FINALLY: Number One!!
1. I learned different ways of leading a team such as supervisor, network facilitator, helpful participant, and external coach.
There are different ways in which people can choose to lead and sometimes the best leader is a combination of many leadership types. A supervisor is used to act as the “head” of the team. This individual leads a fairly inexperienced team in order to help them acquire more knowledge early on. A network facilitator serves as a network hub for a certain team where members font know each other too well. A participant acts mostly as a participant and is useful when members have a high level of experience and they use their more relaxed role to empower others. Lastly, an external coach serves as an external support for a team and monitors them so that they can meet their goals and vision on their own terms.
This concept is important to me because it really changed how I adapt my leadership methods to different groups. Each of these styles works for different types of teams and so learning this was very valuable to my success as a leader. I had never thought of this concept before and it never occurred to me to be more of a participant than a leader.
This lesson has helped me to change my leadership style to accommodate different teams. This lesson opened my eyes to how diverse a team may be. It is not always straight forward in terms of leading a group, sometimes it requires more critical thinking and changing leadership styles in order to be effective.
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