#I'ma go cry for like five minutes and then continue with life
animelover32456 · 6 months
I need to vent so fuckin badly but then I don't want to bother anyone so I'm over here trying not to bang my head on the wall-
I'm a year clean of cutting but the urge is strong. Luckily I found a rubber band so that's been putting it off for now. I'm so done with all the people in my life rn (except y'all. Y'all in a special place in my heart). I'm just so fuckin ready to get out of this house and live by myself but wait. I can't. Fuckin prices are up and I can't get a fuckin job. Oh great. Lucky me. So now I'm over here just getting ready to just wing it and live in the streets since I fuckin hate my parents.
Plus I'm so stressed and burned out
I just want to scream and yell and just release all of this tension
I just want to become numb
Fuck this
Fuck everything in my life
I just can't live like this anymore
I'll just suck it up and act like everything is ok for now
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