#I've been thinking about doing more Thoughts(tm) about stuff I like for writing practice...but it's scary
bbq-potato-chip · 8 months
I have another ask. What was your first ever Legend of Zelda game? Also what is your favorite one ?
BoTW was my first ever zelda game! I got it when it first came out on WiiU in 2017, although I didn't really play it myself until long after lol, but its still very near and dear to my heart.
Not to be one of those people, but BotW would probably be my favorite because it was really the first video game i really played myself. The story is just so important to me and the excitement I felt whenever I'd explore a new area or even find anew korok or npc out in the wilderness felt so special! Finding the memories felt so special too- slowly uncovering zelda and link's relationship and watching zelda gradually warm up to him and then seeing the final memories was just so good, on top of slowly rediscovering the champion's relationships with link and zelda.
Uncovering the story piece by piece was such an interesting way to do the story because. You ARE link and you slowly begin to understand who these people are and what they meant to you. You know at first that there were these people who knew you that died. You know that there's a princess waiting for you, but you don't really know who she is. But you try to help out anyway. and then you realize. Oh. these people were my friends. The princess loved me. Now I have a reason to fight. And now, after I fight, they can rest in piece. To a certain extent, the story can be subjective to the player and it can be personal to the link as much as the player (ignore the momires just fight the bosses dont even save the champions etc) likes I suppose, but I really think that the way the game subtly directs the player to do things and narrative itself is personal to link and his relationships with zelda and the Champions...which is just so...special i think.
Skyward sword is also one of my favorites (although i haven't completed it...I'm almost at the end but i got scared...dont look at me), and I like totk (although i have some issues with the story and themes as compared to botw) and while I haven't player wind waker or Oot, but I'd really like to! I've watched the cut scenes for many of the big zelda games, but there are many I haven't played that I certainly would like to. But I still think BotW would remain my favorite.
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
For the writer asks: 4, 15, 27, and 30 <3
HI IGGY!! :) :) :) tysm; i haven't actually looked through most of these yet so I should do that first XD. Numbers are from here
4- (story idea I haven't written yet)
Ok so I have started this one but then decided I hated it so it's mulling on the back burner until I have more energy to rehash it out for better stuff is part of The Doctor and The Butler storyarc(?world?) at this point, but basically the robins all take the Doc on a Proper Road Trip and it All Goes To Chaos(tm) because the Doctor Does Not Do RoadTrips in the slightest because he just pops in and out of time on a whim and doesn't seem to do great in small spaces for more than 15 minutes (basing this on the cube episode in the Matt Smith Era). It'd be good but it needs a certain... vibe yk? haven't gotten there.
15- (favorite weather for writing). Not a weather, but I can only write when it's dark outside bc then I don't feel about about not doing homework/other things. Rain is also good tho.
27- (Favorite part of writing process). The part in Brainstorming where it all starts coming together and you're just squealing like your twelve and some cool people just invited you to hangout with them, and then you start writing and everything goes smoothly.
30- (Share a fic you're proud of)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't have any full-length WIP done for you to look at but I think I have some assignments (checks through old google documents) lmao no what assignments (shoves them all into the fireplace). Let me give you the beginning of one of my current WIPS that im really proud of currently even if I've been writing and rewriting it so many times.
It wasn’t even close to the moonset when hands and voices raised them from sleep. “Misha, Rose. On your feet. It’s your turn now.”  “Ugh, just kill me now,” Rose muttered as she and Misha both sat up blearily. “Be quicker and easier.” “That’s the coward’s way out. Also, way too expensive.” Misha stood up and rubbed her eyes. “How much fest prep do we gotta do still, Dani?” She watched as the freckled elf started climbing to the top bunk.  Daeneryl flopped down on her mattress, clutching a fat feather pillow, with a yawn. “Just drinks, but those are last minute.”  “Oh, and be careful how you tread around the old man today.” Fayley peeled off her slippers from her feet as Misha and Rose got dressed into their outfits for the day. “Got a new run of trash gryphons. Damn pests.” “Thought Sammy took care of all that?” Rose sighed as she pulled a brush from the vanity table to untangle a sea of unruly curly hair. Starting from the bottom, she winced every time she had to pull it through to the end.  “He was supposed to. Says he did his whole ‘pied piper act’ which he did, but apparently these are a different breed.” Dani sighed. “Nick’s looking into wizard enchantments.”  Eventually, Rose gave it up and threw it all up in a slicked-back ponytail, held in place with an assortment of ribbons and pins. “One day, I swear, I’m just going to take a knife to this and hack it off.” “You’ve been saying that for five years,” Dani laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” “Watch me.” Rose grimaced. Misha shook her head silently as she braided the front sections of her hair and tied it back with a bright orange ribbon that matched her flowing skirt. It was one of her favorites because it made her stand out in a crowd that mostly wore shades of brown and black for practicality. She slipped into her boots and crouched down, waiting for Rose.
Rose caught sight of her and rolled her eyes. “You’re asking for it. Fayley, your count.”  There was a muffled “Go” and fingers interweaved the laces with their corresponding hooks. They looked up when they were finished, approximately the exact same time. “Call that one a draw, I suppose.” Rose shrugged. “Come on, let’s get some food before we have to deal with life.”
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fitzefitcher · 2 years
I just want to first say that I love your wow stuff, both on here and on ao3. Your stories got me back into wanting to write, more specifically a story that's been in my head for the past couple of months, but one thing I'm worried about is actually posting it? I want to do a few chapters on it before posting it anywhere and was wondering if you have any advice? I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to writing because I've had a lot of people in the past that were close to me discredit my stories or make me change things about it that made me lose interest in it.
It's a crack pairing fic that I want to have some seriousness too, but I feel like once I start it I'll be reminded of my past work and become discouraged.
so this has been sitting in my inbox for about a week bc I wanted to actually think about how to answer, bc like. I feel you, in terms of the anxiety, and in terms of feeling like changing it too much feels like a compromise, or feels like it won't be received well by the community as a whole. there's not really any easy answer to this; "you just have to write what you want to write," is true, and is something I would advise, but that doesn't really take the sting out of that fear, now does it lol. ultimately, you have to write what you would want to read in a story. fanfic is different from regular fiction writing in that it's borne of the intrinsic desire to transform or build upon a story more or less for one's own emotional fulfillment, and I think denying that part of the process doesn't really help anybody. so as long as what you're writing isn't hurting anybody (or yourself, for that matter, and if you're not entirely sure, looking things up and researching is absolutely an option), you should write what it is that will bring you that emotional fulfillment. and fulfillment can be many things- joy, catharsis, kinship, grief, etc- but as long as you're remaining true to yourself, you're probably doing okay.
I think what would do you some good right now in terms of practical advice, if you haven't already, is maybe sit down and make an outline of that story you've got in your head, and then as you go over it, you'll naturally come over the snags of what needs to be mended or changed, without changing the spirit of it, if that makes sense. or, if you have events you want to happen but not necessarily in order, writing them down and seeing what order of them feels more natural when they're laid out in front of you helps, too.
I would also suggest that writing out a few chapters before you start posting, like you had thought, would do you some good, too. sometimes things don't really start to line up until you've actually gotten a feel for writing it, and know where you want it to go, or where it should go. sometimes you get partway through writing something and realize the ending you wanted doesn't work no more and you have to change it lmao, believe me, been there done that
ps: I do really appreciate this a lot wheezes ;;; I had actually been discouraged w my own writing, both bc of head injury nonsense preventing me from actually working on shit and bc of the Fear Of Rejection(TM) so it was really nice to recieve this ask, ty ;;;;;
pps: crackships are inherently dangerous bc shipping something as a joke is the first step to shipping something for real. this has been a psa
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