#ILU and gg with tiring work things again recently!! i am just cheering for you in the bg with some glow sticks if you squint! [trips]
mathcs · 11 months
Marieeeeeee! Happy, happy birthday! \(^▽^)/
While I've mentioned this before, but holy moly, sometimes I get so surprised at how small the world can be; of all instances that we can meet again thanks to the littlest of clues. Nothing like vibing yet again with a dear friend after so long!
Just like how we started off back (almost) a decade ago with our muses at the time, hardly anything changed with our ooc dynamic. This time though, brains went ultra instinct with the outpouring of ideas that led to an entire JLCU (Jude Law Cinematique Universe) that started with Xenia, Bad End, 2.5, Bad End Bureau Boys or constalelations, to having its own AU thru our current brainrot of MSX2G.
Of course, time doesn't account with how much friends and rp partners vibe, but even if we've been doing our own thing for YEARS, we just went all out as if time didn't pass at all! Not to mention I love Xillia and Jude so much, when I haven't even played the games at all (yet). That's one of my favorite things about writing and plotting in general!
Anyway, wow. I am so thankful for just having met you, even all those years ago (Jude Law quote moment [cries HAHA]); during quite the crucial turning point in life (uni), and making it super fun. And now, I've been working for a while, adulting or whatever, but living the life, and having fun in writing/plotting thanks to our adventures together. Thank you for being an awesome and supportive friend in general, not just as a fantastique writing partner.
Cheers to your day! I love you so so very much, and again, happiest of birthdays, Marie!!!
SHAIIIIIIIII THANK YOU SO MUCH T_T please, this is so heartfelt... you didn't have to but you did, and i'm so happy [falls over from finally answering this after reading it a lot] HERE WE GO 💖💖✨✨
we really did randomly run into each other again in the vast sea that is dumblr rp 2k23. whenever i remember that i'm also like, how on earth :judesurprisedpikachuface:? that's no small feat... just straight up crazy and amazing LMAOO gotta thank fate and tales of xillrise for this, aside from us just doing our thing. sometime after making jude, i just remember looking for more blogs, coming across yours, liking what i saw, reading your rules and pages like "why does the tone of everything here sound so familiar- wait, 'SHAI'? IS THAT GON ON THE ROSTER?! HOLD THE FUCKIGN PHONE THIS CAN ONLY MEAN ONE THING-" i really had to do a triple take, because the realization hit me so hard that i was actually like "please, i hope i'm not just seeing what i want to see-" 🤣🤣 but holy crap, it was you!! and just the relief/joy i felt after that (not an au version, inb4 jude law different timeline meme jk)
and yea more than a decade since the earlier uni days, it's so wild how it's been that long T_T i always say i should've come back earlier- i wish that i did and it's something i feel sorry for, but in the end i'm just glad i decided to do so- and especially how we've managed to pick things back up again, just how we were before, almost like time doesn't mean anything. you're so right about that. some things never change, you know? (jude law quote moment 2 [CRIES MORE LMAOO])
so thank you for everything too! you're truly a great friend on top of also being a fantastique writing partner, and i really couldn't ask for more. i love you too!! i'm so glad we met and i'm so grateful for now. bonus result: it's been a hell of fun time! this hype train just keeps on going >) and similarly, i'm not even done arise but i love law so much, i did even before i started playing because of how you write him/i can feel how much he means to you. and what we've done with him and jude- their relationship and interactions were so natural to begin with, and at this point, we already know it's writing itself in the best ways :''') [muffled i'd catch a grenade for you meme.mp3 in the bg]
and the JLCU (Jude Law Cinematique Universe), i'm somehow losing my mind over said term like I didn't realize the truth earlier LMAOOO and we didn't even go into this planning it... hey, that's a 100/10 in my book.
the day after my b-day is still amazing, owing it to the ask right here 😎👌 and once i finally buy the cake, i need to take all the pics... [milla vc: it's my mission] and the two jude pfps and marie simulator is still the best thing ever, thank you for indulging me 🤣 i'm going to remember that forever also...
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