#I've been told its webs tho
huldrabitch · 11 months
Live grainy footage of me caving and spending real life money on the dudebro game... Stiletto is so cute tho💕
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stay-spazzy · 5 years
I just spent a good couple of hours just trying to find which rooftop of Los Angeles that the boys filmed on. I finally found it!! I am amazing, holy shit. I even checked the angles to see if it was all the same roof or if they possibly filmed on more than one. (at least speaking for the trailer) 
The red building on the group shot, the LA city hall building behind Felix (and a few other members in their solo shots), the color billboard behind I.N (and Hyunjin), the glass structure thing on the roof in the side group shot behind the boys, the door and stairs that Changbin is sitting on, the church building behind Lee Know (take me to church ~~), the Hotel Rosslyn signs behind Chan (and Woojin plus other shots) plus the stair thing he’s sitting on, then the group shot in which you see a black building in the background to the right, and the crane in front of the glass skyscraper(s). 
*WHEW* All of this on one roof my dudes. Angles are everything.
 (We’ll have to see about the full MV but for now I can say it’s the one roof)  417 Wall St, Los Angeles. You are all welcome. Google says it’s VM Studios. The website shows like one picture of the roof and you can tell right away it’s the roof in question. 
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
for the comp sci porfolio question: I think it depends on what field you'd like to pursuit.
But my experience differs from what you've been told so, I'd go on the other way and tell you that your classes can really help you start building portfolio. Whenever i could, I've used my classes to at least start projects that I could finish after I was done with the semester.
Personally, i'm really into HCI so I'm always looking for projects around that area or UX/UI. So I've used my HCI class to start desiging a game to support kids with ADHD and I did all the first stages during class, from research and up to the prototype. After the class was done, I went over and revised everything (scientific foundation, design choices, etc) until i was happy with the second prototype.
I did the same thing with other classes like, Web dev, mobile dev, informational architecture,,, etc,etc. Always focusing in applying and evolving the skills needed for the field I'd like to get into after graduation.
Also idk how things works there, and if its possible but u could always reach out to researchers and volunteer to work in a project. That way u can put the end product in your portfolio too. I did this 2 semesters ago, when one of our labs sent out a call for volunteers to help with the development of an app to help frontline workers deal with PTSD.
OH GOD I RAMBLED SJDHDJ I'M SORRY FOR THE RANT !!!! i overexplained i'm so sorry !!! it's the adhd
but my point is, focusing on a field/area of expertise and how you can apply it to current in-classes projects can help you find a direction to your portfolio.
anyway, again sorry for the long ass rant!! hopefully it helped with something?? if not then i really am sorry for rambling like that ausgdhiagd
wishing you the best with your projects <333
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i've been wanting to go into data science for the longest time so i've focused on backend development but lately web design has looked really interesting to me. both avenues tho i wasn't sure how to approach like project making. this was super helpful... eternally grateful!!! also the adhd game sounds so cool!! (i have adhd so i made me smile)
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sanchoyo · 2 years
Tag game!
Let’s get to know our Animanga Fandom mutuals/followers better?
Tagged by @spectralreplica ^^ tyyyy <3
01. How did you find out about anime?
I mean I watched sailor moon/dbz as a very little child, then ygo a bit later. I think tokyo mew mew was the first one I realized was 'anime' and realized that anime was a separate thing from other cartoon shows? it was my childhood best friend who I met bc we both liked w.i.t.c.h that told me abt mew mew and winx on 4kids when we were like 9-10. I owe her everything 😭
02. What’s your favorite anime?
tmm or ygo have always been my comfort series (if im gonna be specific, ygo s0 and ygo zexal) I would call them my favs simply for the comfort and nostalgia factor, I've seen ones that could in a technical sense be considered 'better' if u take into account animation/plot/characters, but...i LIKE those ones. theyre charming... (also, bnha is the manga ive kept up with the longest which is impressive given my attention span, and written the most for which makes me feel like it deserves a mention, but I prefer the manga to the anime by a longshot and this question specified 'anime', so...)
03. Do you have a favorite J-music/K-pop group/singer?
not really? sometimes I listen to older kpop like girls' generation or 2NE1 but I couldnt tell you anything about any of the members of either or name more than 1-2 songs :') I don't really keep up with ANY musicians/bands consistently in general sajdhfk
04. When is your bday? And how old are you?
its may 30th ^^ mid 20s
05. Currently, what is your favorite fandom anime?
uhh for fandoms specifically? I've been loving seeing all the tmm fanart lately since the new anime trailer dropped <3 bnha fandom is really good at engaging with my stuff which I LOVE, some ppl are very very nice in the tags or comments ;w; I stay 50 ft away from the main tags myself tho, bigger fandoms means worse takes </3 I love my lil tiny circle of friends for fandom stuff <3
06. Despite the ups and downs of Tumblr, what motivates you to stay here today and do your best?
I like the Atmosphere, and how 'old web' it feels?? it has a lot of features no other website has...feels homey
07. Finally create it yourself in this picrew:
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close enough. the ✨vibes ✨ are there 😭
Tagging @bananaapplewaffle @mewmizu @thechampionofjerkwall @shopkins only if u guys want to tho!! no pressure :3
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Once upon a time, I did try to create a blog based on my own IG account.
I realized, tho, that Tumblr isn't a very good place to dump it all in. So I made a Blogger account for that.
And while I am trying to record some of my adventures in that blog, I also realized that I wanted to optimize it by learning content writing (which I wanted to pursue part-time, at least)---and give the blog a revamp. I'll show you the improved version of this blog someday soon, posting the link here.
Meanwhile, as I was writing a few journal entries (a welcome, refreshing habit since the COVID-19 pandemic began), I also found out that I've been fond of researching for a few subjects on the internet --- some of them random stuff; others involve a few persons of interest, much to the point of borderline virtual stalking... and it can really drive me nuts.
Then I remembered that Internet Diary that I once made when I transferred to another school.
Blogging wasn't a thing yet, as the world wide web was transitioning to Web 2.0 and our internet access (at least here in the Philippines back then) needs a dial-up connection. I started learning how to use the internet after I watched The Wonder Years through cable television (only three seasons were played on Disney Channel Asia, and then repeated again). I fell in love with the show, that when my mom eventually told me that one of the actors was a math whiz, she told me to search on the computer.
Was that even possible? She told me to search on the Internet Explorer, type the name of each actor, and then when the results come, click some links to find out... (BTW, Yahoo! was my site of choice until years later when Google stepped up.)
And that, my folks, was my crash course on using the internet. The whole thing blew my mind...so much so that I got obsessed and overwhelmed with millions of information, I can get crazy just by looking at these.
Thankfully, I discovered the power of writing... and my ability to harness it. That's when I thought of getting a blank notebook and write whatever the hell I discovered in these search sites. It also became my safe space to write what I learned about the show and its actors...
But it's all in my mind's Recycle Bin now. If I ever restore the whole thing down to each byte, I can just cringe at what my 10- or 11-year-old self was writing. I'll just save it tho, if I ever need to write the good parts. I'll try.
So...what's with the throwback? Well, like I said, I've been researching out of my personal interest about a few recurring themes lately. I need to find a (nearly) safe space to share it. Thus, I'm revamping my Internet Diary, turn a new page, and give it a virtual look.
This will be my space for writing whatever gets me on the net: current events, a few personalities here and there...and expect a few funny or mind-boggling stuff.
I'm currently whipping up some timely piece for this blog. Coming soon.
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riceexe-lol · 5 years
I've just realized we haven't seen kled, rumble nor gnar in your art style. Yall tryna keep us guessing or something? I'm onto you bucko
Lmao oh fuck my covers been blown–! But for real, so let me explain the whole web and inner-workings that go into my yordles-universe! 
TLDR; it’s an au roleplay between me and a friend. The reason why some character I draw show up more than others is because they’re more prominent in the story. 
Click keep reading for more
So the thing is: I’m super into League and my friend isn’t (and we’ll call her Azu). But she is fascinated by the lore/personalities of the characters, and her impersonation of Teemo had me falling out of my chair
So Lulu’s my main (Gold 4 baby with 150,000+ mastery actually end me she isn’t viable at all) and really the only characters I shipped were Veigar and Lulu, but I had an obsession with Kennen since he’s such a weeb. Azu told me she really like Kennen X Teemo, and honestly I wasn’t really into it, but the more we talked the more obsessed I became (its a rare pair but the fanart of them is top tier).
So one thing led to another, and we ended roleplaying them through voice chat since we’re both voice actors. It was… really, really fun! 
The focus of the story was developing the relationship between Kennen and Teemo. As we dived into like modern AUs and high school AUs and assassin AUs and whatnot, we began incorporating other yordles to give us more characters to dick around with and add more interactions in the world. And the more we experimented, rules and relationships became kinda the foundation in our multiple AUs:
Teemo & Kennen are the primary couple
Lulu & Veigar are the secondary couple
Tristana is Teemo’s childhood friends and Veigar is Teemo’s cousin
Gnar & Tristana are the background couple (and how they got together is a story of it’s own)
Ziggs will hit on anything with a pulse, whether or not they’re in a relationship
Ziggs is Kennen’s best friend since middle school and most of the time they’re roommates
Gnar is foreigner from France (it just happened, maybe I’ll explain it later)
Teemo’s mom is the head of the Italian mafia
Kennen’s mom is head of a clan, Master Shen is his master, and Akali is like his metaphorical sister
Lulu isn’t a stranger to drugs
Pix is a persian cat that meows really, really loudly
Rumble is a sobbing mess because he can’t be with Tristana and has a one-sided rivalry with Teemo because they’re so close
Gnar initially has a crush on Teemo
Half the time we incorporate KDA since Azu (has her own universe for it) likes Akali X Evelynn
Etc. (it’s a long fucking list)
So Rumble really isn’t in the story too often because he’s not really a prominent character we incorporate, and Kled was like a gym teacher in one AU. Heimerdinger is like a college professor who dates Ziggs in 2 or 3 college AUs, and they end up breaking up because Ziggs was being too much of a bitch about it. Ziggs honestly gets with a lot of characters because most of the time, we don’t know who to ship him with: Jinx’s a frequent one, or sometimes we end up making him asexual (who will still hit on everyone because he’s an obnoxious lovable dickhead), and other times (in the multiverse/crossover AUs) we just have him get with himself because it’s hilarious!
So yeah, I will draw them at some point, but it’s really up to whenever I’m in the mood (and I do draw Gnar frequently tho)
Extra info:
Azu rps - Teemo, Tristana, Veigar, Ziggs
Rice rps - Kennen, Gnar, Lulu
Extra characters vary depending on mood
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