#I have literally written an essay about botw and turned it in for school. because I am sooooo normal about botw I promise <<<lying
bbq-potato-chip · 11 months
I have another ask. What was your first ever Legend of Zelda game? Also what is your favorite one ?
BoTW was my first ever zelda game! I got it when it first came out on WiiU in 2017, although I didn't really play it myself until long after lol, but its still very near and dear to my heart.
Not to be one of those people, but BotW would probably be my favorite because it was really the first video game i really played myself. The story is just so important to me and the excitement I felt whenever I'd explore a new area or even find anew korok or npc out in the wilderness felt so special! Finding the memories felt so special too- slowly uncovering zelda and link's relationship and watching zelda gradually warm up to him and then seeing the final memories was just so good, on top of slowly rediscovering the champion's relationships with link and zelda.
Uncovering the story piece by piece was such an interesting way to do the story because. You ARE link and you slowly begin to understand who these people are and what they meant to you. You know at first that there were these people who knew you that died. You know that there's a princess waiting for you, but you don't really know who she is. But you try to help out anyway. and then you realize. Oh. these people were my friends. The princess loved me. Now I have a reason to fight. And now, after I fight, they can rest in piece. To a certain extent, the story can be subjective to the player and it can be personal to the link as much as the player (ignore the momires just fight the bosses dont even save the champions etc) likes I suppose, but I really think that the way the game subtly directs the player to do things and narrative itself is personal to link and his relationships with zelda and the Champions...which is just so...special i think.
Skyward sword is also one of my favorites (although i haven't completed it...I'm almost at the end but i got scared...dont look at me), and I like totk (although i have some issues with the story and themes as compared to botw) and while I haven't player wind waker or Oot, but I'd really like to! I've watched the cut scenes for many of the big zelda games, but there are many I haven't played that I certainly would like to. But I still think BotW would remain my favorite.
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dandelliongirl · 7 years
A new camera
and the last week of school.
My thesis seminar last Friday went super well! My text was given lots of praise and nobody really found stuff to criticize - which is amazing. I’m so happy! ☼
Me and my guy spent Saturday on a massive cleanup operation airing out everything and washing all the floors. Otherwise it was a chill weekend. I finished editing my BoTW video and even drew and coloured a picture. How artsy!
My boss called me on Monday morning and told me she was sick. We were going to do interviews for English teachers and so I basically had to do them myself. In any case, all the ladies were very much qualified, now it’s just a matter of deciding who to choose and who to pair them with. The office was packed so I spent the day jumping from one PC to another when people took their lunch breaks. We’re getting new computers soon and one of our trainees is finishing her term at the start of June so I’ll get a computer to use eventually.
I spent Tuesday and Wednesday working on finishing my methods essay and doing memrise drills for JLPT. I had a ballet class on Tuesday and watched the first ESC semi. Too bad Finland didn’t qualify.. Not suprised though because it was too sad of a song for the ESC. Me and mum did a lot of tax and finance planning on Wednesday, and worked out a bit since it was snowing and we couldn’t go for a run.
I went to my friend’s place for some JLPT on Thursday and started to revise for my methods exam before going to ballet. We had an extra rehearsal without our teacher since our first show is next Wednesday.. Yikes. In the evening my friend visited to play some Mass Effect and we talked about our summer plans of a photography project and such. Then I watched the second ESC semi. Friday was spent on revising for my methods exam, reading for JLPT and paying bills. My guy left to visit his family for mother’s day.
I spent a lot of time last week looking into the Canon EOS 100D. I watched a few videos of it and did some research and the more I thought about it the stronger my feelings got. I even straight up cried watching a video presentation of the camera, and I’ve learned that if I cry about a product or don’t want to take a piece of clothing off it’s going to be worth buying. So, I decided to get me a new camera! The only way to describe the feeling I got was a surprisingly strong aching kind of nostalgia over a beloved hobby that I’ve dropped because of my lack of equipment. I even tear up right now just thinking about it. As I was cleaning and organized my camera equipment a few weeks ago I came across my old Canon PowerShot and I thought about how I’ve literally lived and experienced most of the best moments of my life through the lens of that camera, and how there was a void in me that I didn’t know was there until I came across that old camera.
So, the more I looked into the EOS 100D the more I felt like it was the perfect new partner for me. All the automated settings, artsy filters and the ability to shoot a full HD video make it easy for me to take on the go and use as a point and shoot camera, yet it still has some of the possibilities and more advanced settings of a full on EOS DSLR’ for me to learn to use for an actual photo shoot. So on Friday afternoon dad picked me up and we went to get me a camera! Turns out that the price had gone up overnight but the guy was still able to sell it to me for 470€. It’s a lot of money but I intend to become worthy of the camera and use it a lot to make it worth it.
Needless to say that last night and today have been spent obsessing over my new friend. I kind of named it Link, first of because of my recent dip back into the LoZ fandom, and secondly because it’s my new friend to go adventuring with. Also it is a link in more than one way: It’s a link between my point of view and the rest of the world, and also a way for me to be linked to the environments that I’m shooting in. I didn’t think about the name too much, it just popped into my head. I do that with most of the electronics that I have a deep connection with. Yup, I’m insanely sentimental.
I went to get groceries with mum and dad this morning. Then me and mum went shopping for a 32GB memory card for Link and a skirt for mum. We also went to H&M and I redeemed my birthday present by having mum buy me the cutest little floral romper and the most darling pair of workout tights. In addition I bought myself some sheer tights with a sort of built-in shorts part, and a darling dance shirt that has the words “plié”, “tendu” and “relevé” written on it. They’re all the cutest shades of gray, black and light coral.♥ I just hope it would stop snowing so that it would be romper season... It’s May 13th, geez..
So it’s the big ESC final today. I’m going to make my favourite pizzas since I’m watching the show alone this year. Dad invited me to go home with them but I wanted to learn my new camera and just take time for myself I guess.. I can’t wait to eat all the pizza - and to put peach slices on now that my guy isn’t here to tell me that “fruit shouldn’t go on a pizza”!
It’s Mother’s day tomorrow. I might go home to hang out with mum and dad. I would’ve really wanted to go to the cottage to work on some more photography out in the nature but it looks like it’ll be snowing tomorrow as well. Next week is going to be super busy so I need to take it easy. We have four dance shows, I have double classes for thesis and methods, we have our methods exam on Wednesday, my guy’s sister is coming over for university entrance examinations and aside from all this I have my regular ballet classes and I’m spending Tuesday at the office. Anyway it’s my last week of school so things should be a lot smoother from here on. Mum and dad are going on a vacation on Tuesday so neither of them will be here to see my dance shows, which is kind of a bummer...
What else.. Oh yeah, I still haven’t come across a Mermaid Lamp in ACNL, but my friend just got one for me, so now I’m just waiting for her to be at a location with stable wifi so that I can finally get one! After almost 5 months of daily island visits...
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