#IDK WHYY its so funny to me...look at this fucking Dumbass being a Dumbass but then wow the dumbass got self aware and now he isnt that muc
voids-cave · 1 year
Going absolutely insane please I cannot be the only one that finds Leon being sexist in RE4 to be HYSTERICAL, please please tell me someone else finds this SO fucking funny because God, he really IS That pathetic.
Someone WROTE that line thinking this is such a Cool and Edgy thing to say that will make Leon look soooo cool 😭
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Free Writing
I went out on saturday and had a blast. I was wild, free and enjoyigng all the attention i was getting. I felt like i was shining and it felt really good. I met a lot of people and though i was still in control of myself I let people express their drunk seleves. I learned a long while back that making connections while people are drunk willl lead to nothing lol. People are free when they are drunk but go back to being closed off. i guess I should say they go back to being their sun signs/risings more so then their moon signs. People projected so much onto me it was kind of funny. I actually enjoy being drunk and in that frame of mind ebcause people re free and i can sit back and observe their interactions. It was crazy though. I always walk away from going out with an interesting take on people and myself. So i met this guy while out and apparently he’s a well known artists around here. i was interested to know that he actually was who he siaid he was. We ended up going back to his place and I ended up sleeping with him. not gonna lie it was good. I woke up at his palce the enxt morning  and ended up fuckig and sucking him more. It felt so good. like I forgot it was lilith season and my body is lie fucking crying out for sex it scars me a litle. Because I feel like people can sense it so i have to be careful about how I go out and who i ama round. lilith really don’t play T_T magic mike even said that those who are trying to b celebate won’t be able to escape it and here i am fucking people T_T it was okay though. I didn’t beat myself up over it. I do keep my sexuality contained like 99% of the time to avoid problems so once in a while letting her come out to play is good for me. I still need more but I have to pace myself. I met so many people when i went out and made an interesting connection. I remeber thinkign to myself ‘is this what i manifested?’. this partying scene has put me in a very unique and new environment and I’m not sure if i should go through it or retreat back. See i was asked if I would strip. And at first i was like nooo wtf nahhh I don’t want that shit following me when i go on to do my own shit but as I sat their thinking about it i realized that this matrix and system has a cheat code that does have its dangers but the rewards may outweigh the consequence. It’s not illegal and i would be able to pay for my schooling and actually support people around me. one of the things i wanted to doa s soona s I made a lot of money was to do a lot of anonymous donations to things. Like i was thinking about the money i could make and what i could do once i got it. like i want to open up a school for children where I give them a very good educationa nd produce amazing students who will innnovate and save mama africa. I want to buy and renovate old abandoned houses and give it back to the hood. i want my people from around the world to be safe and dreamign again. this system has really fucked everyon up. the diaspora is healing but it is not healing fast enough. i also want to set up a safe house for when shit hits the fan. i want to have it laoded with weapons, seeds, survivial equipment and information to help whoever gets to it. i want to ensure all my siblings know whwre it is so that they can go there if i am not around when things get bad. I have all these plans and money is singlehadnedly the thign holding me back. I have about 6 years to make things happen and to secure myself so i feel like if i play the game smart, get in, make my money, invest in things, create multiple streams of income, keep my mouth shut and focus I can do this safely and queitly. I still have tot hink about it mroe though. i want to talk to nampende about it too because I want her opinion. ughhh this has put me at a crossroad. anyways I have never been told i was beautiful by so many people. it was kind of enw to me but i took the compliemnts nicely and felt gracious with it. though i hate when people project jealousy onto me with complients thata re veield lol. i try to make other people shine too though cause I want eevryon to feel great lol i felt like such a hype man. One thing that was crazy to me though was i was drunk right and didnt feel good at this guys place. but i was also really horny and wanted to fuck but like i didn’t feel good so my dumbass was calling out for jesus??????????????????????????????????????? I’m a little upset with myself for wanting him around me when i felt not good and like thats a testimony to my attachment to him. We’ve been doign well as friends all we do is watch dbz abridged togetehr, make jokes, he annoys me with his fucking impressions which are like spot on like errily close. anyays we being big ass nerds and shit and its kind of cute like he’s being so fucking cute and shit and i’m a lil suspsicious  because i’m trying to understand why he’s changed. He;s being really sweet to me and nice and wants my attention and shit ooooh wait i remember now. its caused i told him i only missed him 7/10 when he asked and he was a bit sad (or fake sad cause this boy gets fake mad bout everything cause he a troll lmao). maybe he tryna chnage that make me like him more idk i’m treating him like a friend and keeping a bit of distance but like he’s getting me to open upp more and i’m like aaahhh whyy??? let me be distant pls lmao. he got something up his sleeve lol or it could be me just being apranoid and not trusting him which is highly probable. I sometimes fall back  inot my ‘how could anyone like me’ mindframe which is a reflection of  me at a low sense of self worth. I wonder what purpose the univerese is arranging my life for. I find it strange just how i meet so many prominent people, get into the sreas I wanna get into and like just get to expand my pool of people i know. I have been looking into my ascendent and yep seems about right with my leo ascendent and sag sun. recently i have been feeling down and disconnected with my spiritual self. I felt weighted down by something and i think its like a warning for something dk. or maybe things are changing. i noticed that when i start feling down it usually means something new is going to happen. i constantly ask for change and refinment from pluto and since he odoes take forever to make his cycle i may not feel the changes for a bit. i just ughh idk i’m at a crossroads again and i have to be careful with the choices I make. I will meditae on it, figure out where i need to go and then see if i can manifest it. I mean i managed to manifest allthese connections all this shit like wow it amazes me. the luck of the sag and leo is crazy. i want to spread it to everyone i know. i just want happiness, money, beauty and a peaceful world where i can help people heal. eventually i want to have my clinic some palce nice and sunny where i can help people heal. if i cana chieve thee goals i will be happy. anyways love myself the world and everyone.
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