#I've had a party get cancelled and then un cancelled but no one told me it was back on
wild-west-wind · 2 years
I'm making a pot of beans for a potluck, and I swear to god if these people don't eat the food I made for any reason I will never cook at another potluck again.
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What are your thoughts on Charlottesville? I've heard a lot of conflicting stories and am kinda lost on what to believe about it
Hi :) A little group of alt-right idiots gathered last year and it’s now all the evidence we need to prove that America is overrun with Nazis and it’s all thanks to our Hitler president. But what most deliberately leave out is they weren’t the only people there. The whole point of the first rally was to protest the removal of a monument. They wanted the story to be this: Everyone there opposed to tearing down the monument were literal Nazis so the violent attacks on anyone in a MAGA hat is justified. Brian Fallon and Chris Cuomo even compared Antifa macing people and throwing bricks and cherry bombs to the brave Americans soldiers who stormed Normandy to fight Nazis on D-Day. Find me a single person on the right, any conservative who hasn’t condemned and disavowed the racists who attended the protest. To lump anyone against tearing down the monuments in with the faction of white supremacists is why so many melted down when Trump said there were fine people on both sides. They became even more hysterical when Trump said both sides engaged in violence.
CNN cried in enormous font on its front page “He still blames both sides!” The New York Times blared that Trump “again blames both sides.” So did the Chicago Tribune. So did NBC News. So did U.S. News while calling Trump insane. So did NPR. So did CBS News. So did the Washington Post. So did the Wall Street Journal. So did Time. So did MSNBC. NBC News later wondered: “Has Trump Lost His Moral Authority for Good?” CNN continued with the massive headlines, calling Trump’s press conference “a meltdown for the ages,” and declared: “Trump is who we feared he was” and “Donald Trump’s presidency is headed to a very dark place.” Vox claimed Trump “is offering comfort to racists and extremists.” The president has become “completely unhinged” Jimmy Kimmel told his viewers afterwards. He had just canceled all their scheduled programming to focus on the president “finally showing the world the racist he is.” This is a day after Jimmy Fallon did basically the same thing and asked America how to “explain this to his daughters.” The Atlantic wrote “Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters.” Kat Timpf was on the verge of tears as she stressed, “I’m wondering if it was real life.“
It’s funny how they all failed to leave these words by Trump out: “Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. The driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. The driver of the car is a murderer. What he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.” So this is proof he’s a racist who offers comfort to racists and extremists? Just because he didn’t turn what happened into a racebating lecture to all white people about the dangers of their whiteness as the left insisted him to, it doesn’t mean that he failed to condemn racism and it sure as hell doesn’t mean that he supports it. The left went into meltdown mode because he told the truth of what happened in Charlottesville.
We are supposed to see it as outrageous and morally abhorrent that Trump would claim that “there is blame on both sides.” The thing is, Trump was telling the truth. The violence that occurred throughout the downtown area was committed by both sides. Even the Charlottesville police chief affirmed that the protest saw mutually combative individuals on both sides. Is the black police chief a racist guilty of comforting extremists as well? It is not unreasonable to blame “both sides” that day. Yes there were some people there who we have every reason to hate, but the left-wing protesters had zero intentions of a peaceful counter-protest of “passive resistance,” they didn’t show up to practice civil rights-style non-violent activism. They were armed, they had fighting and violence on their mind and there is unequivocal testimony and footage proving that they committed widespread unprovoked violence that day.
Refuse Fascism was among the left-wing groups at the Charlottesville rally and urged violence against the Trump supporters there. Another anarchist group that was there, CrimethInc, said “We must identify the forces underlying their laws and their order. Patriarchy, policing, capitalism, and the state. We have to work together to reimagine the world without them. We need to make this country ungovernable.” They declared “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected.” Another far-left group there was the Workers World Party, a group of marxists who have declared their support for Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship in North Korea and have has consistently published propaganda-like screeds supporting Venezuela’s regime. The communist group “sent many of its members to beat up those who marched there.” The same group took credit for organizing the vandals who toppled a city-owned Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina a week earlier.
These are the nutjobs, along with hoards of Antifa, who are defended and honored as the anti-racist heroes. We can make a point of condemning the alt-right without justifying the continuous violence and rioting of ISIS-wanna-be thugs. By equating them to the Americans of D-Day or saying they just “stand up to hate,” all we’re doing is green-lighting more political violence under the disguise of tolerance and love. We need to condemn all political violence, the extreme ends of both sides are just as repulsive and dangerous as each other. We can all agree that the racists who attended were bad people who deserved to be counter-protested. The one moron carrying a Nazi flag deserved to be yelled at. But why did the counter-protesters start such raging violence against everyone there? Why did they start to block, swarm and beat on cars driving by? The tragic outcome wouldn’t have happened if a few racists didn’t show up, that’s very true. But it’s also true it wouldn’t have happened if the left-wing mobs didn’t turn the event into a massive violent, chaotic battle zone.
Even after the tragedy of last year, a few days ago the mobs still thought it was a good idea this time around to again swarm cars and threaten drivers. The town went into lockdown for its anniversary and in the days beforehand, according to Charlottesville’s Daily Progress, “reports surfaced from concerned citizens believed they saw persons resembling Nazis and white supremacists in locations from office supply stores to coffee shops.” Did you see how many people showed up for the rally? About eight. It’s funny how little Nazis there are when you don’t include every American who supports Trump or is opposed to tearing down all our Civil War monuments.
Projecting support of Nazis onto a person who you disagree with to force them to defend themselves, prove they’re not a Nazi sympathizer and disavow an already globally disavowed and despised group is a sneaky leftist tactic that is used against everyone from the president to any conservative with a voice. The groupthink of the left is if you believe someone is a Nazi, aka, someone you don’t like, it’s totally cool to just beat them up and it will be glorified by the liberal media as “fighting racism.” Conservatives are accused of violence for merely speaking, yet when there’s actual real violence right in front of us, we get silence because it’s not from the right people. Just as there’s been total silence on every left-wing riot over the past two years.
We’re all supposed to pretend Trump said something racist after Charlottesville. He spoke out against racism, he blasted the alt-right for their role in the violence and he warned against all political violence. If it were just an average person saying what Trump said, we’d all say ‘duh.’ There’s nothing controversial about what he said, only the fact that it came from a guy who people are so desperate to delegitimize and call a white supremacist. Now Charlottesville is used to shame and silence anyone on the right as evidence of what conservative ideals and policies lead to, just as they use the myth of “caged kids” to turn as many people as they can away from voting Republican again. That’s just my take, obviously there were racists there, but like it or not they did have a permit to be there, and most people clearly had nothing to do with these few idiots and were only there to oppose the statue from being torn down. The narrative that everyone not on Antifa’s side were Nazis and were the ones to spark the violence is a deliberate lie to hold conservatives accountable for the actions of one criminal. I hope that’s helped a little, if not please feel free to message me with specifics :) xx
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