#I'm talking hated her so much but now refers to her as the best archon
aetheternity · 2 years
I'm lowkey curious and I bet this won't recieve any attention but: What's something the Genshin fandom does that annoys you?
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
🎐 anon
First off, I am super glad to hear that you're fine with long asks www. I absolutely adore having long conversations and dicussions like these that have a wide array of topics to discuss about. It's just so much more fun!
In response to my previous ask, it's quite a shame that we won't get Venti as a potential love interest after knowing how powerful he really is :( Freedom was such a double edge knife during that age and time that Venti having a personality to reflect that would have been so interesting to see. Does he get more appearances in the common routes or is his cameos exclude to a certain route?
Also, talking about types, I have a really funny story about it that cracks me up from time to time. One night, my friend expressed an interest in FE3H so I began introducing the cast to her over the call. It took quite a long time since ya know how big of a cast it is so after introducing everyone, I jokingly asked her who did she thinking was my favourite character and she, without a single hint of hesitance, said "It's Ashe, isn't it?"... to which I replied "h o w" in the most shocked voice I could muster. Because??? Yeah we've been friends for a long time but??? She barely even knew these characters??? How did she know that Ashe was my favourite???? And then she laughed and said that he just seems like the guy that I would like according to all my past faves and I HATE that she's right. (Carmen, if you're reading this by some chance, I still hate you for this/j)
That Dainsleif ramble was very very wholesome. Give me a moment to pull up a seat so I can listen to you ramble more about this man <3. It's the least I could do after you've read all my ramblings about tighnari so far ww Oh, but don't think I'm doing this out of obligation, I am genuinely interested in why you're so attracted to him and I think it's really cute! Best wishes to getting his C6 and weapon in the future <3
Yeah don't spend any money until you're at least financial stable on your own. It's good to spend money on games cause it supports the game developers and allows them to continue working on the game but as players, we have the responsibility of spending rationally and not falling into a financial crisis for simple entertainment
Voices are such a big criteria for me when it comes to picking my faves. That's part of the reason why, as much as I love Albedo, I can't like him as much as Tighnari or Xiao because his CN voice is so,,,, it's just so different from the others. I think Khoi just did too good of a job voice acting for him to the point that Khoi's voice is just The Albedo Voice(tm). Aether/Scara's CN VA did such a good job voice acting for both of em, especially in the recent prelude archon quest which is just (chef kiss) beautiful, spectacular, amazing.
Finally, a few words to some of my fellow anons.
It's okay 🐠 anon, I'm sure your sashimi will be delicious when accompanied with snail anon's escargot. The chopping board is ready for the both of you <3
To 2broschlininahottub, that design is!! So, so cute!! Thank you for finding such a cute design for me, I will cherish it 🥺💕
I finally have free time for just a brief moment. I can finally... I can fiNALLY WRITE A PARAGRAPH AS TO WHY I S I M P– /hj
I'll just link this ask anytime people ask me "why dain" lmao
Venti appears in all routes, some more explicit than others, like let's say in Diluc's & Scara's he's VERY involved (and Heizou's tired of him) while in routes in routes like Alhaitham he's barely there at all. Haha looking at my outline now, kinda love how Venti's just sneaking around in some routes and is just referred to monikers like "thieving musician" haha!!! He's something of a lil prick (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Okay but why did I also actually went "bet Ashe's your fave" when I was just reading how you're telling 3Houses to your friends 😭 I don't even know why– there's an aura of wholesomeness with you– not in an insult "naive" way heck no, but like "you've seen things and you're not gonna follow that example" way? Idk it's just the way you type these asks hAHAHAHAH– (I think you can tell from how I write readers that Ansy is a bit of a sadist by drawing sht like this and using it for angst–)
Also same. One of the biggest factors for me when pulling is honestly the voice. Why else would I save MONTHS for a faceless character who only showed up in Itto's trailer to get his C3 and R1???? THAT'S RIGHT BABY I AM DEDICATED TO YOUR VOICE, AYATO. YOU HAVE DIMITRI'S VOICE AND TSUDAKEN AS YOUR JPN VOICE. I agree Khoi's voice is amazing (have you heard him sing in french?) and Scara's CN & ENG voice are tempting me to pull for him but I mustn't.
... hoo boy you really wanna read a rant about Dain? *Clears throat* I'll just give you a brief context lmao:
I like the color blue.
.... Is what @leftdestiny-posts would've said hAHAHAHAHAHAHAH– pls don't kill me–
But for real, most characters I have a crush on start with me going in an enemies to lovers route with them. Now usually when I get a husbando I start being in complete denial and won't stop slandering them (playfully) while my friends point out I'm a tsundere. I am not aware whenever I like a character or I just really loathe them. You have to stage an intervention for me to realize things.
Exhibit A&B: Childe and Diluc. Never knew I actually did like him until my friends started saying "sus" all over again until I realized "sht, you right, I am sus." That's the painful cycle of being Ansy's favorite. Although I don't think I see Childe in that light anymore, that doesn't mean I didn't joke about how I made him wait in the Liyue restaurant for months to take a vacation and came back with a tan cuz I dislike him lol. I'd go into detail as to how my "tsundere"ness made my friends start a fic chain about yandere!isekai!diluc but I won't.
There are two husbandos I've never had that with and they remain my most faves, which is Dimitri and Oda from BSD. Now those two? They're the peak of the things I love about a character. I felt like I had a friends to lovers arc with them instead.
Dimitri's kind but has a feral side with him while Oda is similar except he's poetically but disastrously apathetic in life. What they have in common however, as I have recently realized, is that they both die.
Jk, it's cause they're both self-sacrificing!... Yeah and that also 99% of my husbandos die–
When I first got to Dain, not a single day was spent without me calling him Genshin!Dimitri or Dimitri in Genshin Art Style. I liked his looks– lord I love his cape his hair his eyes the way he's dressed. He's so pretty.
And so, like usual, I kept slandering him like my other then-husbandos lmao.
I kept making jokes that he's my husband that went to buy milk for the last 500 years and forgot to come home. I also kept joking that I keep forgetting to finish his quest + We Will Be Reunited and he's been waiting in wolvendom for weeks lol. I was a Razor main so I made jokes that he doesn't visit his son often anymore... That information is absolutely irrelevant but I just wanted to share that hAHAHAHAH–
... so why did I brought up Dimitri and Oda? Other than the fact that Dain is basically Dimi's twin brother from another franchise, they feel like a merge between those two if that makes sense.
Dain feels like what would've happened if Post Time Skip Dimitri (PTSD) never got his classmates to help him and went on to quell his anger by himself and he succeeded so now he doesn't know what to do. It doesn't help that Yuri Lowenthal delivers these lines like PTSDimitri's low voice. He also carries the same calm and jadedness Oda has for life. Dain narrates things like he's an outsider in the same way Oda feels rather disconnected with his own life. There's also something poetic about the way he speaks, like how he described the abyss mages as the claws and fangs, etc. Dain's humble and acts neutral like Oda too.
Dain's like the perfect mixture of these two for me. Cuz unlike most my husbands he's immortal so he can't die right?
And, idk why, but I feel like out of all the characters I know, Dain wouldn't hate me so much? I think I'd annoy Dimitri a lot and Oda wouldn't know what to do with me. I feel like Dain and I would have a perfect balance on speaker & listener during conversations.
It also doesn't help that Dimitri's ISFJ and I'm ENTP so if I ever have a friendship with Dimitri I'd be like Claude 2.0 but worse and Oda might think I'm Dazai but not s**cidal
Dain absolutely has a calming presence. He's the type who, if you're both comfortable, would hug you from behind and place his head on the crook of your neck every morning to show that he loves you. And he doesn't even have to say it cause you'll feel it. He's been through a lot and he would be hesitant to be with you but the moment you hug him back he'd crumble and he'd lean his cheek against your palm. Can you imagine it? Can you imagine his morning voice? If you can't, recall the moment he said "find a way... To stop that thing!" but make it c a l m e r . That's right. Wouldn't you want to hear that same voice say "Good morning"? C'mon. You get me right?
Dain's also pretty sassy. I like that in a man– he hasn't lost his sense of humor after gaining immortality lol. Plus he's smart but not in an Alhaitham type of way but in a street-smart manner, which for me is 100x more attractive. Another unlike alhaitham is that he's not arrogant haha. He knows how he should conduct himself with the archons and he's not totally blinded by grudges (which is why I also love Kazuha) but boy oh boy would I love to see feral!past!Dainsleif who tries to fricking war against these archons it'd be fun af. Trust me, I adore PTSDimitri's feral sht but the way he slowly gained his sanity made me fall for him HARD.
Lord I would go on for days so I'll stop
Tldr, I love him a healthy amount and I feel like I would have a cordial platonic friendship with Dainsleif lol
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