kyoonglight · 6 years
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[submission] HII KELLYYYY WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS!! also im one of your secret admirers n i love your blog k thanks byeeeeee
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb dont rply im so so sorry im making so many vent posts recnently i jsut sdhhhhh,
and its jus tlike wha tever. it doesnt ma tter. none of it fucking ma tters and i ju st.. i dont kn ow im so tired . im so fucking tied and im never g etting out of he re. im never going to be f ree an is the o nly thing  ufcking asked for i do nt c are. i dont c are i just want to go  bu i cant i c ant i j.  i just. 
yknw when hting sjust g et to you and. i do n tk now . they ke ep. gettjing to me of c oruse and it s like. i dont know i some times wish my li fe meant something i someimes wi sh. i dont fcking kn ow i jsut wi sh i wasnt a fuckign screw up! i siwsh something  i did ma t tere di wish a pie ce of me was jsut worth the ime of ufcking d ay but in the end its  ot and m just pathetic and st uc  here and i dont have anything els e or anywhe re to go  or anytone to go to oim jsut ufcking sti uck being msiserable and the most. meaning i ever  hav ei sjust being a god dan joke and not even a fu nny ucking one im just a fucking i di ot that no one eve blood y wanted and i just. GO D i jsut . fuck it up fuck it u  p why do i djst always fuck it up why cant i do somthing right why cant i do ANYHTNG right and i ahte how pathetic it sounds to ke ep fucking aksing that on a l oop bu i genuienly . i gen u  ely ty  and it meas fucking nothing its so fuc k ing pointless i jus t.  its never been worth it to bot her and id o nt know if i care any mor e i ju st. im acting like a ch ild still clinging onto the fu cki ng hope and still fucking dra gging my stupid ass aloo ng whe  know ts bee n dead for fuckign years theres bee n no fuck ing p ont for years i c ant fuck i ng do it i caant fucking do th i s at all and i j  st. 
you  know when ther es times when y o u feel alright and l ike ma ybe .. you delude your self into th inki ng you cou ld just make it through the d ay for fu cking once and th en som eone just c rushes it a ll and fck in point sout th at its sos tupid that its so fuc k ing pa thetic and youve done nothing at all. ad it jus t fu cking  alls ap ar t. be case theyr e right. when pe ople say things to you and theyre me an you cant just brush it off because theyre RIGHT liek i am like that i am stupid and i am annoyng and i dont kn ow what im doing and i dont know how to t alk to peo ple and i dont know how to do any thing not even the ba re fucing minimum right  and im alo ne be case i fuck ital l u p and none of it . even ma ttered and do you ever g et s ad like just thinking about times you w ere frien ds with some people and how some times even th en it jsut fellt so much more fucking lonely than it do es when you hide away for days on end be cause then it was so appa rent how little yo um ean and itsn ot their fault its never be en anyone els es fault but your go damnn o wnand iyou ju s t. feel. so .pathetic a nd . ha t. wha t am i eve n triyng to kcing achiev ee any mroe when its al o s i dont unders tand and i jst cant. get it out of my he ad but i dnt even have the drive to fuck ng kill myself any m ore i just . ggod fuck
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