#I'm tired and tipsy and high off of getting independent
So viel meine Kindheit mir nicht gut getan hat - meine Eltern haben mir, als ich klein war, "will [mich] der Feind verschlingen, so lass die Engel singen: dies Kind soll unverletzet sein" und es war das Tröstlichste ever
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vtmb-imagines · 7 years
AH! I'm so happy to have found this blog, and welcome to the VTMB fandom (I am also a newbie too). I know kindred can't really do this because canon, but could you do one where they (the peeps you've been using) wake up next to the neonate, having no recollection of last night, and discovering a wedding ring on their hand? AKA the "got drunk and married all in one night," scenario?
So, there is absolutely a way for Kindred to get drunk as well as high. They just have to drink the blood of someone who has been drinking or doing drugs and they can feel the effects as well! Just a small fun fact for you anon!
Due to the length of the request, I’m going to stick to the headcanon format to get this out faster.
The Anarchs
Nines Rodriguez
-He is beyond confused when he first wakes up. Since it is dark, he initially thinks he just passed out for a little while. It happens when he works too hard for too long, but when he looks at an alarm clock near by, he damn near jumps out of the bed. What do you mean a whole day as passed?-When he reaches for the alarm clock and sees a strange ring on his hand, he immediately pulls it off and starts to wonder how he got that. It is only then does he remember drinking from some staggering idiot. When he puts two and two together, he groans.-He groans again when he looks over and sees you and a matching ring. He immediately tries to wake you up to talk to you and see what you wanted to do because it looks like the two of you made one hell of a mistake.-He is not very thrilled by the fact that he married someone while drunk. Sure he likes you, but if he even wanted to marry someone, he would really like to remember it thanks.
Smiling Jack
-That person he drank from must have been on some heavy stuff to make an ex-pirate that drunk. He wakes up and immediately looks around. This is not his room. He then sees you and he starts to break into laughter. Just what did he do this time?-To be honest, out of everyone, he is the least freaked out about the news. Chances are he was with you for a while, so it really doesn’t bug him any. If you’re cool with it, he is cool with it.-It is probably the only way you found out about Jack’s last name because he keeps poking your side and keeps addressing you as “Mr./Mrs./Mx. Drake” until you wake up and ask him why he is calling you that.-If you aren’t happy about it, he has zero issues breaking it off and never speaking about it again. If you’re together, he wants you to be happy too.
Jeanette Voerman
-It isn’t too uncommon of her to drink from someone in her own bar, so she’s been tipsy, but never has she totally blacked out. She regrets it when she wakes up since she feels so tired and thirsty, but that all vanishes when she sits up and sees a ring on her hand.-She gasps and looks over at you before letting out a small screech. Immediately she shakes you and tells you to wake up this instant. She would really like to try and figure out just what happened and she would like out thank you very much.-Unless you’ve been with her for some time, there is no convincing her otherwise. She does not want to be married and that is final. The mere thought freaks her out.
Sebastian LaCroix
-HE IS NOT AMUSED BY THIS. NOT ONE BIT. The only way he would end up in this situation was because you convince him that he needed to relax for a little bit and now he sees that it was a mistake.-He is something of a public figure. He isn’t constantly in the public eye, but his name is and if someone heard that he got drunk and got married, he cannot even begin to imagine the fallout. -He lets you wake up on your own actually, especially if you’re with him. He does not want to freak you out as well. Once you are awake and coherent, he fills you in with what he knows and asks to break off the marriage with you. If he ever decided to marry, he would like to remember it. Not to mention he would get much better rings than these plain golden ones. They look to cheap to him.
Therese Voerman
-Initially she thinks Jeanette went off and did something stupid while she was resting, but then she sees you and she knows she’s the one that messed up.-She immediately launches out of the bed and looks at her hand and at the simple gold band and she feels sick. She doesn’t hate you, know, but this is not what she wanted at all. She flies into a rant that wakes you up, and immediately she begins to rant at you.-After a good solid minute, she takes in a deep breath and apologies before asking if this is what you want. If you say no, she lets out of sigh of relief and asks for your ring so she can get rid of them and cover this whole thing up. If you say yes, she is honestly surprised and the two of you talk about what to do. 
-He looks around and is immediately confused. He did not remember making it to a hotel room. Last thing he remembered was drinking from some bumbling drunk since there was no one else around. He is glad that at least he managed to get inside before day rolled around.-He then noticed you and became more confused. Why are you here? Not that he is upset, he does like your company after all. He then noticed the ring on your hand. That wasn’t there before and he knows it. When he sees the matching one on his own, he is not sure if he should laugh or get rid of them before you woke up.-He decides it is best to see if you remember anything and if you could fill him in. Turns out you didn’t and you’re both equally surprised by this outcome. He is not against it to be honest, but he would much rather have a do over. If you do not want it, he will gladly pretend the marriage does not exist. It would be pretty tough to get a divorce, seeing how courts only work during the day and you both are kind of dead and do not exist in any data bank anymore.
Velvet Velour
-The moment she notices what is going on, she wakes you up immediately. She is more than happy to be with you, but she is absolutely not happy that the two of you got married after drinking from some drunk kine.-Once you’re up to speed with what is going on, she tells you that she does not want to be married. It is nothing against you, she just doesn’t think it is for her. -If you voice that you really want to be married to her, she lets out a sigh. Yes, she loves you, she loves you a lot, but this is a very big step. She promises you that it will happen one day, but she would like to remember it and she really wants it to mean something, not just be some drunken mistake.
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