#I've spent the last 2 days on this ripp
harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 2, Scene 4 of Twisted Veronaville: Love Flying Through the Air
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As Antonio was setting up his master plan, Kent had received a surprise visit from aliens, where he had spent the entire night.
Bianca: Welcome home, Kent! How are you feeling?
Ginger: Gavin, come on! We don't even know if he's pregnant!
Gabriella: I don't want another sibling!
Kent: I'm not pregnant! And even if they did impregnate me like they did to that guy from Strangetown, I'd just get an abortion! We don't have much room for any new siblings!
Gavin: True.
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Kent: Hello?
Aktu: Heydoyouwanttogooutonanotherdate?
Kent: Sorry?
Aktu: I said, um...
Ripp: You can do it, Aktu!
Ripp/Mercutio/Sita: Aktu! Aktu!
Tybalt: Guys, cut it out! He won't hear what he's saying if you're all chanting. Let the man speak!
Kent: (Is that Tybalt?...and was that Mercutio's voice, too?)
Aktu: ...Alright. So, someone gave me a coupon for two free date night meals at Monty's, so I was thinking we could turn it into an actual date. I had a great time with you despite us never getting food, so...I want to see what a perfect date with you would look like.
Kent: I'd love to, but I'm going to be scheduling a check-up and potentially an abortion today. Got abducted by aliens last night.
Aktu: Oh! Are you okay? The aliens can be pretty rough.
Kent: Yeah, I'm fine. It would've been cool if I could even remember anything...anyway, maybe we can do it tomorrow?
Aktu: Of course! I'll see you in a bit. Love you-er, see you later! Goodbye!
Kent: (Antonio definitely did something here).
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On the other side of the river, Miranda had snuck out of the house once more to pay a quick visit to the Montys. With Albany occupied with her siblings, sneaking out had become exponentially easier.
Miranda: (This is it, Miranda! You can finally ask him!)
Romeo: Mercutio's out hanging with some people at Monty's. But I'm here, if you want to talk!
Miranda: (I mean, I guess Romeo's a good option too. Whatever gives me a reason to leave the house more.) Okay! You want to go out on a date, Romeo?
Romeo: Like, what kind?
Miranda: Nothing serious. I just want to chill out and have fun, you know?
Romeo: Neither am I!...wow, we have so much in common! Where were you at the Summerdream party?
Miranda: At home looking after my siblings because Goneril was at work and Albany was out grocery shopping.
Romeo: That late at night?
Miranda: He specifically did it so I couldn't go.
Romeo: Damn, that's shitty.
Miranda: Yeah. But I don't have to worry about it anymore, since he can barely find me on most days. All he thinks about now is Pascal and I've been paying Desdemona money to distract him whenever I need to leave the house.
Romeo: Damn, girl! That's epic.
Miranda: Thanks! Anyway, you wanna like, make out or something?
Romeo: Sure!
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As we return to the other side of the river, Albany and Cornwall were discussing important affairs in the latter's newly installed hot tub.
Albany: And he hasn't contacted me since!
Cornwall: Hmph. You deserve better, Albany.
Albany: Thank you. All my children are mad at me as if it's my fault that he seduced me. The little devils are teaming up together to make MY life more miserable.
Pascal: Wow, okay. You beg for my love in my DMs and now you're talking trash about me to other people?
Albany: AH! Pascal! Where did you come from?
Cornwall: Wait, THIS is the guy you've been cheating on her with? Pascal! I thought what we had was special!
Albany: He's been seeing you too?
Pascal: I already told you I was cheating on my husband with you. You never thought to consider that maybe I was cheating on you with other people?
Albany: Pascal...
Pascal: I have a nice idea. Maybe you can help Cornwall cheat on his wife instead of using me...anyway, I'm going to go. If I'm lucky, this will be the last time we see each other.
Cornwall: ...He does have a point. What was it that we were planning to do after we got the money?
Albany: I don't think we ever got that fair.
Cornwall: ...Want to plan it together?
Albany: Eh, sure.
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And as the day began to close, Mercutio and Tybalt returned to the Monty house after their group hangout with Hermia, Puck and Ripp.
Tybalt: Thanks for letting me relax in your family's hot tub for a bit, Mercutio. Grandpa has been acting unreasonable. He acts as though I've been possessed just because I have friends now.
Mercutio: (Hermia said the same thing when it was just her, Puck and I.) Yeah, I get it.
Tybalt: And...sorry for beating you up all those times. Fighting you was often the highlight of my day, but I like these moments too.
Mercutio: Aw, don't get sappy with me. And it's all in the past, right? So let's just...not worry about it.
Mercutio: Trying to fight you was pretty fun, though. The idea of beating you one day did keep me going during tough times...but anyway, there was something I've been wanting to ask you, now that nobody else is around us...
Tybalt: Sure. Spit it out.
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Romeo: (...Bruh.)
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fishtchi · 7 years
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Idk it’s been too hot lately _(┐「ε:)_
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