#I'm thinking of doing work on the moth mentioned in Hoaxe's part
barbaracleboy · 2 years
Here they are, everybody! The main crew of Swapped Fables, Team Snakemouth! ...
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Featuring, from right to left: Bit, Hoaxe, Jaune, and Seedy! Information on each member given under the Keep Reading:
Bit, the cheery and fun-loving Beetle from the North whose willing to mess around just as much as they’re willing to lend a helping hand. While not necessarily mischievous, Bit is always up for a good time and will occasionally cause little bits of trouble with the kinds of situations they get into. Even still, they’re strong and generally kind enough that most don’t view them so negatively...Deep down, though, Bit is haunted by the loss of his dear friends on their way to Bugaria from their homeland. Bit tries to stay cheery often, especially if it can help bury the feelings associated with their loss, but that can only help for so long...
Hoaxe, the quiet, reserved Fly with mysterious, powerful abilities. Born in the Deadlands, Hoaxe was forced to grow up in the harsh environment for most of his life, somehow managing to survive and at one point gaining the strange ability to use fire magic. At one point he made it to the Wasp Kingdom...but he was not treated well at all there. Abused as a janitor, Hoaxe eventually couldn’t take it any longer and ran away to the Ant Kingdom. Between the destructive potential of his magic and his generally negative experiences, Hoaxe wasn’t comfortable enough to spend very much time in the Ant Kingdom either. Eventually he ended up entering, and falling into, Snakemouth Den, where his last memory was being attacked by a strange Moth in a crown. Jaune and Bit found him frozen solid on their mission to obtain the Den’s Artifact, and when they thaw the poor fly he’s scared and confused, and barely even willing to talk to them. Not seeing many other options, Hoaxe tags along with the Bee and the Beetle, and they end up helping him open up to other Bugs and overall become much happier and more comfortable, as well as allowing him to get more skilled with using his magic for good...
Jaune, the rebellious street artist who loves paintball and never felt appreciated for her spray painted art. She was more jealous than she’d like to admit of her little sister, Violet, who was generally revered as smarter and more skilled. Though Violet looked up to Jaune, Jaune blew up at her younger sibling when she felt even she was starting to wane in supporting her big sister. Afterwards Jaune left her home at The Hive in the hopes of becoming an explorer and finally getting the praise she felt she deserved. In doing this, she also ends up beginning her journey to self-improvement, with the help of her allies, of course...Also, side note, the beret she’s wearing is meant to be a combat beret. Kinda like what Cammy from Street Fighter wears. It’s not a typical art beret, like what Canon Jaune has.
Seedy, the fancy but troublemaking little Seedling that the trio grew from a Seedling King’s Seed. Jaune and Bit spoil him, but in the end he is rather friendly to them, and he even brings them goodies...often stolen goodies. Whatever the case, he too is a valued member of the team, and the hope is that he can be raised into a Seedling King as well, where he may hopefully foster a generation of Seedlings that is far less aggressive to Bugkind...Oh, also he makes Waddle Dee Noises. Almost forgot to mention that, ha.
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