#I'm watching Stefan Milo's youtube channel and I'm in an ancient humans binge
elbiotipo · 5 months
Would be fun to have a very strict, very realistic ancient human (neolithic) survival videogame. No, you don't get to build furnaces or a city or an industry at the end like in every goddamn survival game. There's not even an inventory, you got two hands and a skin bag that can carry a couple stones at most (and only because I'm feeling merciful). No HP, you get lacerations, broken bones, hemorrages, disease, and there's practically no medicine (no 'medicinal' herbs either, at best some cleaning and some soothing). You don't build, you just survive. AGAIN, NO FUCKING BUILDINGS. YOU DON'T BUILD SHIT. YOU DON'T HAVE A MAGICAL INVENTORY. TWO HANDS. THAT'S FUCKING IT.
Perhaps the most fun part would be interacting with the rest of your tribe. Try to impress your fellow tribe girl by hunting a goddamn smilodon, do a cave painting for the next initiation ritual, or figure out what those neanderthals are up to.
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