#I've never really associated flowers with the characters so I had to do some extra googling
Hello. If you are taking requests, can you write to yandere husbands Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Percival Graves, Severus Snape?
hi anon! thank you for the request, i hope you like it
i won't write great about the fantastic beasts characters because it's been a long time since i've seen it but i tried my best, i hope you enjoy! :)
Gellert Grindelwald
i feel like this man is possessive as hell
more of an isolating and protective yandere
he doesn't want anyone pressing a finger to any hair on your pretty little head
above all else he is driven and charismatic so after his obsession develops, he will immediately sneak in there and manipulate you
but he also wants you to depend on him, that way you will never leave
he wants to make you his whether or not you know it
he fills and indoctrinates you into think all muggles and wizards supporting them want to hurt you, that he's only trying to protect you because you're so special
he almost wants to curse you for gripping his heart so tightly, for controlling him without even knowing it
he has few qualms about killing in front of you but he'll try not to, just not very hard
when it comes to the wedding, he might try and convince you by inventing a false prophecy that if you don't he'll die
you wouldn't want to hurt him so, will you?
he doesn't like physically telling you how much he loves you, instead he'll say things like "We belong together." or "You're very special to me."
he does make an effort to keep you protected and feeling secure
and he doesn't like other people talking to you too much
if you also had a deep connection with Dumbledore then Grindelwald would make sure to server that tie, whispering lies about him wanting to betray or hurt you
as far as kids go I think he would them to keep his lock on you and to further his line but I'm not sure how deeply he would care for them
if any of them favoured your features however I think he would grow especially fond of those children in particular and teach their sibling to hold them in higher esteem
i think he would grow quite clingy over you, always keeping you on his arm when it's safe
Albus Dumbledore
this man already has a mischievous spirit and high charismatic presence so i feel like he could get you to trust him easily enough
after that he puts in all the works, fixating on you being in his life and drawing away for just long enough to keep you longing and missing him
he wants you to want him too, unlike some of the other yanderes who don't care so much about making your relationship real, he needs it
he would give you gifts in forms of sweets particularly so you associate them with him
he will insert himself into the most intimate parts of your life so you can't escape him
he doesn't want another lover to let him down like Gellert did so he manipulates what you can and can't do whether that be your friend suddenly avoiding you or you start feeling mysteriously ill out of nowhere
as a husband he is attentive and will likely bring you to live at hogwarts by his side, never leaving his sight
he doesn't lock you away though, he doesn't need to when he has you safely among the school
how much trouble can you get up to under his watchful eye?
he gets a certain thrill when there is danger about and you crawl into his protective hold
if you start teaching he will encourage it in fact, liking the way you integrate your lives together
as far as children goes he doesn't really want them, your always surrounded by them and watching grow, if you really want one then he won't mind you giving some extra support to some of the kids or being particularly parental but other than that he's not fussed
he is a regretful man and so i think he also makes a point to make sure none of those regrets include you even if his antics get quite obsessive, giving you flowers almost everyday and smothering you with affection as soon as he wakes up even if you're still asleep
if you ever died he would want to go with you and enjoy "the next great adventure" by your side
he doesn't intend to live without you
Aberforth Dumbledore,
in his school years that instead of negotiating, he preferred to settle things by duelling and combat
therefore i imagine he would approach this in a similar way
unlike his brother, he does not dedicate himself to winning your affection or charming you, he may very well attempt at developing a love potion or just take you away
he was not above using underhanded tactics against his foes and you would see this in how he interacts with you, for example he might use polyjuice potion to gain your trust in someone you are close with's body
he doesn't care how he gets you, just that he does get you
i think he could very well be a punishing yandere if you do not give in to him
as for the wedding i think he would want a small ceremony if any at all
potentially could use influencing spells such as the imperius curse if he won't get caught
i could see him wanting you to have a daughter with him so he could name her Ariana to honour his sister
whether or not you are a wizard/witch yourself, he is far more powerful than any other and he knows it
legilimency is frequent in your relationship, he doesn't see much point in asking you something if he can just know it already and the more he finds out the harder he falls, your thoughts infiltrating his brain is what fed his attraction to you in the first place
he will hold a grudge if you try to escape and will make the effort to make sure you watch while tied up as he blocks off every possible exit you could make
eventually his trust will be earned back but it might take a year or longer
Percival Graves
this one was a bit trickier because out of everyone i know the least about him but i think he would be a calculative yandere...precise
he is ambitious and serious
he does care about what you want and is willing to develop a romantic or platonic arrangement but he will always see you as his
if you're not married to him then you won't be married to anyone at all
he will trick people carrying romantic interest to you with rumours and lies about you until you come crying to him, he likes to comfort you and will do whatever it takes to feel your warm body in his arms
he will consistently take you to work events and slowly make you dependent and close with people connected to him and only him
he doesn't mind how long it takes until you get to the point where you accept his advances, he can wait
all because he knows it's necessary and once you are together then he will never have to work so diligently for it ever again
the wedding will seep of extravagance and he will keep the ceremony intimate
this is for you and him, no one else
he doesn't particularly care if people try and convince you to leave him, he dispels any of your worries by telling you they are poisoning your mind
he knows them better than you do, he assures, listen to him and no one else
he won't be a very bloody yandere i don't think
he's got too much at stake and he knows that if you ever found out about it then everything would be over
i don't know whether or not he would care for children, i think he would prefer to keep a small family
Severus Snape
this man has already lost one woman he believed himself to be in love with, he doesn't want to lose another one
and if anyone takes away the person he is infatuated with then there will be hell to pay
he has the dark lord on his side now but he is also a skilled potions master, if someone gets to close to you he can easily slip an extra helping into their cup or food of something less...appetising
enough to maim them seriously, maybe in an indistinguishable way
he will only resort to murder as a last stitch attempt
he can't lose you, he refuses to
he won't propose, he knows he won't accept no as an answer anyway and will force an agreement, perhaps threatening those you care about so he can keep you
as far as archetypes go i think he would be on the eliminating side of things
Lily chose James over him and so he simply won't give a choice this time
doesn't have the energy for such things
he doesn't have time for it and he's not lenient either
surprisingly he's not too possessive, he will keep a keen eye on the friends you choose but won't hurt them if he thinks he can trust them enough
he's not particularly fond of children so i don't think he would push the subject but if you wanted them i could see him begrudgingly complying
when he sees harry he is still furiously raging at the sight but it will be subdued if you have children of your own
i could see him locking you away once the war is started no matter what side he is on
Voldemort killed Lily, he will have no problem kill you too if you're on the side of the order
whichever side of the war you are on, so will he
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virtues-end · 2 years
Aheem heem for no pARTiculal reason at all: what tarot cards would you assign the characters? And while i have your ear - what flowers do you associate with them?
Oof, this is a hard one. I'm not a big tarot guy so I am going by vibes (and a quick google search) only. Similarly, the extent of my flower knowledge is 'oooooo, pretty' lmao. XD
Still, I tried! <3
Tarot cards
Shea - the Hanged Man Elexis - the Devil Penrose - Strength Idris - Death
Shea - anemones, violets Elexis - roses, marigold Penrose - gladiolus, amaryllis Idris - aster, iris
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