iasacademy12 · 8 months
Decoding the Acronym: What is the Full Form of IAS?
In the labyrinth of civil services examinations and bureaucratic circles, the term "IAS" often takes center stage. Aspirants and curious minds alike are frequently left pondering, "What does IAS stand for?" In this blog post, we unravel the mystery behind this acronym, shedding light on the prestigious title that holds significant weight in the administrative landscape of India.
The Birth of IAS:
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. Established in 1858 during the British Raj, the Indian Civil Service (ICS) was the precursor to the IAS. The ICS was a coveted administrative service that recruited individuals to serve the British Crown in India. However, with the advent of independence in 1947, the ICS underwent a transformation, leading to the creation of the Indian Administrative Service.
What Does IAS Entail?
The Indian Administrative Service is an elite cadre of the All India Services, which also include the Indian Police Service (IPS) and the Indian Forest Service (IFS). IAS officers play a crucial role in the governance and administration of the country. They are responsible for implementing government policies, managing public resources, and ensuring the smooth functioning of various government departments at the district, state, and central levels.
The Rigorous Selection Process:
Becoming an IAS officer is no easy feat. The selection process is known for its rigor and competitiveness. Aspiring candidates must clear the Civil Services Examination (CSE), which is conducted annually by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The CSE comprises three stages: the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Personality Test (Interview). Only the most deserving candidates, who showcase a combination of knowledge, analytical skills, and leadership qualities, make it to the prestigious IAS cadre.
Roles and Responsibilities of IAS Officers:
IAS officers are entrusted with a myriad of responsibilities that span across various domains of public administration. From district collectors to secretaries in central government ministries, their roles evolve with each promotion. At the grassroots level, they work closely with the local community, addressing issues related to law and order, development projects, and social welfare schemes. As they climb the administrative ladder, IAS officers may find themselves crafting policies, managing budgets, and contributing to the nation's governance at a macro level.
The Power and Influence of IAS:
The IAS holds a unique position in the bureaucratic hierarchy, with officers often serving as the principal advisors to ministers and chief executives. Their decisions impact the lives of millions, making their role pivotal in shaping the socio-economic and political landscape of the country. IAS officers are expected to be impartial, efficient, and committed to the principles of good governance. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the full form of IAS—Indian Administrative Service—embodies a legacy of administrative excellence that dates back to the colonial era. Today, IAS officers are the torchbearers of governance, steering the nation towards progress and development. The journey to becoming an IAS officer is arduous, but the impact one can have on society and the nation makes it a pursuit worth undertaking. The acronym IAS is not just a title; it represents a commitment to public service and a pledge to contribute to the betterment of the nation.
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unique-123456 · 8 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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edward12345ht · 8 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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them12345 · 8 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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inadiian · 9 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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andugundu-12345 · 9 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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emilyjames14 · 10 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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katnisshawkeye · 4 months
Monna Lisa influencer
Visit Italy lo ha rifatto nuovamente.
Ha creato una nuova campagna di promozione del territorio italiano a livello turistico utilizzando la ragazza di un'opera d'arte di un artista italiano come sua personal influencer.
Per il 2023 la testimonial è stata Venere de La Nascita di Venere di Sandro Botticelli (@venereitalia23): la protagonista del quadro è stata presa è inserita nel contesto italiano, abbigliata in vestiti moderni, per la creazione di contenuti social.
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Per il 2024, invece, la testimonial scelta è monna* Lisa de La Gioconda di Leonardo da Vinci (@monnalisareal). Qui la comunicazione è stata effettuato creando una modella fittizia mediante l'intelligenza artificiale, che sta prendendo sempre più piede in tutti gli ambiti senza essere stata veramente normata.
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Il lancio della nuova campagna di promozione del territorio italiano dal punto di vista turistico di Visit Italy è avvenuto a New York, tramite il billboard a noleggio di Times Square, con lo slogan:
I'm coming back to Italy. — Monna Lisa
Ma se monna Lisa, che risiede al Louvre (Parigi, Francia), sta tornando in Italia, perché la sua campagna inizia da New York? Come ci si è ritrovata nella Grande Mela?
Tra i commenti del video del lancio, vi è quello di un utente che domanda:
Quindi, probabilmente, la prima fermata sarà quella della tua città natale, Firenze?**
Cosa che avrebbe molto senso, in una narrazione corretta. Ma lo storytelling non è il punto forte di questa campagna e, infatti, troviamo subito monna Lisa in una trattoria a Roma, davanti a un piatto di pasta alla carbonara accompagnato da un calice di vino bianco.
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Monna Lisa "esplora" un po' Roma, poi "vola" a Napoli e a Milano, e solo come quarta tappa si ritrova a Firenze.
Al di là dell'utilizzo dell'IA — conveniente solo per abbattere i costi d'ingaggio di una modella e/o attrice disposta interpretare monna Lisa in questa campagna e di trasferte della ragazza scelta e di anche solo una piccola troupe — e dell'assenza di un vero e proprio storytelling per raccontare l'Italia a chi vi pianifica il proprio soggiorno, i post proposti alla community di Instagram, ancora una volta, non raccontano nulla dell'Italia, preferendo invece optare per avvicinare il pubblico con i classici cliché a cui già i turisti sono abituati.
* Monna · /mòn·na/ · sostantivo femminile — Abbreviazione di madonna ‘signora’, titolo che nel basso Medioevo si usava premettere al nome; più tardi, e ancora oggi, può conferire un sapore scherzoso di fiaba.
** Tradotto dall'inglese, So probably the first stop should be by your hometown Florence?
Seguimi anche su Instagram e Facebook!
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readymades2002 · 5 months
good LORD that was the worst week ive had at work yet.
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wisdomfish · 1 year
For the promoters of sexual immorality, this enemy—orthodoxy—must be overcome so individual desire can reign more fully.
Joe Carter
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unique-123456 · 9 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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edward12345ht · 9 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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petermorwood · 6 months
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Flying Officer B.P. “Squirrel” Nutkin of 266 Squadron RAF, seen here in a Hawker Hurricane Mk I flown by 266 during the Fall of France.
As the British Expeditionary Force were driven back by Guderian’s Blitzkrieg, 266 was badly mauled while keeping Luftwaffe bombers away from the Dunkirk beaches, losing enough Hurricanes that it re-equipped with the Supermarine Spifire Mk Ia just in time for the Battle of Britain.
Nutkin, resisting what was already becoming known as "Spitfire Snobbery", was one of the last 266 Squadron pilots to convert from his Hurricane. This snapshot, therefore, must have been taken at some time in mid-June 1940, between the end of Operation Dynamo on 4th June and the official start of the Battle of Britain on 10th July.
It was during the BEF’s final withdrawal from Dunkirk that Flying Officer Nutkin, already with two kills to his credit, made ace in an afternoon and won his first DFC.
He was section leader of Red Section - comprising himself, Pilot Officer Tom E. Brock and Pilot Officer J.R.M.E. Fisher - providing top cover for the evacuation, when on 2nd June 1940 they found themselves up-sun from a raid directed against several of the “Little Ships” (civilian vessels with volunteer crews).
Red Section executed a perfect “bounce” that caught the enemy completely off guard, six Luftwaffe aircraft were shot down, and Nutkin personally accounted for two Junkers Ju.87-B Stuka dive-bombers as well as one Messerschmitt Bf.109-E4 from their escort.
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(Representative images, not actual footage)
“Squirrel” Nutkin finished his RAF service in 1946 with the rank of Wing Commander. It’s widely believed he was promoted no higher after saying “Nuts!” to Air Vice-Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory, even though this turned out not to have been an insult, merely a misheard comment about which bar snacks were running short in the Officers' Mess.
Regardless of explanation, Leigh-Mallory - always notoriously pompous about his own image and reputation - made a disparaging entry in Nutkin’s file and refused to amend it. His later death in an accident meant the unwarranted black mark was never deleted.
This didn't concern post-war fledgling new airline BEA (British European Airways), and Nutkin joined them directly he left the Air Force…
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…going on to become one of their senior captains before transferring to Transatlantic service with BOAC (British Overseas Airways Corporation).
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During a layover in New York he met and later married Cicely van Gopher of the New Hampshire van Gophers, and on retirement from flying made a fortune in forestry.
“Some people can’t see the wood for the trees, but for some reason I'm quite good at both.”
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inadiian · 9 months
Bihar: IAS Officer Deepak Anand Promoted To Special Secretary
IAS officer Deepak Anand has been promoted to the post of Special Secretary. He is currently serving as Director,Food and Consumer Protection Department.
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darcytaylor · 1 month
So there are things I give Luke leeway on and some I don't. For the record, I'm not a shipper and ia that Deuxmoi got a hate boner for L & N and used them to prove a point. I don't blame him if he didn't quite grasp the magnitude of the fame they were about to be thrust into, but I think L gets into a bit of a bubble both when he is and isn't working and loses perspective of everything -- and everyone -- else in his life. He can't control what crazy fans do and what narratives they weave in their heads, every fandom has them, but he can choose how to respond to things. He can set boundaries, especially around the people he claims to care about, because there's a real human and professional cost to just letting the abuse go unchecked.
He's biggest lapse in judgment has been not picking a lane and sticking with it. We have no idea what advice or instructions he and Nic were given about the promo tour, but based on Corey and India's press as well as L's own previous openness with J, I don't believe they would've been told to pretend to be single. At any point in time, even when pressed in an interview, he could've just said that he prefers to keep his private life private. Yet even amidst strong evidence to the contrary, articles came out specifically painting him as single. This could only have had a personal or professional agenda behind it, as nothing else makes sense. What could've possibly been the benefit of it? Beats me. But the cost to the people in his life has no doubt been severe. It was a huge, huge misstep to let A be seen and not heard, to sneak her into events and play Guess Whose Limb on her Instagram and to try and have his cake and eat it too. If the public doesn't have a good sense of her, they can project all sorts of negative traits onto her simply because they don't have any frame of reference except her sparse social media presence. And she's in a profession where she has to promote herself, so going private on socials isn't exactly an option for her, so trolls will take advantage of that.
The bottom line is, he's been a shit boyfriend, even if through sheer obliviousness. One quick story of "hey, Nic and I aren't together, please respect our privacy, yadda yadda yadda" would've sufficed. But he's prioritized his own comfort and buried his head in the sand, waiting for it to blow over. Is not losing fickle fans more important to him than not losing the people in his life? This is not how a grown man should behave, especially not towards those he claims to care about. I would've given him the boot a long time ago, but then again, I'm not 23.
You make some very good points and I agree with most, if not all of them.
I am sure Luke is having a hard time navigating fame (it has to be challenging and I am grateful I never have to do that, so I can sympathize with Luke). I also think it is understandable that someone may struggle with the balance between public and private life. The rapid change in visibility I'm sure is overwhelming, and not everyone handles it gracefully (obviously Luke is not very graceful in this regard).
But I think it's understandable to expect some level of maturity and responsibility, and it does seem like sometimes Luke doesn't have that. I think it can be frustrating because Luke has a team around him and also a lot of people in his life who are also in the spotlight and could/would help him.
I agree when you said "I think L gets into a bit of a bubble both when he is and isn't working and loses perspective". I can definitely see that and I think it's boundaries that he hasn't quite figured out with the people in his private life.
I also agree that it is also important to recognize the potential fallout for those close to celebrities. As you pointed out, the people in their lives can face a lot of negativity. Supporting loved ones through this is essential, and looking at it from the outside there seems to be some kind of mismanagement in all of that.
There are certainly areas where Luke could have handled things better (looking at it from the outside), especially in terms of setting boundaries and managing public perceptions. But since we don't know all of the facts, it's hard to say exactly what he could have changed to make it better. Who knows what is said from the inside.
We can all just hope that he is learning and trying to adapt to all of it. Hopefully, he will take these experiences and grow from them. Only time will tell because I know that these types of things take time.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
"The idea of mothering and procreation morphed into Gorky’s fascination with prisoner transformation and perekovka. The labor camp would be the mother of a new working class. Both god-building and the maternal impulse dovetailed with the author’s largest philosophical and intellectual preoccupation: human fashioning. Whether it was the literal, biological creation of the human by the maternal womb or the transformation afforded by a personal journey or individual greatness, Gorky remained intrigued by the individual’s ability for creation, journey, and self-discovery. Maintaining that humans were inherently malleable and eternally improvable, he believed in the potential for endless refinement through diligent effort.
Gorky’s special relationship to the Belomor project allows for an understanding of his career as a symbolic representation of the ideals promoted at the camp. Gorky was a staunch enthusiast of prisoner labor and even predicted the possibility of a waterway similar to Belomor in his early works; in the April 1917 issue of his journal New Life (Novaia zhizn’) he writes
Imagine, for example, that in the interest of the development of industry, we build the Riga-Kherson canal to connect the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea […] and so instead of sending a million people to their deaths, we send a part of them to work on what is necessary for the country and its people.
Gorky’s condoning of Gulag camps such as Solovki and Belomor seems paradoxical to many scholars in light of his humanitarian endeavors, and some speculate either that Gorky was ignorant of the full extent of Stalin’s butchery or that he was aware, but was in a position that necessitated acquiescence to safeguard his well-being. When viewed in the context of his philosophical outlook on literature and labor, however, his support of prison camps seems not like an aberration but rather a natural extension of his belief in violent re-birth, a belief related to Marxist-Leninist ideology and the concept of god-building. Gorky sees people and language alike in the framework of craftsmanship. Perhaps his mistake was not so much his general support of Gulag projects, but his belief that human flesh can be formed like words on a page or cement in a factory. Gorky, after all, cared more about the craft than people themselves; in his 1928 essay “On How I Learned to Write” (O tom, kak ia uchilsia pisat’), he claimed that “the history of human labor and creation is far more interesting and meaningful than the history of mankind.” Gorky was key to the canal project because his philosophical interests exemplify the very core of Belomor: the violent transformation of people through creative acts.
Technology’s magic demonstrated humans’ usurpation of God in a tangible way, with the ever-widening capacity to harness and transform the natural environment showcasing the potential of man-made machines. Soviet pilots were imagined as literal incarnations of the New Man, and the massive expansion of the Soviet aviation industry in the mid 1920s provided some of the most concrete evidence of human superiority over the divine. Short voyages known as “air baptisms” (vozdushnye kreshcheniia) supposedly eradicated peasants’ belief in God while highlighting the majesty of Red aviation. In such “agit-flights,” pilots would take Orthodox believers into the skies and show them that they held no celestial beings. Those who participated in the flights would narrate their experiences to neighboring villagers, describing “what lies beyond the darkened clouds.” This phrase served as the title of a 1925 essay by Viktor Shklovskii in which a village elder embarks upon a conversional agit-flight that he later recounts to his fellow peasants. Six years later, Shklovskii participated in the writers’ collective that coauthored the now infamous monograph History of the Construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, in which a different, often deadly, type of technological program offered the promise of conversion. In both instances, darkness will be overcome by the enlightening potential of socialist rationalism: aviation will liberate the peasants from their ignorant beliefs, just as labor will supposedly bring the Belomor prisoners to the light of Soviet ideology. Such endeavors occurred before the backdrop of a larger civilizing project, since both the rural reaches of peasant villages and the wild expanses of untouched Karelia necessitated modernization.
Yet could such projects ever be completed? Did the New Man really exist, and could his creation ever be achieved? The messianic vision of Soviet socialism necessitated that paradise lie always just out of reach.
Similarly, Nietzsche posits the development into the Übermensch as a perennially elusive goal; like the Faustian concept of striving, the individual is forever trying to perfect oneself without necessarily ever achieving perfection. This constant yearning renders the present as the future, as the purpose of today is necessarily the reward of tomorrow. In the Soviet Union, the regime assured people that the difficulties they endured were required in order to reach the svetloe budushchee (radiant future), a utopia found at the end of an interminable road. In the absence of an end result or final destination, the voyage itself becomes the site of cultural exploration."
- Julie Draskoczy, Belomor: Criminality and Creativity in Stalin’s Gulag. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2014. p 30-32
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