#I'm too much of a sympathetic crier and seeing Pac cry made me cry all over again
royalarchivist · 4 months
Quick summary of some things Phil said a bit ago in his stream because I probably won't get around to transcribing things or posting the clips:
3h 12m - Phil says Monday was very sad, and says he had a “long sleep he probably won’t wake up from” on QSMP
3h 28m 30s - Phil talks about the Eggs saying goodbye more and talks about how he knew ahead of time, but wasn’t sure they were doing it that day. He feels bad that Pac didn’t know.
3h 30m - Ama says they turned into crows (then goes the angst route and says they're all dead)
3h 31m - Phil reiterates that they had a long sleep that they won’t wake up from.
 3h 39m - Phil says he’s not sure if he’ll log on anymore because he likes how they ended things.
3h 44m - Phil reacts to Pac, Mike, and Richarlyson’s death. He says he feels bad about Pac’s reaction and wants to give him a hug. He says he was holding back tears when he, Lullah, and Chayanne were saying goodbye, and this is why he keeps his webcam off when doing that.
3h 50m - He says they were lucky knowing ahead of time and being able to say goodbye the way they wanted, unlike some of the other Egg admins.
3h 53m - Kristin says two crows landed on their roof after that stream (as if symbolizing Chayanne and Lullah) and Phil shows a gif of them on stream.
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