#I've done it like 5 separate times now and im never satisfied
coal-inks · 1 year
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Hello Good Times With Scar fans.
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Also hey, if you see this here's the matching Grian side.
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arhylle · 6 years
So I just finished watching a Youtube compilation of the 100 comic cons and it seems the fans and interviewers are the only ones shipping Bellarke. It's depressing.
In all the interviews Bob Morley basically just says he doesn’t see any romance between Bellamy and Clarke. But how can he say that when a lot of Bellamy’s tender moments with her say otherwise.
Jason Rothenberg also thinks they are just platonic soulmates. So then what is the meaning and purpose of some Bellarke scenes that in my opinion are full of unplatonic subtext? Like Bellamy being affected by Clarke's nearness when he was teaching her how to shoot a rifle;
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Kane noticing Bellamy's reaction when Clarke was crying and telling her mom how much she loved Lexa;
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(Bellamy, you're not a fool to believe, by the way.)
Allie/Raven saying to Bellamy, “Clarke’s back for one day and you’re already taking orders. A good, little knight by his queen side. Too bad you were never this devoted to Gina.”; Lexa to Clarke about Bellamy, "but you worry about him more."; and my favorite: when Octavia said to Bellamy in reference to Clarke, "here we go again. Pleading for the life of a traitor...who you love." It must be noted that neither of them denied outright Lexa and Octavia's statements.
And let’s not forget this:
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Just kidding. But click to see the rest of the gifset. I wish something like this really happened.
And also, the way Bellamy and Clarke sometimes touch each other. It's full of longing and tenderness to say the least. Even when one of them is angry. Usually Bellamy.
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The next gif is my favorite. I can feel the chemistry and the romance. If you're a true Bellarke fan, you know what I mean.
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It’s obvious there is romance between them. Clarke took her time but she's been on the same page with Bellamy since Season 4, but then Praimfaya separated them. She might actually have been attracted to him since season 1, but he was a jerk back then and she fell for Finn instead. And now Bellamy's with Echo.
So can Jason and Eliza and Bob just please acknowledge the truth and for once just say something like, There is attraction, there is love, but they haven't really had the chance to process that, let alone act on it, bc there is always something going on. Either they're busy fighting for their people's lives and their own, or they get separated, or there's someone else.
That would be a better and satisfying answer than the BS they've been saying for the past five years.
Bellarke is slowburn and I love that about them, but Season 5 was supposed to be the last one and they didn't happen. Meaning Jason truly doesn't want them to be together, and Echo would have been Bellamy's endgame. Why can't he see that Bellamy and Clarke are each other's the one, and it's cruel not to let them love each other the way they were meant to. Just look at them.
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Quick recap: In this scene Bellamy is hurting because his sister hates him and he’s unable to forgive himself for all the horrible things he’s done. He tells Clarke he’s so angry at her for leaving but he doesn’t want to feel that way anymore. Clarke tells him she too is trying to forgive herself and that maybe they are both going to get forgiveness someday but they need each other and the only way for them to succeed is together. Clarke then hugs him and he hugs her back.
But we can clearly see his hug also says, i’ve missed you so much when you were away but you’re here now and I can't get close enough, pls don’t leave me again. And hers says, im so sorry for leaving. I've missed you too. I’m home now. It's good to be home.
Imagine what full-on in love with literally a century of pent-up feelings Bellarke hug looks like, which is then followed by an equally powerful kiss. Or the kiss happens first. Either way it would be epic.
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