generations of Fabrays before her and learning their morals in hope of becoming a future replica of them. She was fascinated by the almost royal like galas and events that her and her family were dragged to at least once a month and while she was told to be “seen and not heard” she was more than happy to, just as long as she was apart of the event nonetheless.
Never had you seen a child so favored, so loved by her parents, there were even rumors going round that Ada had been given special treatment by her father, you see - Ada was quite obviously a Daddy’s girl and could do no wrong in his eyes, she used this to her advantage, blaming all the other girls for her mistakes, hoping that Russell Fabray wouldn’t notice her higher attitude towards any of the children, for in his eyes, Ada was nothing but perfect and she aimed to maintain that standard for the rest of her life. Perhaps if Ada had known what Russell was really like she may would have been less inclined to please him and see him as an idol, but she wasn’t made aware to the situation, living in peaceful ignorance, being the apple of her Daddy’s eye.
As the Fabrays were brought up Christian, it was no surprise that Ada, from a young age, was used to the church life. Attending church every Sunday seemed almost natural to her. Although it was almost second nature to her, and sort of a habit that her parents had forced upon her by christening her, Ada felt like she belonged within the Church community, and one might dare to say that she enjoyed attending church. It was no secret that Ada had felt the presence of the Holy Trinity in her life, she had made that clear throughout her middle and high school. People had just assumed that she was just following in the footsteps of her parents, and there was a rumour going around school that Ada was going to stay in Portland her whole life and become a Pastor’s wife, and although that would be the ideal life for Ada, she knew that the Lord had other plans for her and that she needed an exciting, wild influence on her life in order to balance her pure attitude out.
It had been approaching the end of high school, and while others picked colleges based on whether they were Ivy League or not, Ada knew that she would receive high results wherever she had went, and so stayed in LA in hope of experiencing the wild college life before returning back home to continue her prim and perfect life. Ada had picked her major based on practicality, for she was only looking for a degree and easy going job before finding the one and settling down to and becoming the perfect housewife. So she went on to pick a Web Design major, knowing that the industry was booming in the 21st Century and based on figures, there was going to be more jobs than ever due to the fact more and more people were living their life through the net. While she had hoped of getting rid of her morals just for a little while, it was just not possible for young Ada, she was still a very strong believer in Jesus Christ and keeping herself pure for her wedding night, as well as many other things. It would be hard for someone to make Ada change her mind about the Lord, and she wasn’t willing to risk of her father’s keenness for her vanishing and so perfect was still the word Ada would use to describe herself, although she was far from it.
Although failing to branch out in college, Ada did manage to gain one thing she’d always hoped for. Meeting Andrew Winston at the church that she found herself in the heart of Los Angeles was a moment she’d never forget. She was halfway through her Freshman year when she saw him for the first time, kneeling on a pew praying; not the most romantic place to meet someone, Ada admitted but after getting to speaking the two realised they both shared similar morals and standpoints in life. There were sparks, and Ada could feel them. Was it love? Most likely not, but she was willing to compromise in order to be in the ideal relationship that her parents would be proud of. It was only a year into dating Andrew it was announced that the pair were engaged to be married.
Andrew, who had graduated from Columbia the May before they met, was an up and coming accountant and was offered a full time position at a highly respected accountancy firm in Boston. Although originally hesitant to move, going back home to Seattle had always been part of her plan, Ada knew this was her duty as a fiancee.. It didn’t take her long to get herself set up as a Web Designer for a company and she finally felt happy. In reality, Andrew had begun to stay hours long after he was required in the firm and Ada had started to feel alone but she was too content in that bubble of hers to even admit that something could be wrong. In her eyes, the couple were ready to start a family and life was only going to get better from then on. She had become a well-established member of her church that the couple had picked out together in Boston, and were beginning to get settled in. That was the most important thing, right? She was no longer a singular person but a unit - she couldn’t just think of herself.
She’d only managed to spend 2 months in Boston during the Summer before returning back home to Los Angeles, she felt safest at Pacific State and knew she would have to stay there in order to finish college; after all, an uneducated woman was useless, and no man would find her attractive without a brain. After discussing it with her fiance and her priest, they came to the conclusion they’d simply have to make long distance work until Ada finished her degree, and could return home to get married to her beloved at the ripe old age of 22.
Judging was Ada’s main flaw, she refused to acknowledge anyone else’s viewpoint that didn’t match up directly with hers. While Vatican II taught good Christians to accept and not try to convert those of different (or no) religions at all, Ada still had hope for those non-believers in the hope of converting them. Ignorant? Of course, but Ada didn’t see it that way. She just saw it as spreading the message of God, and doing the right thing. Because of her lack of education in the world outside of the Christian community, she seems to have been left behind in the modern day world, still naive and unaware of the problems that sexual harassment has caused, and dare I say it, Ada goes as far as judging those who have been sexually assaulted or harassed, blaming it on the way they dressed or what they were implying. Although, others had hoped college might open her eyes as to what is going on and who she should be judging in the crimes taken place. This didn’t happen.
Ada has soft, well nourished golden blonde hair that flows to the top of her breasts. Her hair is always in soft waves, and never covering her face. Although never wishing to appear tacky, Ada sports a classic, elegant makeup look every day which includes natural eyeshadow and a soft pink lip, wanting to appear well put together but not too alluring for the other sex. Ada always dresses modestly, most typically in skater dresses that touch the top of her knee respectively and a pair of heels. Although having no tattoos and minimal piercings, Ada always wears her beloved Tiffany’s earrings, her engagement ring and her prized cross pendant on her neck proudly, feeling safe with Jesus constantly with her.
Russell is a famous entrepreneur, who owns most of Hollywood’s big brand businesses. Judy is an Oscar winning movie actress, and the children had small roles in movies as children.
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