#I've been playing red dead redemption 2 and im fucking obsessed. i love open world games so much
neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
things I want from sonic frontiers
a compendium! let sonic discover new plants and animals and places
map exploration, Sonic has to make the map as he goes
recipes and crafting!!
random encounters. people or animals who need help, who challenge him to something, who sends him on side quests
finding things in the world that don't further the story or trigger a side quest or anything, just adds to the world building and lore. you have to try to piece together what happened but ultimately it will be a mystery. anyone who knows what happened is long gone
player challenges and trophies! you know, get from point a to point b within however many minutes, climb to the tallest point in the game, find the hidden treasure, etc etc
day and night cycle, and weather cycles
puzzles, quests and storylines that aren't related to the main story
idle animations that change depending on sonic's situation. you leave him standing in the rain and he sneezes and starts complaining. you leave him in a flower field and he sits and admires the veiw
IF there's a fast travel option let the animations for it tell their own little stories
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