yaekiss · 11 months
casually turns on anon even if we’re mutuals because im. small and shy.
so um. would you recommend DoL??? I’ve been hearing about it more and more but I can’t seem to find anything about the gameplay or where to play it so I’m curious!!
,,. kisses u bye bye
HELLO ANON MUTUAL!! (totally not trying to guess who u r rn...) I rambled a bit too much (and the game is nsfw to begin with) so it'll be under the cut!!
Would I recommend DoL? I've only been playing it for 2 days so far (thank u for the relentless DoL posting andi, you've opened my eyes 2 sydney <3) LMAO so I'm probably not the most reliable source but I think if you're into darker content (i.e. noncon, kidnapping, literally turning into a cowperson), yeah go for it! There's also a setting to set the game to a softer mode !
Gameplay-wise, I guess the best way to sum up what I've been doing is balancing the different effects of the actions your playable character carries out? (i.e. do you want to confront someone and risk an unsavory situation or ignore it and add stress to your character?)
But it's been fun figuring out what choices help progress the relationship between you and your love interest! And if you're ever stuck somewhere too miserable, there's always previous game saves to help you retract your choices (idc if I have 50 saves rn, I'm determined 2 see through my pure Sydney route!!!!)
UHH ANYWAYS hopefully my rambles made sense/helped a lil LMFAO,,, other more experienced DoL players if you're seeing this...... feel free to add in info in the replies ILHKDLSLA
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bowietea · 1 year
(Sorry that I keep talking about oc x canon stuff, it will happen again 😔)
Got another idea involving Bowie and Varre involving the Ainsel River, where knowing it's kinda impossible to hit but nice to think about.
But what I'm thinking is just more emotional moments of them two but down in Ainsel River by the waterfalls, both naked in the water and showing even more scares they both got. Bowie explaining what little memories she has before dying and resurrecting to the Lands Between. And if possible would have Varre feel like he's safe enough to tell Bowie his backstory before his current situation with Mohg n everything. For that as well I'll have to think about his Backstory, but in all honestly it's just a nice thing for me to think about.
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(Aka I just Really love this spot in the game)
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chronichlesofnillory · 7 months
I'm sorry, but what does "reminder for ai" means? Will you feed my art to ai? Because I don't allow that, sorry ^^;
Ai is short for Ainsel. my "reminders for ai" tag is a tag I created so when I'm sad/depressed/feeling hopeless I can go back to those posts and maybe feel a bit better. I don't support AI art at all and even have the AI art tag blocked on my page. If you're worried your art might be used for AI training there are programs you can use that apply filters that trick any programs trying to use your work. Look into "nightshade AI poison" if you're curious.
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amatres · 1 year
tagged by @marmeegle thank you! sorry for taking so long, i'm bad at choosing words lol
This is for Ainsel, the changeling who's impersonating Gwynnever in one of my dnd games.
5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!) -Uncanny -Thin -Unfinished -Alien -Sharp
Who inspired your OC? (can be your mum to a very famous fungi) The name is one I've used for a few OCs, and it comes from an old folk story of a child pulling a 'nobody' from the odyssey and tricking a fae creature with the false name 'Ainsel' or 'Mine own self'. When the fae child gets upset at the human child they start throwing a tantrum, and their mother asks who they're upset at. The fae screams 'Ainsel/My own self' and so their mother chides them and drags them away, the human child unharmed. I like using the name for many reasons, but for this Ainsel it was because I thought naming a changeling 'Ainsel' to be very funny. As for the inspiration of the character concept, it's one I've had for years after watching High Roller's Aerois series. One of the characters is accused of not being who he says he is and, as a joke, the player goes 'you're right and i drop my changeling form' before responding seriously. I thought taking that idea in a serious direction was interesting, so they exist as they are now!
Give me a song to define your OC (I will listen to it to enter in your WIP mood!) I'll give two since, one is very cliche but I still think fits them lol
-Bury a friend, by Bily Eilish "What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?"
-Sarah, by Kate Miller-Heidke "Oh Sarah, I didn't mean to let you down But you left me on my own, Sarah Why didn't you scream? Why didn't you shout?
If I met your OC on the street, how would they greet me? In disguise, they'd greet you warmly and probably ask you a lot of questions. If they are as themself… it depends on the context. The last time that happened to them, they booked it and thought they were going to die. So 🤷‍ who's to say, probably won't be as friendly tho.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why? Mine? Maybe, they're friendly enough and dense enough not to pick up social cues. We don't really hold a lot of interests tho, so it'd be a more friendly acquaintance than anything.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC.
Benign Imposter
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oh hi, anon here who sent in that ask. It must have gotten eaten up? I'm sorry my dude. Um basically from what I remember I just rambled on about the characters? Like the whole twist about Hazel... like I could kinda see it coming but it didn't stop me screaming when it as revealed!!! And her whole relationship with her brother whose name now escapes me was like. Beautiful 1/?
Ben!!! That was his name. Anyway I loved their relationship with Hazel being the sort of warrior and him being the musician very cool. asshdlkh sorry I was much more articulate in the other ask. But yeah omg I loved that so much the way they cared for each other. And like kudos to the author the way she handled everything from the relationships towards the characters and magic stuff 2/?
AND JACK!!! I though Jack was very cool liked him a lot and Severin! The Fae prince. Also a super cool character I liked a lot!! Anyway I don't remember a lot but like I really loved that book a lot. Like at that point of time I was in a reading rut so I just needed to read anything and picked up this book sort of meh like. But! I loved it a lot! The way it was written made me yearn to be 3/?
walking down a trodden path in the deepest part of the forest with just the barest glint of sunlight and magic in the air. Hehe sorry for being hella awkward the courage I found when I first sent in those asks has deserted me >.
GOD, The Darkest Part of the Forest is such a good book, I’m so with you on this whole ramble.  All my thoughts on this book at this moment are kind of a disjointed collection of my inner brain goblin yelling and banging its fists on the anchor desk like “SEVERIN AND BEN: FUCKED UP AND G O O D!!!  HAZEL: SCARY AND BEAUTIFUL AND MURDEROUS AND THE CHAMPION OF THE FAERIE COURT!!!!  JACK: L O V E!!!!!”  Someday I’ll have more cogent things to say but FUCK I love that book so much!!!!
I should reread the book to refresh my memory and write a fic called “My Ainsel” about Jack and his “twin” and what it’s like to grow up like that, or possibly a fic titled "spirits of another sort” about Severin and the hungry greedy way he loves his musician, and about how he and Ben lie in bed and he traces his fingers down Ben’s spine and asks nightly if Ben will let him steal him away yet, or maybe a fic about Jack and Hazel and what a disaster it is to fall in love with the champion of a faerie king even if you’re a faerie/what a disaster it is to fall in love with a faerie even if you’re a champion called “some prey you had worn.”
O R oh wow, maybe a fic wherein Hazel is stolen away entirely when she and Ben are kids and it becomes common knowledge that the Hunt riding through the town once a year has a local girl riding and laughing in the lead like a wild thing, and then Jack becomes friends with Ben and carefully Doesn’t Lie his way into finding out how to hypothetically steal someone back from the Hunt.  And Ben stands in a crossroads with his fiddle and plays and plays until the Hunt comes to a halt all around him and his fingers bleed and Jack drags Hazel down from her white horse and it’s A MESS.  I would work Severin in there somewhere and he and Ben would fall in love, and Jack would fall in love with Hazel from a distance and then be dismayed when it turns out that actually she really is that amazing, and I could call it “so fair and full of flesh.”  
I have a lot of fucking feelings about this faerie bullshit okay.
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shuttershocky · 5 years
I'm sorry for not elaborating on the ainsel joke myself/earlier but since you've seen that post now do you think something like that would be an appropriate situation to utilize psuedo servants?
It sounds weird, but exactly the right kind of weird for FGO.
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yaekiss · 10 months
ive never. caramelized onions how do i join
join??? do u want me to caramelise you???? (cannibalism/gore(?), i'm caramelising u utc)
do you want me to slice through you so gingerly and attentively?? would you like me to butter the bottom of the pan and gently put you in, making sure the fire isn't to hot or else you won't cook according to plan??? what if I kept a close eye on you during the whole cook time, stirring once in a while and turning you so that all your sides are getting equal contact with the heat? perhaps I'll season you to my liking, maybe if you piped up I'll throw in a dash of your favourite flavour as a last gift??
don't worry, I'm sure you'll turn out delicious ! ♡
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amatres · 1 year
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
i was tagged by @flashhwing, thank you, but i also have to admit that i don't actually write! so instead, i'll share something i doodled and hope that works haha
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it's of gwynn and ainsel! i was just drawing it for myself so it's not polished or had any refs, but it's cute i think! again, thank you for tagging me, i appreciate it! i'm sorry i don't write lol, but feel free to still tag me in this stuff i can just post doodles i make lol
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