#I'm suddenly really worried about Crowley's fate
neurolady · 4 months
You know it occurred to me today after another lazy Sunday Omens session.
When exactly was Aziraphale ever actually given the choice about returning to Heaven.
I mean really pay attention to what The Metatron says
"There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects and I will need you to run them"
At no point was that a request.
Which makes the "offer" after Aziraphale tries to protest so much more sinister.
Up until now, my mind had always taken it as The Metatron sweetening the deal to convince Aziraphale to take the job offer. With a little threat of we know what you've been up to so beware, thrown in for good measure. The penny finally dropped that the Supreme Archangel job was never offered, Aziraphale is being instructed that this is his new position. And the whole we know about your "defacto partnership" that was just an out and out threat. Levelled in the only way Heaven can, they're never going to outright say "you'll be destroyed if you don't", that would not be Heavenly. I mean, look at S1 they made Aziraphale(Crowley) walk into his own destruction. But the offer to reinstate Crowley was definitely a 'don't fuck with me Aziraphale, I hold all the cards here'. I don't know how I've never seen it that way before now?! What the Hell show was I watching all this time?!
I always talk about Crowley's whole world being blown up as soon as Aziraphale interrupts him. I never until today fully appreciated how completely Aziraphale's world is blown up before he even goes back into the bookshop. I mean, he doesn't know Crowley is in full love confession mode yet. He does know, though, that he's walking back in there to either convince Crowley to give everything up and be an angel again (a pretty impossible task), or he's leaving Crowley behind altogether. No wonder he's SO manic. Then Crowley starts in on his confession, complete with cracking voice and the whole shebang. Coupled with The Metatron being right outside the window. It makes so much more sense now why Aziraphale's whole body language is not now don't do this now!
One thing I can't figure out is why The Metatron was prepared to allow Crowley's angelic status to be returned. Why didn't he just tell Aziraphale to wrap it up and end their partnership/relationship there and then. Maybe it's because he fears potential resistance, thanks to their 25 Lazarii miracle. Maybe something to do with Gabrielle and Beelzebub having just run off together. It seems like his only gamble, especially given the sigh of relief in the elevator. What exactly was his plan if Crowley had shocked everyone and accepted? What exactly is his plan now, Crowley has shocked no one and refused? Now that I'm finally seeing how much of a direct threat to both Aziraphale and Crowley that whole conversation actually was, I'm fully convinced he's not going to let Crowley (powerful as he is) alone to wander around on Earth all bitter and broken hearted, potentially getting in the way of The Second Coming. There will definitely be some back channel attacks on Crowley orchestrated behind Aziraphale's back!!
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