#I've already got to the ronny/lily episode
sethrneyers · 5 years
I’m coming back to this blog and this blog only! I’m finally watching Barry and I watched It Chapter 2 so my love for Bill Hader (and by proxy 2000s SNL) is coming back. 
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granolabird · 3 years
6, 7, and 8 for the legends ask game! 💖
6. Tell me about your favourite legends headcanon
7. If you could have legends crossover with any other show, what show and why?
8. When did you start watching legends?
Alright, I have so many ideas for this one so buckle up- For 6, my favorite headcanon (and it's a close competition) besides Wally and Behrad being besties is probably that the Legends go and visit Lily Stein and her son Ronnie whenever they can. They feel bad for her father not being able to be there for her, and so they actively invite her to the ship for family gatherings. She's an honorary member of the family. She swaps baby-raising tips with Lita and they probably actively talk to eachother, they're probably actually good friends. Just wholesome second-gen legends things!
For 7, I know it'll never happen but I'd die to see a Legends crossover with The Umbrella Academy. The vibes would be unmatched. Klaus would probably never leave if I'm being honest, he'd just be another misfit on the team. Five and Luther would both clash with Sara on who deserves to lead, and who has the better ideas and plans. Diego would be wary at first but I could see him and Nate being close and Diego becomes one of the bros with him and Behrad. Vanya is quiet, but Spooner and Astra instantly take a liking to her and bring her into their friend group and help her become more confident. Sara, because of her connection to the death totem, can see Ben and they chat about how much work it is caring for the team. Idk I just love the idea very much.
For 8, I've been here since S1! I actually started on the second or third-last episode? And then caught up before the finale. It was on one night when I got home from acting class and it was the episode with Vandal Savage's daughter. I had watched the flash and was already attached to Leonard so seeing him in the show got me hooked. From there, it's history.
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