#I've been protesting and voting and deradicalizing before this hot new item came across your newsfeed
zorciarkrildrush · 7 months
I idly think about making a dictionary for taglines that make light of and/or justify killing Israelis and Jews - you know, because people online can't be trusted not to uncritically echo them - but one that's still puzzling to me is: "ethnostates shouldn't exist"
Because yes! I agree, it's an outdated model and in an ideal world, as far as I'm concerned, they shouldn't exist. This goes alongside capitalism, obviously.
But why is it only ever brought up for the Jewish state? The place where a significant amount of the world's Jews live? Nobody's drumming to abolish ethnostates wrt, I don't know, Azerbaijan. If I told people I'm from Romania, they wouldn't be telling me they disagree with the notion my country should exist because ethnostates shouldn't exist, right? That noble concept is only brought up when what's on the table is abolishing the Jewish state specifically, the one my parents and grandparents fled to because there was nowhere else to go.
So I am sorry, because I agree as a rule, but I also don't trust you if you parrot that as a talking point. It's frequently shorthand for "your life doesn't matter, actually, and I'll only apply this ideology against you specifically."
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