cycle-hit · 6 months
(Previous anon) nodding in agreement in general, i just still struggle to picture exactly what ‘flipping the hourglass’ involves on its own yknow? Rei exposes muu’s cycle of abandoning her friends when they stop being useful, but the way i looked at it, i always thought it wouldve been clear upfront to muu’s friends what kind of person she is? i have difficulty fully getting that aspect that her friends betrayed her out of sudden mistrust born from rei exposing muu’s toxic behavior, when most of what we’ve seen of muu’s friends, they’ve been involved in bullying rei as well- i was assuming theyve already witnessed muu’s toxicity and betrayal against her friends. it confused me how rei suddenly would have flipped the hourglass and suddenly ‘exposed’ that when i thought muu’s friends were already aware of that behaviour and fine with it. which is why i feel like another reason would’ve been a large factor, such as muu being outed for being a lesbian. But if you have an explanation for the idea of why muu’s friends would turn against her for her arrogance and bullying of others even though they seemingly already knew about it, id be glad to read — i love muu and maybe its the Autism of me not understanding the kind of social behavior depicted, but i really do struggle to understand it why they were seemingly fine with her behaviour until rei somehow confronted them about it and ‘exposed’ it? does this make sense..
it makes sense!
the thing about muu's friends is that they werent as "close" as muu thinks they were! i think muu sort of says it herself somewhere but i dont remember where- but its very likely the only reason they "clung" to her is because muu is rich, muu gave them things.
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whatever emotional attachment muu had to them wasn't reciprocated. her being their "queen" was probably at least slightly just in muu's own head.
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theres also an interesting theory out there that the reason they ditched muu so fast could be because muu isnt ACTUALLY rich, and that shes just pretending to be. once she lost that symbol of status and her friends realised that the things she gave to them weren't actually of value, they lost interest in her. i think that theory's rly fun! but i see too much of a spoiled rich girl in muu to see that 100%. its an interesting one tho and would definitely explain some things i state here even more so! anyways.
its entirely possible that muu's "friends" weren't even aware of the cycle/behaviours muu was committed to. people get stuck with toxic people all the time and dont "notice". i think that when rei flipped the hourglass they became aware of how easily muu could throw them aside- which means they'd no longer be benefiting from muu's wealth. theyre just "using" muu, like muu "uses" haruka and those she shattered for not being able to "feed" her. she has no actual worth to her "friends" beyond giving them material objects. turning on muu so quickly wouldve been easy to them.
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i assume the three girls we see her with in INMF in the bug zone dancing over the shattered pieces are the same as the girls we see in reality right afterwards- which means if muu had ever "shattered" them, she'd realise that they're "fake" as well.
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if they WERE aware of muu's cycle/toxicity, they were "fine" with muu's behaviour because they were profiting off her- or were even being willfully ignorant of her actions.
theres more stuff too related to how muu isnt as much of a "queen" as she thinks she is, but my brains a little fried. heres it with not a lot of coherency
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the girls circling muu in after pain like they do in the bug zone in INMF, kotoko describing muu as being in a "sorry round-robin of who's queen" in deep cover
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did they all want to be "queen"? was everyones turn of getting bullied inevitable but rei made muu's turn arrive faster? was muu really "controlling" anyone with her "gentle sting"? es even says she doesnt SAY anything, but rather its just her "presence" that makes her surroundings change to suit her. muu's role in being "queen" is probably much more exaggerated in INMF than it was in reality.
tl:dr muu's friends suck and didnt actually care about her that much and were likely just sticking around muu for her wealth. so turning on her was easy bc there wasnt any attachment to her in the first place. its possible they werent aware of how toxic her behaviour was, or were willfully ignorant of it bc muu gave them material wealth.
anyways. i hope this helps?? a bit?? if muu IS canonically gay though that definitely wouldve been another nail in the coffin for her
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