#I've had a recurring dream where I beat up my own mother. and it's not the usual soft punches I give in dreams.
lemememeringue · 2 years
I've been having some uncharacteristically violent dreams since I got sick
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niuniente · 5 years
Hi Niu! I've seen a lot of people come to you asking about dream interpretation. I tend to have a lot of dreams that are really vivid and memorable, and recurring. I was wondering if you would happen to have any suggestions on where I could look to try interpreting it myself? Perhaps its just that I'm bad at using search engines or something but I am having difficulty of it on my own.
I have no specific source I can give you but some googling tips:
Google as long as you find something which resonates with you. It can be just one word.
If you see numbers, check their meaning. Googling “Angel Number” helps to find almost any number combination with its symbolic and numerological meaning, like “Angel Number 1621″
If you see animals, check what that animal means as a guide, a spirit animal and as a symbol
If you see colors, check their psychological properties and are they related to chakras; if so, google the chakra’s meaning.
Whatever symbols you see, check their meaning
If you see directions (left, right, up, down, north, west etc,) check their meaning
Example: I once had a dream where a two human sized tarantulas came into my hut. I jumped on a stool and beat one of them to death, while it kept sadly repeating “Ian, Ian, Ian!” I know Ian is my spirit guide, but I had hard time figuring out what the spider meant. All dream symbols said that bugs of all kind mean stress, anxiety, fear and worries, but I had none in my waking life.I found my answer when I google Spider meaning and found out that in Hopi, Navajo and other Southwestern native American tribes have a Spider Mother, Spider Grandmother or Spider Woman - she has many names. She created the world and humans, and attached a string from herself to the human so that the human would never lose their connection to their creator. In that text it was said that Spider Grandmother represents also creativity, like writing.I had wanted to write for a long time in my waking life. The me beating up the spider, who called my spirit guide’s name, was a message from me to stop beating the inspiration for writing Ian is sending me, but get to work.I started writing, enjoyed it and I actually felt very refreshed afterwards!
It’s been a decade or so since that dream but I will always remember it.
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