mwagneto · 5 months
well. easily the worst day of my year so far
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
Ok people! You are about to get my shitty life story and how I became the fucking real life Saik K! Turn back now if you don’t want to see mentions of blood, kidnapping, child neglect and torutings. Now let’s jump back into my shitty life! Also if you don’t know me, I’m Enzo Marinaro
{Start flashback}
Enzo looked at the man happily with big happy eyes. “You can make me a wolf just like my parents and brother?!” He stupidly climbed into the car and drove off with the man
They stopped at the airport and quickly got on a plane to Japan to take him to the place where he can finally be “a werewolf like his parents”. They took him to the middle of nowhere where there was just a woods and one building
Enzo looked up at the building with a cock of his head “This looks very suspicious. Are you sure this is the place?” Enzo asked the man looking up at the two dudes who were walking him over to the building. One of them looked down at him with a smile “All of the people we have turned have survived the bite, so no need to worry child”
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3 hours later the seven year old boy was strapped to a machine screaming as multiple needles were stabbing him injecting him with some type of serum. Next to him some scientists were writing on a clipboard and were nodding their heads talking to each other while pointing at him
They finally turned the machines off and unstrapped him, then they started reading off what they had done to him for fun “Super strength, super speed and with that comes a longer life span” They took him to a cell and threw him in it with a bologna sandwich
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Enzo stared up at the ceiling trying to keep count of if it’s day time or night time. He eventually stopped trying and just went to sleep.
A few hours later a guard came by and banged on the bars “Get up kid, we got more experiments to do on you” Enzo groaned and got up “Look who’s finally complying and doesn’t have to be dragged to the lab? And it only took him 3 years to finally start complying” The guard said mockingly and he put the handcuffs on Enzo
They walked down to the lab where he was restrained to a table and was immediately hooked up to a machine “Y’all have been experimenting on me for 3 consecutive years. You know how long consecutive is, don’t you? One right after the motherfucking other! Cuz I ain’t never missed a day.” One of the scientist grabbed a ball gag off of the table and put it on him to shut him up
“Ok today is… shapeshifting, both animal and human, there is also the genius serum and… magic like some Doctor strange and Scarlet witch type shit” One of them said while injecting the serums into the machine one by one and another scientist was writing on the familiar clipboard that Enzo has come to hate over the three years he has been there
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“Why the hell does he need to be a genius? He’s going to be a soldier for us, he doesn't need to be super Smart” The one with the clipboard asked while documenting the changes that experiment #1031 was going through, like his eyes changing colors and his hands changing into paws
They took him outside and put a shock collar on him, to see if he would transform into an animal or anything. After 5 tries of them trying to get him to transform, he finally turned into a wolf and started growling at them. When he shifted the collar broke off him so they sent one of the interns to put a sedative in his bloodstream and they were lucky they did that because Enzo immediately attacked the intern and ripped his hand off of him.
They picked up the body that had dropped to the ground and strapped him back up to the machine with such aggressiveness that it woke him back up snarling at them “Someone go get another shock collar. I swear none of you have heard the phrase, Don’t tickle a sleeping fucking dragon! Why did none of y’all just put him into the fucking cage downstairs?” The head scientist yelled at them when they came back in “Ugh, I’m the only one with common fucking sense!”
Enzo laughed and spit out some blood “Common sense? COMMON SENSE?! Common sense would not be kidnapping a seven year old and keeping him hostage for 3 years!” Enzo yelled
{End flashback}
As you can tell, I was not a very smart person when I’m mad. But then again, I've never actually had a good hold on my emotions before I was kidnapped and let’s just jump to the part of where my parents and pack finally find me
{Start flashback}
Enzo looked up when he heard a loud crash down the hall followed by screaming “It’s probably one of the interns dropping something and being too over dramatic about it” He laid back down on the floor and stared up at the ceiling “I’m definitely going to be turned into some goddamn soldier for them! I just know it”
He started humming to the tune of So what by P!nk while listening to the more screams and crashes coming from upstairs “Goddamn! It must've been some important serum if they are bitching about it this much” He turned his head when he heard the door break down and saw his father standing there “Dad?? Is that really you?”
His father, Feliciano, opened his arms and ran towards him crying “Enzo! It’s so good to see you again! I’ll never ever leave you alone again!” He leaned against the wall with Enzo in his arms and was listening to the commotion upstairs before it stopped. “I think they are done tearing the place up there, don’t you?” He tried to lighten the mood as he stood up with his son still in his arms “Let’s go see your mom”
They went up the three flights of stairs before they saw a bunch of wolves standing in front of a bunch of dead bodies with blood in their fur. Enzo looked around for the one fur coat that he remembered as clear as day “Mama!” He shuffled around in his father’s arms before he finally was let down and he ran over to his mom and jumped onto her back, not caring that blood was getting on him
His mom, Luna, growled at him and he giggled at the vibrations going through him
{End of flashback}
Aww! How cute and sweet! He was finally found by his pack and that’s the end of his sad days. They are all one big happy family, right? WRONG! Nope, about three months after I was bought back home and started gaining some more weight back, I noticed that most of my pack was avoiding me. Especially my parents and brother, whenever I was around they would purposely ignore me and after a few months I confronted them on it.
You will not BELIEVE the bullshit that they told me “Listen sweetheart, you are too dangerous to be around the pack so for your own good and the wellbeing of the rest of our pack members, we are making you the new left hand” I was honestly shocked that they were making their ten year old child, almost eleven, be the pack’s left hand.
I just nodded my head and walked to my room shaking my head when my mother…alpha called out to me “We don’t know what they did to you so this is just us watching out for the pack” I nodded my head and walked away. There! That’s the end! No happy ending, if you wanted a happy ending THEN TOO BAD! THIS AIN'T NO FAIRYTALE
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