#IDK I just this would be so cool I think. Microtelepathy strings of sensations for the words...
salmonidos · 9 months
Technically since Gallifreyans are a telepathic species, their language should have telepathic elements right? Telepathy doesn't work the same way as spoken language, so when talking about telepathic communication in a spoken or written way, there'd probably be a lot of language that would be hard for us humans to understand. Then... verb tenses and time-travel plus fixed and non-fixed points, things that never happened but they did. And personal pronouns and incarnations.
I also wonder if there'd be words derived of Rassilon with so many Things Of Rassilon. Like perhaps a shorter word that just means Of Rassilon, or a specific sound. Talking of sounds, perhaps there's two sounds that sound the same to a non-telepathic species but they have a telepathic element and you get /a/ (feels like lavender) and /a/ (feels like burning inside a volcano) ?? Microtelepathy-
Yeah it'd be a whole mess. Imagine studying that. You thought Spanish verb tenses and gendered words were hard? French sounds?? yeah well
In fact I'm more inclined to think the funny circles we see in the series aren't phonetically equivalent to words but telepathically equivalent to concepts. I do love having the circular phonetic gallifreyan stuff around but I don't think it'd be phonetic in their universe at all.
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