#I'm under the impression that people might not wanna see my OCs as much as fan art but maybe I'm wrong!
caffichai · 4 months
do you have any ocs? if so i would love to see them sometime!! either way, love your art - you have such a nice style 😍
Hello! I do have some OCs! I posted a bunch of sketches of them looong ago (I think they're tagged 'DnD'?) , and I guess a few that I made recently as like, 'announcement guys'.
Do you think I should make/draw more? One day I would be happy to if so!
And thank you so much for your kind words!
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smokelesseyes · 4 years
Hello fellow treasure planet fan!!! First off, I'd like to start by saying I love your OC Sky!!! She's very cool and I'm loving her story so far! And, if you don't mind, I'd love to know more about her! Especially if there's anything connected between her and the main cast of characters. Another question; can I please draw her? :)
Aw hello!  Thank you so much for reaching out! The Treasure Planet fandom seems so small, and OCs are even rarer to come across!! SO, I’m happy to be able to talk to you! :D  AHHHHH thank you so much!! I love her and have been working on her story when I have time (I’m currently one week out from finishing my college semester so I’m pretty busy but am trying my best to doodle and create when I have the time). 
AH gosh, okay, what would you like to know specifically? I finished her profile art wise but still need to do the write up portion. I think I have her story mostly squared away so I can answer any burning questions that you might have about her O3O  Main characters! Okay, well, she actually knows Silver; I guess I’ll have to provide some back story to explain how they meet, so let me set the stage for ya XD So, as I have mentioned, Sky lives with her great aunt and little sister in a small, rural town on a planet a little farther out than Montressor. Her  parents die suddenly when she is 8/9 yrs old and her her great aunt falls ill when she is around 11. It is around when her great aunt falls ill that she takes over as the main breadwinner of her ragtag family, running the several generation bakery and caring for her sister and great aunt (note: Sky’s great aunt isn’t completely incapacitated, but she has become wheelchair bound due to her illness so she cannot run the bakery as she did before. She mainly offers assistance and advice to Sky to help her with the baked goods and watches her youngest great grand niece (still deciding on her name XD). 
Sky is able to maintain her family’s income and run the bakery with her great aunt’s help for the first few years, but things become sticky after taxes are increased in the town astronomically, putting out a majority of the rag tag businesses or forcing them to sell out/ give their deeds to one of the wealthiest, plundering families who happen to have great influence over Sky’s town and neighboring counties (the ones who may or may not have suggested upping the taxes to seek more control). The bakery is no different, and when Sky notices their running out of money/ability to keep the bakery open, she knows she needs to come up with a quick way to make money, and fast.
This is what leads to Sky offering her intellect and skills for profit; AKA, Sky offers her services in tinkering to those down by the pier several miles out from her little town. Since her world is fairly behind and more misogynistic than others, Sky disguises herself as a boy in order to freely navigate through the bustling port and offer what she has to those who are interested. 
Of course, she soon learns that she isn’t going to get enough customers or money from people right with the law; why trust a 13 year old “boy” to handle some tech issue you have when you can pay an apprentice with the education and skill? And even if they do take her up on her offer, she gets paid even less than what she wants, which will make it impossible for her to actually pay for the bakery and her family’s basic needs. 
Sooo...She crosses over into the black market. 
People running from the law are more desperate and willing to pay more to get something fixed. Sometimes people can be rough (she got some scars to prove that) but most times, things go good. She’s not only able to make enough extra cash to support her family and bakery, but can also perform a service that happens to be her passion. So all in all, it’s good. 
And, it is here that she runs into, you guessed it: Silver. After being on the run for a few months (post Treasure Planet), Silver stops by the dingy little port and is in a pretty big need to get a part looked at (I don’t know what yet, but just that it’s something Silver himself can’t just hit a few times and fix XD). He soon hears the rumors about a young engineer with sharp eyes and tongue who appears around the port a few times a week, and can fix anything you ask him to, for a price. With this info, Silver sticks to the shadows and makes work of tracking this engineer down, and when he does, it’s Sky.
Sky of course, goes by “Larz” when she is undercover.  She’s about 15-16 at this point, so she knows her way around the port. She offers her assistance to Silver, and the two strike a bargain (Sky is much more stubborn than Silver thought) and she fixes whatever his issue is fairly quickly and impressively. Her skill and coded, mysterious nature intrigue Silver, and so, he finds himself watching her over the next couple days that he hides out at the port, wondering what it is that makes the boy so interesting. 
I’m thinking that on one of these times, Silver steps in when one of “Larz’s” clients are getting  a little too rough, which annoys Sky and sets her off, as she can take care of herself, thank you very much. And it’s that spark that Silver sees that reminds him of Jim, and oh no John, do NOT get yourself invested in another kid-
But it’s hopeless. Jim’s made him soft for clearly under appreciated, trodden down, brilliant teens, and Silver finds him with yet another troubled (different sort of troubled though) teen. The two end up talking, and actually meet up every time to chat at the port while Silver is there then next couple of days and Sky comes to offer her services.
Well, more so, Silver goes out of his way to “run” into her, and eventually, Sky gives in and joins him for a conversation (annoyed or not, the guy did save her from a pretty nasty brawl AND had been nothing but kind to her since, looking out for her and all. Plus, if he did try anything, Sky knew 8 ways off the top of her head to dismantle him, so she was prepared). 
And the conversation goes pretty well, leading to several more before Silver leaves after his few days (still on the run and all that, heh), but he comes by every couple of months to see her and catch up. Sky still keeps her disguise and Silver doesn’t pry, but he’s pretty much figured out that she’s not who she says she is (Sky’s smart and can outsmart most of the pirates at the belly of the port, but not Silver). 
This is just the beginning though; there’s a whole lot more that goes on between them, but I think this is what I will share for now (also I don’t wanna make you read anymore cause I know it’s a lot XD). You’ll have to tell me what you think! :D 
Oh, and before you ask, yes, she does eventually meet Jim, but the two get off on sort of a rocky start (some jealousy with Silver and all that, but the relationships Sky and Jim have with Silver are not the same; Silver and Jim have that father & son thing going on, where as Silver and Sky have a “friendship, but also mentor” sort of thing. Jim doesn’t realize that though so he doesn’t like Sky all that much, and Sky’s not a big fan of men in uniform, so he can hate her all he wants and it’s no skin off her nose. Basically, bad first impressions, so we will see where it goes~). 
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