#I've never seen them before tho so I obviously watered them all again before figuring out what I did
Oh yeah it's rootin time
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This is a temporary setup before I throw that alba Beauty outside for too many issues™ but I kinda do like the combo of my tibituans, the random Crassula cutting, and the criminal...
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wolferals · 4 years
👄 whiskey lips*👄
arón piper imagine
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„Hey y/n... shh wake up."
I was woken by someone shaking my shoulder.
It was Alvaro, I figured after opening my eyes and being hit by the sunlight right into em.
„Huh?" I asked tired and slowly sat up.
Thats when I realized I really had fallen asleep at the beach.
I slowly looked around and saw that the boys were gone.
„The guys are back at the house. You are burned."
He spoke in his cute accent.
I scanned my body and saw that, in fact, i was really red. Well I didnt use sunscreen because I just came down to the beach to bring Arón his phone which he had forgotten. Then we ended up splashing each other in the water and then I unfortunately fell asleep.
„Yeah. Uh thanks for waking me. Let's go."
I got up, grabbed my bag and walked next to Alvaro back up to the house Ally, their manager, had rented for us for a couple of days to get some rest from all the traveling lately.
„When did the guys leave?"
I asked Alvaro when we walked up the stairs.
„Like uhm... 10 minutes ago."
I nodded. „Okay."
Alvaro and I didnt really talk the rest of the walk. Not because we dont like each other, it was more because Alvaro was a rather shy guy and so was I. So no one ever started a conversation.
I do like Alvaro, but i feel like we just dont have too much in common.
When we arrived at the house I walked in first, directly to my room to immediately moisturize my skin from the already burned incident.
Then I took off my bikini and put on a comfy bra, a big shirt and some shorts before walking downstairs meeting the guys in the living room.
Arón, Itzan and Omar were shirtless, for whatever reason. I mean Miguel and Alvaro survived as well even tho they were wearing shirts.
„Hey sleeping beauty, uh damn u got burned."
Itzan said and put away his phone looking at me grinning.
„Didnt you use any sunscreen?"
Omar asked then and started laughing like crazy seeing my beetroot red face.
„Noo, because I never meant to fall asleep. Why didnt any of you wake me?"
-„Arón wanted to but we felt bad because you were sleeping like a baby."
Aw he wanted to wake me because Arón knew I would get burned, i told him before.
„Well..." was all I was able to say before Itzan pulled me down at my shorts making me sit next to him on the couch with me legs on his lap. „So girl, how you doin in general?"
Itzan grinned at me, then touching my cheek trying to feel up my sunburned skin.
„Im okay."
-„Can we watch a movie and order some food?"
I then suggested and looked at all the guys.
„Actually Omar cooked for us. But for a movie Im totally in. Lord of the Rings?"
Arón words made me smile. He remembered how much I loved Lord of the rings.
The rest of the guys apparently noticed mine and Arón's staring because they started making kissing noises and i heard stuff like „uhh guys hitting it off hard" of „Arón get her".
We all started laughing and Itzan grabbed my leg and said:"Yo Arón, she's my babe tho, u can have her but first u gotta pass me."
I hit him in the shoulder. Not for the „she's mine", for the „u can have her".
I've always seen Arón as an amazing guy. He's beautiful as hell, has the nicest personality ever, is caring and loving yet he hasnt had a good girlfriend at all.
Thats why he's mostly really awkward around me, he just doesnt know how to behave around a girl. Especially a girl that keeps staring at him, preserving his beauty.
„Alright let's watch a movie."
Miguel spoke and we set up the movie and Alvaro brought in the food spreading it within us.
About an hour into the first movie my head kept falling down and my eyes got really heavy. I felt bad because they were watching the movie because of me but i got so tired that I just got up and said:"I'm gonna go sleep. Nighty guys."
-„Ey! No kiss for papá?" Omar asked confused grabbing my arm.
„No way. You'll get a hug but thats it."
He seemed pissed but nodded. So I gave him a hug, said good night to the rest of the boys and headed upstairs.
The moment I opened the bathroom door I heard a „Wait"
from behind me.
„Arón." i smiled.
„Whats up?"
He came up to me and asked rather shyly:"Might I get a goodnight hug too?"
I smiled even wider from all his cuteness.
I took a step closer to him and pulled him in a nice warm hug. He put his arms around my waist and held me really close for a while, giving me the opportunity to inhale his sweet scent of the chocolate he had eaten before.
„Buenas noches y/n." he then whispered and smiled at me.
„Goodnight Arón." i giggled and entered the bathroom real quick.
I have never giggled from anything a guy has said.
What is he doing to me?
Without thinking about it, I got ready for bed. When I changed into my pants I noticed something in my back pocket.
It was a little note saying:"You looked pretty today."
Was that from Arón? But it seems more like something Miguel would say. I was wearing those pants sleeping at the beach, so everyone could've put it in my pocket tho...
I then walked to my room, snuggled into bed and watched some videos before putting my phone aside and turning off the lights.
I still heard the guys downstairs but I just ignored it and tried to sleep. Unfortunately I couldn't because they were talking really loud, so I slowly headed back downstairs.
„Hey uh guys?"
They all turned around to look at me.
„Could you please keep it down a little bit?"
They nodded and Alvaro said:"Of course y/n. Everything for you."
This led to even more noise coming from the guys.
All except Arón.
Where was he?
I went back to my room and kept staring into the dark, still thinking about the note. I dont know the guys' handwritings so it really could've been everyone.
And still i was wondering where Arón had been.
Something that second made me get up to walk to his room.
I knocked at the door lightly and got a „yeah" response.
I slowly opened the door and saw Arón sitting on his bed with a lot of polaroids in front of him.
„Hey?" he spoke, which sounded a little bit like a question. „I didnt know you collected polaroids."
Before he could answer I sat next to him on the bed, looking at the photos.
„Yeah uh my mom got me a polaroid camera for my birthday and i kind of like to capture moments on instant film."
This simple fact made me go crazy. I've always been a big fan of polaroid cameras, i had 4 to be honest:D
„Thats amazing."
I looked into his eyes and saw the sincere agreement in his brown puppy eyes.
„Can I take a picture of you?"
He then asked rather shyly and smiled at me.
I laughed a little embarrassed because i really hate it when people take pictures of me.
„O-okay." I answered and smiled back.
-„Smile for me." Arón took a camera and held it in front of me.
„No wait."
I laughed again and said:"Lets take one together."
He hesitated for a second but then agreed and I sat right next to him.
„Alright, ready?"
I looked at him smiling and nodded before looking back at the camera.
And the flash went off. Seconds later the instax wide film came out of the camera and I took it with my left hand.
„Dont shake it." Arón said.
I gave him a serious look and spoke:"I know. I have a polaroid myself."
He grinned, then took the picture out of my hand and we kept staring at it as it was developing.
When it was clear i started smiling. I was smiling into the camera while Arón stuck his tongue out looking at me.
It was honestly super cute.
„Here." He gave it back to me.
„You keep it."
I smiled ever wider but then said:"No its your film. You bought it, that shit is expensive."
Arón grinned again and then simply added:"No you keep the picture and in return we take some more with my phone, then i got some too."
Laughing I agreed. He took his phone and we started taking some selfies.
At first we really took it serious to take some pretty pictures but at some point we didnt care anymore and were just goofying around.
„I love this one." i laughed and scrolled through his phone.
I was having a lot of fun and I guess Arón did too because I have never seen this guy so happy. Laughing all the time and he literally got out of his comfort zone I could see that.
Usually he was really serious but right now he was relaxed and seemed to be happy.
Which made me happy since I knew about his past and all.
„Send them to me!" I laughed and looked at him as he was looking at the pictures himself. He was honestly so beautiful, jesus christ.
„Do u think the guys are still downstairs?"
He asked without looking up.
„Should we check?"
Arón and I then walked through the hallway. The guys made some noise so they were obviously still downstairs.
„Hey guys." I said and jumped onto the couch sitting next to Omar.
„I thought u wanted to sleep dude." He hit Arón in the leg as he sat down as well.
„Yeah but i couldnt. I met Y/n on the hallway when I went to the bathroom and we decided to join u guys again."
Wait what?
He really denied hanging out with me. Was he embarrassed?
„Nice. We actually wanted to hit this beach bar in 30. Do you guys want to come with us?"
Miguel spoke.
Im actually not a big fan of partying but right now i was bored as hell and since i love dancing, why not?
„Im in." i said.
All the boys looked at me in confusion because I usually never go out with me. They know how much I hate clubs and alcohol.
„Wow okay. Arónsky?"
Arón shook his head.
„Oh come on dude. Even y/n is going."
-„Nah I'm not in the mood to partying."
I looked at Arón and decided to work my female charme to make him go with us. „Aróny, please come with us. For me."
The guys started groaning again but Arón started laughing.
„Alright. But no one is going to make me drink anything tonight."
So we got up to get ready for the beach party event we saw a sign of.
„Back in the living room in 30 okay party people?"
Omar ordered and we all went into our rooms.
After 10 minutes of staring at my closet I decided to wear a boho dress Ive bought recently. Since it was very hot out still I only needed the dress and some shoes.
I then applied some make up, not too much though, and put my hair into a half up bun.
Then I went downstairs where I met Itzan looking just fine as always. I gasped because he looked so good. The loose shirt made him look even broader.
„Damn girl u look hot."
He grinned and put some dished into the sink.
„I could say the same about you Itzan."
He laughed a little and then came up to me.
„I like it, a lot actually."
He scanned my body, making me slightly uncomfortable.
„Thanks." i whispered and looked to the ground.
„Nah come on, look at me."
He lifted my chin with his thumb. When my eyes met his soft brown ones he smiled and mumbled:"You'll dance with me tonight, im telling you."
I laughed a little, of course I would dance with this guy. He's a god on the dance floor and I could learn a lot from him.
„Oyy guys." I immediately stepped back and turned around.
„Oh y/n lookin good!" Omar cheered and came down to us.
„Thanks." I smiled and then sat onto the couch with my phone in my hands.
„Alright I'm done." I heard Arón's voice coming from the stairs.
Fuck he looked good. Itzan looked hot, yeah, but Arón's outfit gave me chills everywhere.
„Wow." i whispered and looked at him.
Apparently I said it louder than i thought because Omar started making kissing noises again and Arón looked down slightly embarrassed.
„Chicos y Chica, estamos aquí."
Alvaro and Miguel ran downstairs looking good as well.
„Alright lets hit the party."
Itzan grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, outside the house.
„Jeez Itz. Chill. Im coming."
He laughed with his funny dirty laugh and started running down the stairs to the beach with me on his arm.
„Guys hurry up!" he yelled back to the guys who were just laughing at his eager running.
When we all had arrived at the bar we already heard some good latin music playing and people dancing.
„See u later guys, y/n follow me."
-„Wait what?"
Before I understood what was going on, Itzan had pulled me with him to the bar.
„Have a drink and then we'll dance." I laughed and nodded. „Alright, but only one. I hate being drunk."
Itzan knew that I hated it so he understood and ordered me a Sex on the beach. (Classic him:D)
For himself he got a Bacardi-Cola and some shot I didnt even know.
„And go." We chugged our drinks really fast and once the glasses were empty, he pulled me (again) to the dance floor. He started moving his hips right away and I was feeling a little uncomfortable but after a while I got more and more fluent in my motions and at some point Itzan and I were grinding against each other (in a non-sexual way tho) and I was having a lot of fun.
Itzan was such an amazing dancer and guy but still i had feelings for Arón and i definitely wanted to dance with him after that. Itzan spun me around so his stomach was touching my back. I could feel his abs just right and his breath against my neck.
„Me gusta como tu mueves tus caderas baby." he whispered in my ear giving me chills.
I didnt understand what he said since I dont speak Spanish yet he turned me on somehow.
But no! I like Arón, not Itzan.
„Do you want to get out of here hun?"
I immediately turned around and looked at Itzan who was biting his lower lip.
„Itz I'm sorry... But i honestly like Arón a lot and uh I dont want to hurt you, you're amazing at dancing but dont hate me for saying that."
He smiled and answered against the loud music:"I knew you liked him. Even though you're beautiful as hell and I'd love to have u as well. But im fine, you go girl. Get your man." Once I turned around I saw Arón dancing with a girl.
And it was not just dancing, they were basically all over each other. He met my eyes, looked at me for a second and then didnt even hesitate and grabbed her face to kiss her.
My mouth fell open and I stared at them kissing for a while before something in my brain reacted without thinking.
I turned back to Itzan and pressed my lips onto his. He kissed back immediately and i put both of my hands on his half exposed chest.
Then I turned us over so I could watch Arón in the corner of my eye. He did the same. We were kissing other people but staring into each others souls like we're crazy.
But he started it. And i wouldnt be ready to make him win. I pulled away from Itzan, bit my lower lip and said:“Lets go."
He grinned, grabbed my hand again and we left the party. I turned around, meeting Arón's look once again. He looked confused.
Well i wasnt planning on sleeping with Itzan, i just wanted Arón to believe i would.
We walked away from the beach party until I spoke:"Can we please just go somewhere else? I need to get away for a little." He looked at you in confusion but then seemed to read your face and nodded. „Claro." You two then made your way back to the house where your plan was to turn on some music and have your own party.
The second you had entered your bedroom to get changed, you heard the front door open and a girls laugh downstairs. Immediately you walked out the room again and looked down to see Arón kissing that same girl from the party. No, no, no! You swallowed and thought about it for a while but then decided to destroy this. You knew he was playing. Quickly you made your way downstairs and coughed to make them both look at you. „Hey." you spoke with a fake pissed tone. „Baby who the fuck is she?"
Arón looked at you confused. „Baby?" the girl asked and looked between the two of you.
„Your girlfriend?"
You then walked towards her and spoke:"Yes, bitch get the hell outta here."
Before saying anything else she left the house, looking very pissed.
„What the fuck y/n?" Arón walked up to you and grabbed your arm. For a bit you just looked at him and then did something you couldnt believe alcohol had made you do. You grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. Just like this. He kissed back but seemed to hesitate a bit.
The kiss didnt last too long because he pulled away eventually.
„You bitch." he spoke and it shocked you. His face was straight and he stepped back. But he then started to grin and you calmed down again. He didnt actually mean it.
„You did this shit with Itzan to make me jealous hm?" He came closer to you, making you step backwards. „Hm?" he asked again
You swallowed. He was so fucking hot.
He grinned and pushed you further backwards until your back hit the kitchen counter.
„Speechless much hm y/n?"
His cockiness turned you on.
You just shook your head. „No."
Before you knew, his whiskey lips were back on yours, making you close your eyes.
He basically owned you that moment. And it was all you wanted.
After pulling away he grabbed your hand and wanted to pull you out the house. „What are you-?"
He laughed and leaned down to whisper in your ear:"We're going back to the beach but this time you'll be grindin that ass on me alright?"
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rhea314 · 4 years
hi! im just starting out making podfics and i wanted to ask if you have any advice? ps. I've seen ur podfics in nearly all of my fandoms and i really love ur work!
Thanks for asking! I’m not sure whether this will be helpful or not, but hopefully something in here is of use for you. I work on a Mac so I highly recommend garageband, if you already have a mac computer they have decent inbuilt microphones so you can just start recording with that. If you are working on windows or otherwise, I figure checking whether your inbuilt microphone gets quality you like is a good first step, because fancy microphones aren’t necessary/no additional purchasing. A lot of non-apple folks use Audacity for free audio editing software.
To get good sound it’s less about the microphone and more about the space. For recording I recommend somewhere you’d be comfortable sitting (or standing) for a few hours. Sound-dampened spaces are useful, so in my experience, being more in the center of a room than at a corner where you might have more echo/bounce-back off of walls. If you happened to have a walk-in closet you’re probably set for a nice recording nook. I’ve recorded in a tiny coat closet before too but the above note on comfort is the reason I don’t do that anymore. Even if the sound is good if I’m uncomfortable it’s not going to be fun/worth it. So try various places in your home and speak with a bit of projection and listen for how your voice sounds, does it echo, does it sound tinny/metalic? Is it a clear sound you’d be happy to record? You can also make a mini isolation box by lining a Tupperware storage container that will fit your laptop (or mic, or phone, some folks record on their phones) with foam. Blanket forts are also a possibility if you don’t have over-heating issues.
I’d say for starting out it’s nice to pick a short fic, but if there’s something long calling to you, go for it. Pick fics you love. The more you do, the more you’ll have an understanding of what’s good for your voice and your style of performance. Speaking of performance that can be whatever you want, as much emphasis and acting as you want, which could be none at all. There’s as many ways to perform/read a podfic as there are podficcers! Try new things and experiment until you find what works for you. I think starting with authors with blanket permission is also nice because then if you wind up hating your first recording you don’t feel obligated to share it if you don’t want to since you haven’t had to ask anyone for permission or tell anyone you’re doing it. Also that cuts out the potentially stressful step of having to ask permission (tho again if you are really excited to narrate a fic, ask the author, the best projects are ones you’re enthusiastic about and can’t wait to narrate, in my experience).
If you’re worried you won’t like your work, maybe don’t listen to it and just post it? This is kind of odd advice but it worked for me. At first I was super weirded out by hearing my own voice so I just didn’t listen to my own podfic, I posted it and went on to the next thing and learned from listening to other podficcers and gained confidence through the (small amount of) feedback I received. Do not expect much feedback, podfic gets way less engagement/response than basically any other medium in my experience. If you want to do it for the comments/kudos its possible you might burn out because there isn’t a lot of that. Record something because you’re making it for the joy of doing so (or you want to try and find out if that’s something you enjoy doing!).
Listening to other podficcers and mimicry is also a good thing to do, in my opinion. Obviously you want to find your own voice, but a useful way to do that can be trying things you enjoy when they’re done by other people. Whether that’s voices or cadence or how enunciated or smooth or breathy a performance is, listening to others and trying to figure out what they’re doing is a way to learn and then you can try stuff yourself and see if it works for you, or doesn’t. Maybe you’ll incorporate some of that, maybe you won’t.
Also expect your style to change, I think over time almost all podficcers change, we’re all refining little by little (also, getting older, you’re later works won’t sound like you’re early ones). So enjoy where you are as you are, if that’s just starting out, awesome. Done is better than perfect!
You can record a fic straight through snapping wherever you make a mistake and then repeating the missed line. Snapping or clicking or clapping will leave a distinct spike in the audio track that you can use when you go back for editing. Then on editing you can do a visual edit just going through and finding all those spikes and fix them without having to do a full listen. Then you can do a single listen through for any other mistakes. I personally hate editing so I don’t do that method, I edit as I go. When I make a mistake I stop recording, back up to before the mistake and then continue.
Editing as you go is easy on GarageBand but really frustrating/not easy to do on Audacity from my understanding. But if you have the software that will let you edit as you go, it’s nice because when you’re done you’re done and you never have to listen over it. Possibly because that’s my style I have a ‘done is better than perfect’ approach. I may have a fumble here or there, but in my experience as a podficcer and as a listener it’s unlikely to hinder my enjoyment of the podfic so if I’ve failed to catch a small mistake, oh well, it’s still good. So don’t be hard on yourself, have fun with recording. Also, have some water to hand bc hydration is nice, esp for long recording sessions.
…Hopefully something in here is useful for you.
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