#I've been perceived on christmas eve
linyahdraws · 2 years
Oh my god, I used to read your fics back on lunaescence. IM SO HAPPY YOU STILL EXIST???
OMG you remember me?! 🫣 I... This makes me so happy. I'm so genuinely flattered when past readers somehow remember me/ my stories. Lunaescence was such a long time ago, and my fics were so small in comparison to the stories of the more prolific authors on that site.
I don't write as much as I used to, unfortunately, but I'm always so thankful when old readers find their way back somehow. You guys really got me through some times. Maybe 2023 I'll actually finish a story. 🙃
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ignistoc · 2 years
A merry Christmas Eve (and a happy Hanukkah!) to everyone! I hope it is a wondrous and cozy day for you all. I too will enjoy this day, but now more than ever the holidays seem more like days on the calendar. Whether it be Hanukkah or our small Christmas celebration. It all seems so devoid of the cheer I've always associated with them. Even more so than the classic loss of the holiday magic, this is not merely a case of growing older. Rather I perceive that my very reasons for celebration have been taken from me, but that's okay. I accept that it's okay for me to feel this way, I don't have to be in awe of some special holiday feeling. Whether it be for December holidays or any others. As long as I can love and appreciate the people I'm spending my time with, that's all that matters. Even if you don't feel the holiday cheer, just be present with the people around you and let them know you love them. All of these holidays we've created are just an excuse to unite and spend time with one another. That's the core of them all.
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