#I've been planning to add her to the roster for a long time now here she is
anti-kawaii-daily · 8 months
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Today's Anti-Kawaii Character of The Day is Sedusa (also known as Annie or Sakurako Kintoki in the anime) from The Powerpuff Girls and Powerpuff Girls Z! In both adaptations she fits into Erokawa imagery, in the cartoon her outfit gives Eroguro Kei vibes while her outfit in the anime is similar to Ero Lolita! She also fits into the Teasedere/Hiyakatsudere and Dorodere archetypes!
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lightwise · 1 year
Plan 99
Short one-shot fic from Tech's perspective. I wanted to show the thoughts that must have been running through his mind as he fell. The love he has for his family. The peace he has in his decision.
After the season finale, I've had a number of thoughts and posts swimming in my head. What I didn't expect was the need to make a short one-shot from Tech's perspective.
Words: 1,238.
Warnings: mentions of falling, death, life flashing before one's eyes. Nothing violent or graphic. Just emotional. Please don't feel the need to read unless you are in the right headspace. I know this week has been very tough and I don't want to add to the pain, but making this was cathartic and I hope reading it is as well.
Note: I wrote the majority of this fic, including the last lines, before coming across @luxris incredible piece that they very kindly allowed me to include here. When I saw it I knew it had to be paired with what I had written. Go check out the rest of their work and give them a follow!
Plan 99
“Don’t you do it Tech!!”
“Hhuhhhh.” Tech looked down and shook his head, both in resignation and affection. Of course Wrecker would say that. Of course he would act out of emotion, not out of logic and a clear understanding of what needed to be done. 
Tech had already scanned the probability of every possible way to keep the railcar on the tracks and pull himself up before the bomber came close enough for another round. Plan 99–the last plan in their roster, the plan none of them had ever needed to use–was the only solution both his HUD graphics and his heart were telling him. Although even that only had a 78.6% chance of success if he did not move quickly enough. He suddenly had an intrusive thought shadowing the back of his mind–if he did not bring his blaster up to his side immediately, that clear-headed logic through which he interpreted the world might start to betray him. 
Wrecker was straining with all his might to hold the connection between the cable cars, dangerously close to falling himself. Omega stood a few paces behind him. Tech could not see her face clearly but he knew the exact expression of worry and fear it most likely held.
Tilting his head to the side, a myriad of sentences ran through his mind, but none of them seemed adequate. He didn’t have time for this convoluted process. The thought of Crosshair flashed before his eyes. His brother’s sniper rifle would have taken care of this situation at least 12 minutes ago. If he were here. If he weren’t the reason Tech was dangling over an open crevasse in the first place. It wasn’t his fault though. It was imperative that the others had the chance to find him, to bring him home. 
Tech would have done it all over again. And suddenly he knew what to say. 
His left hand firmly grasped his blaster as he pulled it roughly out of the holster, his right still clinging to the cable attached to his waist. He lifted his head, narrowing his eyes as he began to take aim. The shot would have to be precise.
“When have we ever followed orders?” 
His blaster fired, shooting up through the grates of the metal above him, puncturing cleanly through the connection rod–right where he wanted it. His heart broke in half along with it. It was an odd sensation. 
The weight of the released cable car pushed a rush of air down at him as he began to fall. He had never been able to hold eye contact for very long when speaking to others. But now? His eyes stayed steady and wide, gazing up at his squad. No, he corrected himself instantly. His family. Omega had taught him better than that. He knew that she and Wrecker were screaming his name after him, but the pressure of the air tunneling up around him began to bring the blood to his head and left only the beat of each blood vessel in his ears. He began counting the pulses. The blaster had already flown out of his hand and his arms and legs began to float as though they were no longer a part of him. But he kept his gaze fixed on the one thing he wanted to engrave in his mind, the last thought that he wanted to dwell on. He did not have Crosshair’s enhanced eyesight, but he could have sworn that his brothers and sister never got any smaller as he continued to separate from them.
It was a long way down and he realized he had slightly underestimated the amount of time it would take for him to reach the ground. Or perhaps he had not accounted for the weightless swimming sensation that his mind had begun to feel. He had both researched and witnessed the ways in which people met their demise many times, and even the ways in which the mind began to play tricks on you, making time stretch out on its continuum. He was not afraid of the process of death. At least, the physical process of it. Yet he had not fully anticipated the ways in which he was suddenly seeing flashes of his life with both startling clarity and disconcerting speed. 
Hunter ruffling his hair, returning his goggles to him in a stark white corridor after several cadets had roughed him up for his “defects.” 
A Firepuncher poking over his shoulder as Crosshair relied on him for steady aim. 
Echo glancing over at him from the copilot’s seat, sharing a small grin as they heard Wrecker almost trip over Gonky in the back of the ship. 
The feel of his datapad in his hands, the cables and buttons an extension of his fingers, his mind, himself. 
Dirt falling from Omega’s hand as she pondered it with gleefully wide eyes after they landed on Saleucami. The granules somehow stained the white patches of fog currently engulfing him.
The faint hiss of a pod door opening and the wide eyes of Nala Se staring down at him with an inscrutable expression.
As the chill of the air around him began to pierce through his armor, his heart rate slowed, and memories began to overlap and merge together. It was like looking at a holostream, except instead of one program in linear sequence there were dozens of images swarming him at once, demanding his attention. 
Long nights on watch playing games against himself, with only Gonky to keep him company. A clap on the back from Cody, and a bemused, worried look from Rex. Dozens of droids sending blaster shots over their heads, one battle interchangeable for another. A toothpick dangling from long, slim fingers. Wrecker lying prone on a medical table on Bracca, Omega hovering over him. The whine of a racing pod, and voices distantly chanting his name as he gave a calm salute. A pounding pain in his shoulder from Wrecker punching him, repeatedly, from excitement. The shock on Romar’s face as a model 2 data core sprang to life under his steady hand. A sunset dipping low on Pabu, transferring its warmth to the lights that flicked on simultaneously in response.
The brimming electrical activity in his mind and the weightlessness of his limbs created a heightened, soothing sensation.
Grey, churning waves lapping at the window outside his bunk on Kamino. The whirr of Echo’s scomp calibrating the hyperdrive. Hunter’s voice, gruff and low as he looked back over his shoulder. The glancing light of a waterfall on Omega’s face, stained blue with tears. His hand moved to reach for her shoulder, to give her comfort the way he always did. 
Suddenly, all but one of the images faded away. Dark, fluffy curls and hazel-green eyes swam in front of his face, blurring and dancing in odd waves. Flashes of gold too. He thought he heard a lilting, familiar voice calling to him as his vision darkened. “I’ll see you soon, Brown Eyes.”
Those same eyes closed, red and swollen as the seal from the goggles that were made to protect them slipped. Air lashed at Tech’s exposed face and tears slid past his eyelashes and down his cheeks. As consciousness began to fade, he could almost convince himself that it was just a result of the wind. Just the wind…
What other choice could he possibly have made. 
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