noctiel · 10 years
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Forgot to post this. This came in the mail and it's what's been taking my time off Tumblr. And man did I have the best laugh off this game XD
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noctiel · 10 years
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Walking Running with from Dinosaurs.
What fun.
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noctiel · 10 years
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I like it how Kiehl is teaching Corentine playing chess in the barracks, while Arthary looks on, wondering why their game never improve.
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noctiel · 10 years
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Pulling Kiehl (Kess) out of his slumber and immediately threw him and the gang into Torsche Mansion. Man his starting running speed sucks.. =_=
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noctiel · 10 years
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"Hello darkness, my old friend."
Returning to Granado Espada (SGE server), playing on Bach. Screenshot taken at Porto Bello. Not the highest graphic, sorry, don’t wanna raep my new PC yet..
Blue Serpent costume on my girls and Le Blanc costume on my musketeer are courtesy of Turkisqueen.
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noctiel · 11 years
Oh well.. That was me being productive.. *plays RO 1 all night* *black eyes from staring into the screen in the dark*
Also, changing my gaming avatar to my current main in iHeartRO server, Arianna Eventide. I miss my pirate wizard.. ;_;
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noctiel · 11 years
In Azphel's Shadow and Ariel's Light, I brought to you this news..
I've decided to suspend my activities on Aion due to various circumstances. Well, mainly it's my internet being an asshole for 24/7 and won't cooperate with me updating Aion 4.0. And my poor laptop that tends to overheat when I play Aion. Also my newfound goal to better my art.
So I came to a conclusion that I'll suspend the game, uninstall it to make space for new programs. Perhaps when I'm financially possible to get a new set of machine that's actually dedicated for gaming, I'll return to Aion.
I'll still play occasionally, might be returning to Ragnarok Online cos the game is considerably much lighter.
Until then my fellow Aion friends, sorry we haven't had the chance to meet yet.
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noctiel · 11 years
I'm currently unable to play Aion but seeing this post about slash roleplay forum, I must say I'm overjoyed. Can't wait for it to come online :D
I am a writer of original Yaoi fiction, with a former concentration on fan fiction slash. I sometimes find myself wandering through Atreia, often thinking about my character, their life and story while browsing the wonderful assortment of characters that surrounds him. Aion is full of...
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noctiel · 11 years
There isn't seem to be any progress from the last update. I wonder when I can fimally play Aion.. *missing all the stupidity* ;_;
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noctiel · 11 years
Aion 4.0 boo boo
Posted an inquiry in Technical Discussions. Turns out I'm not the only one with the problem. They were mentioning missing audio files in various other location, which urged me to check my side of the folders.
They were all empty folders, no voice.pak or any whatsoever audio files at all.
I have a feeling the cure for this problem will take really long and I don't know if I can play until everything is fixed..
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noctiel · 11 years
Anyone having problem with the voice.pak file being used by other program/denied by antivirus?
*impatiently gnaws on table while waiting for update*
*another error*
*goes to kick a 4th wall between the internet and Aion HQ and hound down the programmers*
Really, I've even disabled my antivirus while updating, and god knows how I find out which stealthy program using the voice.pak cos I didn't even run another progam while updating wtf. *rant rant rant*
Meanwhile, I added photos of Elamshinae and Erveari on my ingame personae. I wish I can add Eoriphos' photo as well but right now Aion denied me access..
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Nevermind. I checked the folders and the voice.pak file is not even there. Now I should see how I can acquire the file.. *bugs the forum*
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noctiel · 11 years
Update, why?
Totally missing out on the RP stuff..
Making this face right now: TT_______TT
*patiently waits for Aion to update*
*and then stops cos some voicepak files keep being denied access*
*proceeds to flip table*
and with the matter of fact I may need to change my gaming userpic to Asmo..
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noctiel · 11 years
I just have this urge to slash my Asmo sorc for no reason.. Maybe I can bake a reason why he'd like that.. Perhaps involving a death of a cousin he adore so much.. *brain gears creaking*
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noctiel · 11 years
Thanks for the info! XD
I'm late reading this but in the end I did try trucking through, and somehow it worked. Tho I didn't disable peer-to-peer.. Doing so now, hoping it'll download faster.. Thanks again! :D
Aion 4.0
So guys, what do you do when your updater/downloader is forever stuck in 49%?
Tried going over Tech Support forum and found nada that can actually remedy my problem. Since most of the supports/fixes are for those with PC.. *I play on Laptop fyi..*
I’m considering switching back to Ragnarok Online if the god of gaming doesn’t allow me to upgrade to 4.0… ;_;
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noctiel · 11 years
Aion 4.0!!!
Oh good lord of the games granted me access to Aion 4.0!
Joy aside, not much changes, yet.. The Technist' stance is still awkward or is it just my side of the game that's slow on update..
Gonna leave the comp on tonight for download. Couldn't properly play cos the update took up half of the allocated bandwith..
Hope I can properly play soon. Watch me bazooka the screen with my Gunner XD
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noctiel · 11 years
if you are having trouble updating aion then just go to your aion folder under program files and delete the PATCH folder. Then try to update again, it worked for me.
It suddenly worked without me trying anything else except restarting the download.. Tho it's too damn slow waiting for it to load and download the old files and everything..
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noctiel · 11 years
When does Aion start getting fun? I got bored at lvl 17 :/
I'm not exempt from boredom tho.. It helps to find yourself a Legion, if not, go run an instance such as Haramel and Steel Rake. Doing them repeatedly can help you level up really. But yes, I do get bored at times so I take lots of breaks from gaming XD;
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