#I've been happier since letting myself unmask and not speak btw I highly recommend shutting up to everyone
imaginecorporation · 1 year
Welcome back to Tumblr! Hope the past year has been kind to you and hope this year will be kinder.
You came back right on time to enjoy PM's Hell Chicken event! Especially since the pinned post mentioned you enjoyed Meursalt's character, which this event will gift you with hahahaha. Once you do watch it, and you'll know it when you see it, mind telling us what you think about it?
- Faithanon
OH WE BOTH ALREADY PLAYED IT! ALSO HELLO FAITHANON I HOPE THIS PAST YEAR HAS BEEN KIND TO YOU TOO... It was a super eventful one (good and bad) for us, but luckily most things are settling down and unless someone spontaneously explodes in front of me or something I should be fine (same with Mod Aleph I think, but I'll let her reblog this and say her thoughts when she wakes up)
I. Am. So obsessed with Meursault dude. I literally bought and read The Stranger and he is so like me for real. Admittedly I do mask my autism a little in public and on this blog, but in person when I'm not masking (or back when I was in school) I was legitimately almost exactly like Meursault, autism and all. I don't kin him though but he is helping me love myself, and I would marry him in a heartbeat, something something learning to love oneself through the lens of another something something
Also I am thriving with Meursault's blunt and frankly brutal critique of his team's cooking when led by Don Quixote, bonus points for the Yi Sang puns while verbally eviscerating Yi Sang for his shit job. 12/10 I was mentally proposing on the spot.
-Mod Finn
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